# # This is the default wmfs config file, copy it to # ~/.config/wmfs/wmfsrc and edit it. # ## author: Ivo # # Include file to split configuration # @include "~/.config/wmfs/menu-wmfsrc" [misc] font = "dejavu-9" raisefocus = false focus_follow_mouse = false focus_follow_movement = false #opacity = 255 # focus_pointer_click: click on unfocused client area: # true -- default, set focus # false -- click go to client; including dockapps focus_pointer_click = true status_timing = 3 #seconds status_path = "~/.config/wmfs/status.sh" [/misc] [bar] bg = "#B1C69B" fg = "#80536D" border = false #height = "30" light_shade = 0.10 dark_shade = -0.10 [systray] # Enable/disable systray active = true # Screen of systray screen = 0 # Spacing between tray icons spacing = 3 [/systray] [/bar] [layouts] fg = "#80536D" bg = "#B1C69B" # Border around the layout button. border = false # Value menu or switch. system = "switch" # Value left or right. placement = "left" # Keep layout geo for free layout keep_layout_geo = false # Symbol displayed for the selected layout in the list selected_layout_symbol = ">" # Width of layout button # layout_button_width = 20 # Tiling layouts. [layout] type = "tile_right" symbol = "|>]" [/layout] [layout] type = "tile_left" symbol = "[<|" [/layout] [layout] type = "tile_top" symbol = "[T]" [/layout] [layout] type = "tile_bottom" symbol = "[B]" [/layout] [layout] type = "tile_grid" symbol = "[#]" [/layout] [layout] type = "tile_grid_vertical" symbol = "[=]" [/layout] [layout] type = "mirror_vertical" symbol = "|||" [/layout] [layout] type = "mirror_horizontal" symbol = "=|=" [/layout] # Other layouts. [layout] type = "max" symbol = "[M]" [/layout] [layout] type = "free" symbol = "><" [/layout] [/layouts] [tags] [default_tag] name = "new tag" mwfact = 0.5 nmaster = 1 layout = "tile_right" resizehint = false infobar_position = "top" [/default_tag] # whether client_next on the last tag will send you on the first # and client_prev on the first tag will send you on the last one tag_round = false # Going twice on the same tag will bring you back on the previous one tag_auto_prev = true occupied_bg = "#80536D" occupied_fg = "#B1C69B" sel_fg = "#B1C69B" sel_bg = "#262626" urgent_bg = "#5B150F" urgent_fg = "#F9CFAD" # If true, number of the tag will be used for name name_count = false #default_name = "new tag" # deprecated, use [default_tag] instead #default_layout = "tile_right" # deprecated, use [default_tag] instead expose_name = "EXPOSE" expose_layout = "tile_left" # Border around the tag buttons. border = false # Hide empty tags in tag list autohide = false # Mouse buttons action on tag. mouse_button_tag_sel = "1" mouse_button_tag_transfert = "2" mouse_button_tag_add = "3" mouse_button_tag_next = "4" mouse_button_tag_prev = "5" [tag] name = "|1T|" screen = 0 layout = "tile_bottom" [/tag] [tag] name = "|2W|" [/tag] [tag] name = "|3E|" screen = 0 layout = "tile_grid" [/tag] [tag] name = "|4M|" screen = 0 layout = "tile_bottom" [/tag] [tag] name = "|5G|" screen = 0 layout = "mirror_vertical" [/tag] [tag] name = "|6V|" screen = 0 layout = "free" [/tag] [/tags] [client] client_round = true client_auto_center = false border_height = 2 border_shadow = false border_normal = "#262626" border_focus = "#B1C69B" place_at_mouse = false resize_corner_normal = "#262626" resize_corner_focus = "#B1C69B" set_new_win_master = true client_tile_raise = false new_client_get_mouse = false # send all client that have no tag rule in this default tag #default_open_tag = 4 # same as above but for the screen #default_open_screen = 1 # Space between tiled clients padding = 2 # Modifier for mouse use modifier = "Mod4" light_shade = 0.10 dark_shade = -0.10 # *DEPRECATED* but works, see [rules] section # Set automatic free or max client # autofree = "xterm|MPlayer" # automax = "Navigator" [mouse] button = "1" func = "client_raise" [/mouse] [mouse] button = "1" func = "mouse_move" [/mouse] [mouse] button = "3" func = "client_raise" [/mouse] [mouse] button = "3" func = "mouse_resize" [/mouse] [/client] [rules] [rule] instance = "urxvt" class = "urxvt" screen = 0 tag = "1" layout = "tile_right" [/rule] [rule] instance = "luakit" class = "luakit" screen = 0 tag = "2" max = false [/rule] [rule] instance = "chromium" class = "chromium" screen = 0 tag = "2" max = false [/rule] [rule] instance = "leafpad" class = "leafpad" screen = 0 tag = "3" max = false [/rule] [rule] instance = "skype" class = "skype" screen = 0 tag = "4" max = false layout = "free" [/rule] [rule] instance = "gimp" class = "gimp" screen = 0 tag = "5" max = false layout = "free" [/rule] [rule] instance = "zathura" class = "zathura" screen = 0 tag = "4" max = false layout = "free" [/rule] [rule] instance = "VirtualBox" class = "VirtualBox" screen = 0 tag = "6" max = false layout = "free" [/rule] [/rules] [launcher] [set_launcher] # Limit size of the launcher window (px) width_limit = 300 name = "launcher_exec" prompt = "Exec: " command = "exec" [/set_launcher] #ViWMFS : manage wmfs with vi-based command. [set_launcher] name = "viwmfs" prompt = "> " command = "wmfs -V" [/set_launcher] [/launcher] [keys] # Root menu [key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "r" func = "menu" cmd = "rootmenu" [/key] # Reload the configuration of wmfs. [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Control"} key = "r" func = "reload" [/key] # Open a terminal. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "x" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt" [/key] # Kill the selected client. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "q" func = "client_kill" [/key] # Quit wmfs. [key] mod = {"Control", "Alt", "Shift"} key = "q" func = "quit" [/key] # Swap current client with the next. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "n" func = "client_swap_next" [/key] # Swap current client with the previous. [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "b" func = "client_swap_prev" [/key] # Set the selected client as Master [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "m" func = "client_set_master" [/key] # Toggle maximum the selected client [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "m" func = "toggle_max" [/key] # Toggle free the selected client. