;===================================================== ; ; To learn more about how to configure Polybar ; go to https://github.com/jaagr/polybar ; ; The README contains alot of information ; ;===================================================== [colors] ; Based on gruvbox colors background = #1d2021 background-alt = #282828 foreground = #a89984 foreground-alt = #665c54 primary = #458588 secondary = #cc241d alert = #689d6a white = #ebdbb2 [global/wm] margin-top = 0 margin-bottom = 0 [bar/top] ;bottom = true monitor = ${env:MONITOR:LVDS1} width = 100% height = 18 offset-x = 0 offset-y = 0 ;background = ${xrdb:color9} background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} overline-size = 0 overline-color = #f00 underline-size = 0 underline-color = ${colors.primary} border-bottom-size = 0 border-bottom-color = ${colors.primary} spacing = 1 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 1 module-margin-right = 1 font-0 = Fixed:pixelsize=8;0 font-1 = unifont:size=8:Tewi:fontformat=truetype;-2 font-2 = Siji:pixelsize=8;0 modules-left = menu i3 modules-center = date modules-right = cpu memory temperature wlan battery tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 [module/i3] type = internal/i3 ; ws-icon-[0-9]+ = label;icon ws-icon-0 = 1; ws-icon-1 = 2; ws-icon-2 = 3; ws-icon-3 = 4; ws-icon-4 = 5; ws-icon-5 = 6; ws-icon-6 = 7; ws-icon-7 = 8; ws-icon-8 = 9; ws-icon-9 = 10; ws-icon-default =  strip-wsnumbers = true label-focused = %{F#cc241d}%{F-}%{F#458588}%name%%{F-} label-focused-underline = ${colors.primary} #label-focused-foreground = ${colors.white} label-focused-padding = 1 label-unfocused = %name% label-unfocused-padding = 1 label-unfocused-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label-urgent = %name% label-urgent-foreground = ${colors.alert} label-urgent-padding = 1 label-visible = %name% label-visible-padding = 1 [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 2 format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ;format-underline = #f90000 label = %percentage% [module/memory] type = internal/memory interval = 2 format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ;format-underline = #4bffdc label = %percentage_used% [module/wlan] type = internal/network interface = wlp1s0 interval = 3.0 format-connected = ;format-connected-underline = #5e468c ;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline} label-connected = %essid% label-connected-foreground = ${colors.alert} label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ramp-signal-0 =  ramp-signal-1 =  ramp-signal-2 =  ramp-signal-3 =  ramp-signal-4 =  ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.alert} [module/eth] type = internal/network interface = enp2s0 interval = 3.0 ;format-connected-underline = #287373 format-connected-prefix = " " ;format-connected-foreground-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label-connected = %local_ip% ;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline} label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/date] type = internal/date interval = 5 date = date-alt = %a %d %b %Y time = %H:%M time-alt = %H:%M:%S ; format-prefix =  format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ;format-underline = #0a6cf5 label = %{F#665c54}────[%{F-} %{F#83a598}%date%%{F-}%{F#b16286} %time%%{F-} %{F#665c54}]────%{F-} [module/battery] type = internal/battery battery = BAT1 adapter = ADP1 full-at = 80 format-charging = ;format-charging-underline = #ffb52a format-discharging = ;format-discharging-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline} ; format-full-prefix = " " format-full-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ;format-full-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline} ramp-capacity-0 =  ramp-capacity-1 =  ramp-capacity-2 =  ramp-capacity-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} animation-charging-0 =  animation-charging-1 =  animation-charging-2 =  animation-charging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} animation-charging-framerate = 750 [module/temperature] type = internal/temperature thermal-zone = 0 warn-temperature = 60 format =