# # herbstluftwm hotkeys # # reload sxhkd config alt + shift + s pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd # quit herbstluftwm super + control + q herbstclient quit # handle panels and reloading super + shift + r pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd; pkill panel; herbstclient reload # close windows super + w herbstclient close_and_remove # kill panel properly and quit super + shift + q herbstclient close; pkill lemonbar; pkill panel # # focus # #super + u # herbstclient cycle_monitor super + {Left,Down,Up,Right,h,j,k,l} herbstclient focus {left,down,up,right,left,down,up,right} # moving clients super + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right,h,j,k,l} herbstclient shift {left,down,up,right,left,down,up,right # window splitting super + {z,q,e} herbstclient split {bottom 0.5,right 0.5, explode} # resizing frames super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} herbstclient resize {left +0.01,down +0.01,up +0.01,right +0.01} # cycle through tags super + {Tab,Tab} herbstclient spawn tagswitch.sh {next, prev} super + p herbstclient spawn swap auto # layouting super + {r,s,shift+f,shift+m,shift+p} herbstclient {remove,floating toggle, fullscreen toggle, pseudotile toggle} # shift client to specified monitor #alt + {apostrophe,section} # herbstclient shift_to_monitor {1,0} # # wm independent hotkeys # # toggle redshift mod5 + F7 pkill -USR1 redshift # Terminal Emulator super + Return termite # Program Launcher super + space rofi -show run # Custom action alt + shift + d mpc del 0 mod5 + F9 xbacklight -inc 1 mod5 + F8 xbacklight -dec 2 alt + ctrl + {Up,Down} mpc volume {+,-}3 alt + ctrl + {Left,Right} mpc {prev,next} mod5 + w vivaldi mod5 + {f,m,n} termite -e {ranger,mutt,ncmpcpp} mod5 + twosuperior mpc {pause,play}