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "f" func = "toggle_free" [/key] # Toggle the position of the infobar. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "v" func = "toggle_infobar_position" [/key] # Toggle the resizehint of the current tag/screen [key] mod = {"Shift", "Control"} key = "r" func = "toggle_resizehint" [/key] # Toggle the tag_autohide mode [key] mod = {"Shift", "Control"} key = "t" func = "toggle_tagautohide" [/key] # Select the next client. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "Tab" func = "client_next" [/key] # Select the previous client. [key] mod = {"Mod4","Shift"} key = "Tab" func = "client_prev" [/key] # Select the next tag. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "Right" func = "tag_next" [/key] # Select the previous tag. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "Left" func = "tag_prev" [/key] # Select the next visible tag. [key] mod = {"Control","Mod4"} key = "Right" func = "tag_next_visible" [/key] # Select the previous visible tag. [key] mod = {"Control","Mod4"} key = "Left" func = "tag_prev_visible" [/key] # Set the next layout. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "space" func = "layout_next" [/key] # Set the previous layout. [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "space" func = "layout_prev" [/key] # Increase mwfact. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "l" func = "set_mwfact" cmd = "+0.025" [/key] # Decrease mwfact. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "h" func = "set_mwfact" cmd = "-0.025" [/key] # Increase nmaster. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "d" func = "set_nmaster" cmd = "+1" [/key] # Decease nmaster. [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "d" func = "set_nmaster" cmd = "-1" [/key] #Launcher. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "p" func = "launcher" cmd = "launcher_exec" [/key] #ViWMFS [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "Escape" func = "launcher" cmd = "viwmfs" [/key] # Open [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "u" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e ranger" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "i" func = "spawn" cmd = "jumanji" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "c" func = "spawn" cmd = "chromium" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "w" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e feh --bg-scale /home/ivo/fotos/rtc7.png" [/key] # Set the tag x. [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "1" func = "tag" cmd = "1" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "2" func = "tag" cmd = "2" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "3" func = "tag" cmd = "3" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "4" func = "tag" cmd = "4" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "5" func = "tag" cmd = "5" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "6" func = "tag" cmd = "6" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "7" func = "tag" cmd = "7" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4"} key = "8" func = "tag" cmd = "8" [/key] # Transfert selected client to x. [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F1" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="1" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F2" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="2" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F3" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="3" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F4" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="4" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F5" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="5" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F6" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="6" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F7" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="7" [/key] [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "F8" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="8" [/key] # Toggle additional tags (x) on the current tag [key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F1" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="1" [/key] [key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F2" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="2" [/key] [key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F3" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="3" [/key] [key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F4" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="4" [/key] # change screen [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "Tab" func = "screen_next" [/key] [key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "Tab" func = "screen_prev" [/key] # swap client in the next/prev screen [key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "a" func = "client_screen_next" [/key] [key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "z" func = "client_screen_prev" [/key] # client_ignore_tag (display the client on all tags) [key] mod = {"Mod4", "Shift"} key = "i" func = "client_ignore_tag" [/key] # unlisted fonctions that can be used in [key] func = "" # client_focus_{right, left, top, bottom} # client_ignore_tag # Toggle the client in ignore_tag (display the client on all tags) # tag_prev_sel # go back to the previous selected tag # tag_transfert_{next, prev} # tag_urgent # go to the urgent tag # tag_swap_{next, prev} # swap tag with the previous/next one # tag_last # go to the last tag # tag_stay_last # toggle the current tag as the last one # toggle_abovefc # screen_prev_sel # go to the previous screen selected # set_layout # set layout. need to be called with cmd = "" # ignore_next_client_rules # ignore the rule the next time a rule is called [/keys]