Dzen mini punel. (scrot) (+1 likes)
bamburuncing Oct 18, 2015 (info/dzen2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | out_to_x no
out_to_console yes
use_spacer none
background no
double_buffer yes
^bg(\#4e4e4e) ^i(/home/ubuntu/.icons/xbm/net_up_03.xbm) ^bg()^bg(\#4e4e4e)^fg(\#232323)^fn(DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:antialias=yes:pixelsize=9) ^fn()^bg()^fg()^fn(cure:pixelsize=9)^bg(\#232323) ${upspeed ppp0} ^fn()^bg()^bg(\#4e4e4e) ^i(/home/ubuntu/.icons/xbm/net_down_03.xbm) ^bg()^bg(\#4e4e4e)^fg(\#232323)^fn(DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:antialias=yes:pixelsize=9) ^fn()^bg()^fg()^bg(\#232323)^fn(cure:pixelsize=9) ${downspeed ppp0} ^bg()^fn()^ca(1,dzen-mpd)^bg(\#4e4e4e) ^i(/home/ubuntu/.icons/xbm/note.xbm) ^bg() ^ca() ^i(/home/ubuntu/.icons/xbm/spkr_01.xbm) ${exec barvolume} ^bg(\#4e4e4e) ^i(/home/ubuntu/.icons/xbm/bat_full_02.xbm) ^bg()^bg(\#4e4e4e)^fg(\#5F101F)^fn(DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:antialias=yes:pixelsize=9)^fn()^bg()^fg()^bg(\#5F101F)^fg(\#b5b5b5)^fn(cure:pixelsize=9) Pow: ${exec mpdstatus baterai} ^fg()^bg()^bg(\#232323) ^ca(1,info-box)^ca(3,dzen-mpd)${exec date +"%a, %b %d %H:%M"}^fn() ^ca()^ca()
to use this config, you must have dzen2 and conky (you can get that package on your distro repository, on compile it from source)
first, change word “/home/ubuntu” on .conkyrc-time file to /home/(your username)
second, use sm4tik xbm, extract it, and copy to ~/.icons/
third, using font patch for powerline. google it by yourself to find it.
fourth, run the dzen with