;===================================================== ; ; To learn more about how to configure Polybar ; go to https://github.com/jaagr/polybar ; ; The README contains alot of information ; ;===================================================== [colors] background = #222 background-alt = #444 foreground = #dfdfdf foreground-alt = #55 primary = #ffb52a secondary = #e60053 alert = #bd2c40 [global/wm] margin-top = 5 margin-bottom = 5 [settings] screenchange-reload = true [bar/bottom] monitor = VGA-0 modules-left = modules-center = cpu memory eth temperature date volume modules-right = background = #00000000 foreground = ${colors.foreground} bottom = true width = 100% height = 25 offset-x = 0 offset-y = 0 [bar/example] monitor = VGA-0 width = 100% height = 25 offset-x = 0 offset-y = 0 ;background = ${xrdb:color9} ;background transparente background = #00000000 ;background = #2F343F foreground = ${colors.foreground} overline-size = 0 overline-color = #f00 underline-size = 0 underline-color = #00f border-bottom-size = 1 border-bottom-color = #0088CC padding-left = 0 padding-right = 2 module-margin-left = 1 module-margin-right = 2 font-0 = hack:pixelsize=12;1 font-1 = unifont:size=6:heavy:fontformat=truetype;-2 font-2 = siji:pixelsize=10;0 font-3 = FontAwesome:size=11;-1 modules-left = menu i3 xwindow modules-center = modules-right = cpu memory eth date volume tray-position = right tray-padding = 0 ;tray-transparent = true ;wm-restack = i3 scroll-up = i3wm-wsnext scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev bottom = false [module/xwindow] type = internal/xwindow ;label = %title:0:40:...% ;label = %{o#503896 u#503896 +o +u B#301674} %title:0:40:...% %{B- -o -u} label = %title:0:70:...% %{B- -o -u} [module/xtitle] type = custom/script exec = xwindowname tail tail = true format = %{T3} %{T-} [module/xkeyboard] type = internal/xkeyboard blacklist-0 = num lock label-layout = %{F#55}%{F-} %layout% label-layout-underline = ${colors.secondary} label-indicator-padding = 2 label-indicator-margin = 1 label-indicator-background = ${colors.secondary} label-indicator-underline = ${colors.secondary} [module/menu] type = custom/menu ; "menu-LEVEL-N" has the same properties as "label-NAME" with ; the additional "exec" property ; ; Available exec commands: ; menu-open-LEVEL ; menu-close ; Other commands will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND" ; menu-0-0 = Browsers menu-0-0-exec = menu-open-1 menu-0-2 = Multimedia menu-0-2-exec = menu-open-3 menu-1-0 = Firefox menu-1-0-exec = firefox & menu-1-1 = Chromium menu-1-1-exec = chromium & menu-2-0 = Gimp menu-2-0-exec = gimp & menu-2-1 = Scrot menu-2-1-exec = scrot & menu-3-0 = Gvim menu-3-0-exec = gvim & [module/filesystem] type = internal/fs interval = 0.5 mount-0 = / label-mounted =  %mountpoint%: %percentage_free% label-unmounted = %mountpoint%: not mounted label-unmounted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/i3] type = internal/i3 format = index-sort = true wrapping-scroll = true strip-wsnumbers = true pin-workspaces = true label-mode-padding = 2 label-mode-foreground = #0088CC label-unfocused-foreground = #555555 label-unfocused-padding = 1 label-visible-foregroud = #888888 label-visible-padding = 1 label-focused-foreground = #0088CC label-focused-padding = 2 label-urgent-padding = 1 label-dimmed-underline = ${BAR.background} label-focused-underline = #0088CC [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 0.5 format =