## ## i3 config ## ## ## Autostart ## exec ~/.config/i3/autostart.sh ## ## Variables ## ## Mod-keys ## set $alt Mod1 set $super Mod4 ## Terminal ## set $tmx uxterm -e ~/bin/tmx set $term uxterm ## Navigation ## set $left h set $down j set $up k set $right l ## Workspaces ## set $WS0 0: set $WS1 1: set $WS2 2: set $WS3 3: set $WS4 4: set $WS5 5: set $WS6 6: set $WS7 7: set $WS8 8: ## ## Borders, and titles ## font pango:DejaVu Sans 8 for_window [class="Obshutdown"] floating enable ## Hide titles ## for_window [class="Firefox" instance="Navigator"] border none for_window [class="utox" instance="utox"] border none for_window [class="Deadbeef" instance="deadbeef"] border none for_window [class="Gimp" instance="gimp"] border none for_window [class="NetBeans IDE 8.0.2" instance="sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer"] border none for_window [class="Geeqie" instance="geeqie"] border none ## Size of border ## new_window pixel 1 ## ## Colors ## ## Default ## # client.focused #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff #2e9ef4 # client.focused_inactive #333333 #5f676a #ffffff #484e50 # client.unfocused #333333 #222222 #888888 #292d2e # client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000 # class border backgr. text indicator client.focused #cecece #cecece #2b2b2b #cecece client.focused_inactive #5f676a #5f676a #cecece #5f676a client.unfocused #222222 #222222 #888888 #222222 client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000 ## ## Keys ## ## Use Controlouse ## floating_modifier $super ## Functional keys ## bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight +10 bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -10 bindsym XF86AudioMute exec ~/.config/i3/togglesound.sh ## Screenshot ## bindsym Print exec import -window root ~/pic/scr/`date +%d%m%y%H%M%S`.png ## Start a terminal ## bindsym $super+Return exec $term bindsym $super+t exec $tmx ## Start dmenu (a program launcher) ## bindsym $super+d exec ~/bin/dmenu ## ## MPD integration ## bindsym F10 exec mpc toggle bindsym F11 exec mpc prev bindsym F12 exec mpc next ## ## WND mode ## bindsym $super+r mode "WND" mode "WND" { bindsym $left resize shrink width 1 px or 1 ppt bindsym $down resize shrink height 1 px or 1 ppt bindsym $up resize grow height 1 px or 1 ppt bindsym $right resize grow width 1 px or 1 ppt ## Title / show / hide border ## bindsym o border toggle ## Back to normal ## bindsym r mode "default" } ## ## Tiles ## ## Kill focused window ## bindsym $alt+q kill ## Focus tile ## bindsym $super+$left focus left bindsym $super+$down focus down bindsym $super+$up focus up bindsym $super+$right focus right ## Move focused window ## bindsym $alt+$left move left bindsym $alt+$up move up bindsym $alt+$down move down bindsym $alt+$right move right ## Split in horizontal orientation ## bindsym $super+g split h ## Split in vertical orientation ## bindsym $super+v split v ## Enter fullscreen mode for the focused container ## bindsym $super+f fullscreen toggle ## Change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split) ## bindsym $super+s layout stacking bindsym $super+w layout tabbed # bindsym $super+e layout toggle split ## Toggle tiling / floating ## bindsym $alt+space floating toggle ## Change focus between tiling / floating windows ## bindsym $super+space focus mode_toggle ## Focus the parent container ## bindsym $super+a focus parent ## ## Power control buttons ## ## Reload the configuration file ## bindsym $alt+c reload ## Restart i3 inplace ## bindsym $alt+r restart ## Obshutdown ## bindsym $alt+o exec obshutdown -c ~/.config/obshutdown.rc ## i3shutdown ## bindsym $alt+i exec ~/bin/i3shutdown ## Exit in i3 ## # bindsym $alt+e exit ## ## Workspaces ## ## Support NumPad with code-keys ## # [+] [-] | [86] [82] # [7] [8] [9] | [79] [80] [81] # [4] [5] [6] | [83] [84] [85] # [1] [2] [3] | [87] [88] [89] # [0] | [90] ## Terminal with administrator permisions ## workspace $WS0 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+0 workspace $WS0 bindsym $alt+0 move container to workspace $WS0 bindcode $super+90 workspace $WS0 bindcode $alt+90 move container to workspace $WS0 ## Tmux ## workspace $WS1 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+1 workspace $WS1 bindsym $alt+1 move container to workspace $WS1 bindcode $super+87 workspace $WS1 bindcode $alt+87 move container to workspace $WS1 ## Firefox or any other web browser ## workspace $WS2 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+2 workspace $WS2 bindsym $alt+2 move container to workspace $WS2 bindcode $super+88 workspace $WS2 bindcode $alt+88 move container to workspace $WS2 ## IRC, TOX, etc... ## workspace $WS3 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+3 workspace $WS3 bindsym $alt+3 move container to workspace $WS3 bindcode $super+89 workspace $WS3 bindcode $alt+89 move container to workspace $WS3 ## View films or listen music ## workspace $WS4 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+4 workspace $WS4 bindsym $alt+4 move container to workspace $WS4 bindcode $super+83 workspace $WS4 bindcode $alt+83 move container to workspace $WS4 ## NetBeans / IDEA or pseudo IDE ## workspace $WS5 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+5 workspace $WS5 bindsym $alt+5 move container to workspace $WS5 bindcode $super+84 workspace $WS5 bindcode $alt+84 move container to workspace $WS5 ## Usualy GIMP ## workspace $WS6 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+6 workspace $WS6 bindsym $alt+6 move container to workspace $WS6 bindcode $super+85 workspace $WS6 bindcode $alt+85 move container to workspace $WS6 ## Files ## workspace $WS7 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+7 workspace $WS7 bindsym $alt+7 move container to workspace $WS7 bindcode $super+79 workspace $WS7 bindcode $alt+79 move container to workspace $WS7 ## Misc ## workspace $WS8 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT bindsym $super+8 workspace $WS8 bindsym $alt+8 move container to workspace $WS8 bindcode $super+80 workspace $WS8 bindcode $alt+80 move container to workspace $WS8 ## Do sth ## #workspace 9 output PRIMARY_OUTPUT #bindsym $super+9 workspace 9 #bindcode $super+81 workspace 9 #bindsym $alt+9 move container to workspace 9 #bindcode $alt+81 move container to workspace 9 ## Navigation of workspaces (go to, move to) ## bindcode $super+86 workspace next bindsym $super+Right workspace next bindcode $alt+86 move container to workspace next bindsym $alt+Right move container to workspace next bindcode $super+82 workspace prev bindsym $super+Left workspace prev bindcode $alt+82 move container to workspace prev bindsym $alt+Left move container to workspace prev ## Workspaces for applications ## assign [class="Firefox"] $WS2 assign [class="utox"] $WS3 assign [class="Deadbeef"] $WS4 assign [class="Netbeans"] $WS5 assign [class="Gimp"] $WS6 assign [class="Pcmanfm"] $WS7 assign [class="Engrampa"] $WS7 assign [class="Geeqie"] $WS7 assign [class="Deluge"] $WS7 ## ## Bar ## bar { strip_workspace_numbers yes font pango:dejavu sans 9 status_command ~/.config/i3/bar.sh workspace_buttons yes tray_output none separator_symbol " " i3bar_command /usr/bin/i3bar-icons colors { background #1b1b1b statusline #999999 # border backgr text focused_workspace #cccccc #444444 #cccccc active_workspace #cccccc #444444 #cccccc inactive_workspace #444444 #1b1b1b #cccccc urgent_workspace #cccccc #bf3939 #cccccc } }