! --- special colors --- *background: #191919 *foreground: #d9e6f2 ! --- standard colors --- ! black *color0: #191919 ! bright_black *color8: #484848 ! red *color1: #e07c55 ! bright_red *color9: #eaa88e ! green *color2: #55e07c ! bright_green *color10: #8eeaa8 ! yellow *color3: #b8e055 ! bright_yellow *color11: #d0ea8e ! blue *color4: #7c55e0 ! bright_blue *color12: #a88eea ! magenta *color5: #e055b8 ! bright_magenta *color13: #ea8ed0 ! cyan *color6: #55b8e0 ! bright_cyan *color14: #8ed0ea ! white *color7: #cdcdcd ! bright_white *color15: #e7e7e7 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! --- end of terminal colors section ------------------------------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! fonts ! run "fc-list" for a list of available fonts URxvt*font: xft:Droid Sans Mono:pixelsize=10 URxvt*letterSpace: -1 URxvt*scrollBar: False URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: False URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: True URxvt*secondaryScroll: True URxvt*saveLines: 8000 urxvt*depth: 32 urxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0200/c800 urxvt*transparent: true urxvt*shading: 30