! X colors. ! Generated by 'wal' emacs*foreground: #C9BEB4 emacs*background: #272e38 URxvt*foreground: #C9BEB4 XTerm*foreground: #C9BEB4 UXTerm*foreground: #C9BEB4 URxvt*background: [100]#272e38 XTerm*background: #272e38 UXTerm*background: #272e38 URxvt*cursorColor: #C9BEB4 XTerm*cursorColor: #C9BEB4 UXTerm*cursorColor: #C9BEB4 URxvt*borderColor: [100]#272e38 ! Colors 0-15. *.color0: #272e38 *color0: #272e38 *.color1: #698898 *color1: #698898 *.color2: #5290A5 *color2: #5290A5 *.color3: #6F99A9 *color3: #6F99A9 *.color4: #8B9CA5 *color4: #8B9CA5 *.color5: #93A5AD *color5: #93A5AD *.color6: #A2A1A0 *color6: #A2A1A0 *.color7: #C9BEB4 *color7: #C9BEB4 *.color8: #7d8187 *color8: #7d8187 *.color9: #698898 *color9: #698898 *.color10: #5290A5 *color10: #5290A5 *.color11: #6F99A9 *color11: #6F99A9 *.color12: #8B9CA5 *color12: #8B9CA5 *.color13: #93A5AD *color13: #93A5AD *.color14: #A2A1A0 *color14: #A2A1A0 *.color15: #C9BEB4 *color15: #C9BEB4 ! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting. *.color66: #272e38 *color66: #272e38 ! Rofi colors. rofi.color-window: #272e38, #272e38, #5290A5 rofi.color-normal: #272e38, #C9BEB4, #272e38, #5290A5, #272e38 rofi.color-active: #272e38, #C9BEB4, #272e38, #5290A5, #272e38 rofi.color-urgent: #272e38, #698898, #272e38, #698898, #C9BEB4 ! Xclock colors. XClock*foreground: #C9BEB4 XClock*background: #272e38 XClock*majorColor: rgba:c9/be/b4/ff XClock*minorColor: rgba:c9/be/b4/ff XClock*hourColor: rgba:c9/be/b4/ff XClock*minuteColor: rgba:c9/be/b4/ff XClock*secondColor: rgba:c9/be/b4/ff ! Set depth to make transparency work. URxvt*depth: 32