1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | *foreground: #DDCCBB
! Brown BG
!*background: #30251D
! Grey BG
*background: #151515
*color0: #393939
*color8: #AF875F
*color1: #BF1E2D
*color9: #E7212A
*color2: #9DBA3A
*color10: #A9C938
*color3: #F5B915
*color11: #F7D325
*color4: #1CA1DB
*color12: #00AFDA
*color5: #652F90
*color13: #894E9F
*color6: #EA7D24
*color14: #F79321
*color7: #E7E8E9
*color15: #F3F3F4
Based on j3’s wallpaper…
Font: Neep Semicondensed
Vim Colors: Vim::GetFresh
zshrc: ZSH-alicious
dipilibupap said about 13 years ago
Brown + Green is putting me off for some reason..
The other fit perfectly together apart from that
TSFX said about 13 years ago
omgomg. I love it!