1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 | # PLEASE READ THE MAN PAGE BEFORE EDITING THIS FILE!
# http://opensource.conformal.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?spectrwm
# NOTE: all rgb color values in this file are in hex! see XQueryColor for examples
# workspace_limit = 22
#focus_mode = default
# focus_close = previous
# focus_close_wrap = 1
# focus_default = last
# spawn_position = next
# warp_pointer = 1
#Window Decoration
border_width = 2
color_focus = rgb:fb/b9/17
color_focus_maximized = yellow
color_unfocus = rgb:88/88/88
color_unfocus_maximized = rgb:88/88/00
# region_padding = 0
# tile_gap = 0
# Region containment
# Distance window must be dragged/resized beyond the region edge before it is
# allowed outside the region.
# boundary_width = 50
# Remove window border when bar is disabled and there is only one window in workspace
# disable_border = 1
# Bar Settings
bar_enabled = 1
bar_border_width = 1
bar_border[1] = rgb:c2/b2/80
bar_border_unfocus[1] = rgb:00/40/40
bar_color[1] = rgb:b8/73/33
bar_font_color[1] = rgb:ff/ff/ff
bar_font = -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#bar_action = baraction.sh
bar_justify = left
bar_format = +N:+I +S <+D>+4<%a %b %d %R %Z %Y+8<+A+4<+V
bar_at_bottom = 1
#stack_enabled = 1
clock_enabled = 1
clock_format = %a %b %d %R %Z %Y
#iconic_enabled = 0
# window_class_enabled = 0
# window_instance_enabled = 0
# window_name_enabled = 0
# verbose_layout = 1
# urgent_enabled = 1
### Application Settings ### {{{
### Spawn Apps ### {{{
program[lock] = slock
#program [xautolock] = xautolock -time 10 -locker 'i3lock -i /home/mindaugas/Pictures/Wallpapers/Bitday-Backgrounds/Debian_Wallpaper_5.png'
# shortcuts
bind[firefox] = Mod4+Shift+F
bind[chromium] = Mod4+Shift+C
bind[hexchat] = Mod4+Shift+H
bind[pidgin] = Mod4+Shift+P
bind[audacious] = Mod4+Shift+A
bind[liferea] = Mod4+Shift+L
bind[pcmanfm] = Mod4+Shift+M
bind[lock] = MOD+Shift+Delete
# Dialog box size ratio when using TRANSSZ quirk; 0.3 < dialog_ratio <= 1.0
# dialog_ratio = 0.6
# Split a non-RandR dual head setup into one region per monitor
# (non-standard driver-based multihead is not seen by spectrwm)
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+0+0
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+1280+0
# Launch applications in a workspace of choice
# autorun = ws[1]:xterm
autorun = ws[1]:nitrogen --restore &
#autorun = ws[1]:wicd-client --tray
#autorun = ws[1]:pasystray
# autorun = ws[2]:xombrero http://www.openbsd.org
# spectrwm startup autorun
autorun = ws[1]:gxkb
# Customize workspace layout at start
# layout = ws[1]:4:0:0:0:vertical
# layout = ws[2]:0:0:0:0:horizontal
# layout = ws[3]:0:0:0:0:fullscreen
# layout = ws[4]:4:0:0:0:vertical_flip
# layout = ws[5]:0:0:0:0:horizontal_flip
# Set workspace name at start
name = ws[1]:Terminal
name = ws[2]:Browser
name = ws[3]:IRC
name = ws[4]:Chat
name = ws[5]:Music
name = ws[6]:RSS
name = ws[7]:Video
# Mod key, (Windows key is Mod4) (Apple key on OSX is Mod2)
modkey = Mod4
# This allows you to include pre-defined key bindings for your keyboard layout.
# keyboard_mapping = ~/.spectrwm_us.conf
# Validated default programs:
#program[lock] = xscreensaver-command -lock
program[term] = sakura
program[menu] = dmenu_run $dmenu_bottom -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf $bar_font_color -sb $bar_border -sf $bar_color
# To disable validation of the above, free the respective binding(s):
# bind[] = MOD+Shift+Delete # disable lock
# bind[] = MOD+Shift+Enter # disable term
# bind[] = MOD+p # disable menu
# Optional default programs that will only be validated if you override:
#program[screenshot_all] = screenshot.sh full # optional
#program[screenshot_wind] = screenshot.sh window # optional
# program[initscr] = initscreen.sh # optional
# EXAMPLE: Define 'firefox' action and bind to key.
# program[firefox] = firefox http://spectrwm.org/
# bind[firefox] = MOD+Shift+b
# Default quirks, remove with: quirk[class:name] = NONE
# quirk[MPlayer:xv] = FLOAT + FULLSCREEN + FOCUSPREV
# quirk[OpenOffice.org 2.4:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
# quirk[OpenOffice.org 3.0:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
# quirk[OpenOffice.org 3.1:VCLSalFrame] = FLOAT
# quirk[Firefox-bin:firefox-bin] = TRANSSZ
# quirk[Firefox:Dialog] = FLOAT
# quirk[Gimp:gimp] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# quirk[XTerm:xterm] = XTERM_FONTADJ
# quirk[xine:Xine Window] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# quirk[Xitk:Xitk Combo] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# quirk[xine:xine Panel] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# quirk[Xitk:Xine Window] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# quirk[xine:xine Video Fullscreen Window] = FULLSCREEN + FLOAT
# quirk[pcb:pcb] = FLOAT
quirk[Clipit:clipit] = FLOAT + IGNORESPAWNWS
quirk[Gimp:gimp] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
quirk[feh:feh] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
quirk[audacious:audacious] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
Simple spectrwm config