# # This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. # See the file COPYING. # # $Id: .config/subtle/subtle.rb,v 403 2011/11/08 16:03:21 unexist $ # require "socket" # Contrib {{{ begin require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/bin/launcher/launcher.rb" require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/selector.rb" Subtle::Contrib::Selector.font = "xft:Arial:bold:size=10" Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.fonts = [ "xft:Arial:bold:pixelsize=40", "xft:Arial:bold:pixelsize=10" ] Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.browser_screen_num = 0 rescue LoadError end # }}} # Options {{{ set :step, 5 set :snap, 10 set :gravity, :center set :urgent, false set :resize, false set :tiling, false # }}} # Screens {{{ screen 1 do arch = Subtlext::Icon.new("/home/paul/.icons/subtle/subtle1.xbm") top [ :spacer, :mpd, :weather_mod, :spacer, arch ] bottom [ :views, :title, :spacer, :cpu, :separator, :battery, :separator, :clock, :separator, :betternotify, :volume, :tray ] end # }}} # Styles {{{ style :all do padding 1, 4, 1, 4 background "snow1" font "xft:Arial:bold:pixelsize=11" end style :title do foreground "#330066" end style :views do foreground "#7c7c72" icon "#909090" style :focus do foreground "#ffffff" icon "#ff006a" border_bottom "#ff006a", 2 end style :occupied do icon "#330066" foreground "#330066" border_bottom "#330066", 2 end style :urgent do foreground "#c0bd5c" icon "#c0bd5c" end style :visible do padding_top 2 # border_top "#ff006a", 2 end end style :sublets do style :clock do foreground "#399bff" icon "#399bff" end style :tasks do foreground "#ff9800" end style :cpu do foreground "3f3f3f" end style :weather_mod do foreground "#3f3f3f" background "snow1" end style :betternotify do foreground "#ff006a" background "snow1" end foreground "#3f3f3f" background "snow1" end style :separator do foreground "snow1" separator " " end style :clients do # active "#7c7c72", 2 active "#909090", 1 # inactive "#494948", 2 inactive "#f0dfaf", 1 margin 1 end style :subtle do panel "snow1" #background "#595959" stipple "#595959" end # }}} # Gravities {{{ # Full gravity :full, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ] # Top left gravity :top_left, [ 100, 0, 50, 50 ] gravity :top_left66, [ 100, 0, 50, 66 ] gravity :top_left33, [ 100, 0, 50, 34 ] # Top gravity :top, [ 100, 0, 100, 50 ] gravity :top66, [ 100, 0, 100, 66 ] gravity :top33, [ 100, 0, 100, 34 ] # Top right gravity :top_right, [ 100, 50, 50, 50 ] gravity :top_right66, [ 100, 50, 50, 66 ] gravity :top_right33, [ 100, 50, 50, 34 ] # Left gravity :left, [ 0, 50, 50, 100 ] gravity :left66, [ 0, 50, 50, 66 ] gravity :left33, [ 0, 50, 25, 34 ] # Center gravity :center, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ] gravity :center66, [ 0, 0, 100, 66 ] gravity :center33, [ 0, 0, 100, 34 ] # Right gravity :right, [ 50, 0, 50, 100 ] gravity :right66, [ 50, 0, 50, 66 ] gravity :right33, [ 50, 0, 50, 34 ] # Bottom left gravity :bottom_left, [ 0, 50, 50, 50 ] gravity :bottom_left66, [ 0, 50, 50, 66 ] gravity :bottom_left33, [ 0, 50, 50, 34 ] # Bottom gravity :bottom, [ 50, 0, 100, 100 ] gravity :bottom66, [ 50, 0, 100, 66 ] gravity :bottom33, [ 50, 0, 100, 34 ] # Bottom right gravity :bottom_right, [ 0, 50, 50, 50 ] gravity :bottom_right66, [ 0, 50, 50, 66 ] gravity :bottom_right33, [ 0, 50, 50, 34 ] #Gimp gravity :gimp_image, [ 0, 0, 83, 100 ] gravity :gimp_toolbox, [ 83, 0, 17, 30 ] gravity :gimp_dock, [ 83, 30, 17, 70 ] # Scratchpad gravity :scratchpad, [ 20, 50, 60, 45 ] # Pidgin gravity :pidgin, [ 0, 50, 25, 100 ] # }}} # Grabs {{{ # Host specific modkey = "W" gravkeys = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ] # Views and screens (1..9).each do |i| grab modkey + "-#{i}", "ViewSwitch#{i}".to_sym grab modkey + "-S-#{i}", "ViewJump#{i}".to_sym end # Windows grab modkey + "-q", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ] grab modkey + "-w", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ] grab modkey + "-e", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ] grab modkey + "-a", [ :left, :left66, :left33 ] grab modkey + "-s", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ] grab modkey + "-d", [ :right, :right66, :right33 ] grab modkey + "-y", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ] #grab modkey + "-x", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ] grab modkey + "-B1", :WindowMove grab modkey + "-B3", :WindowResize grab modkey + "-S-f", :WindowFloat grab modkey + "-S-space", :WindowFull grab modkey + "-s", :WindowStick grab modkey + "-r", :WindowRaise grab modkey + "-l", :WindowLower grab modkey + "-Left", :WindowLeft grab modkey + "-Down", :WindowDown grab modkey + "-Up", :WindowUp grab modkey + "-Right", :WindowRight grab modkey + "-S-c", :WindowKill grab modkey + "-h", lambda { |c| c.retag } grab "A-Tab" do clients = Subtlext::Client.visible clients.last.instance_eval do focus raise end end grab "A-S-Tab" do clients = Subtlext::Client.visible clients.first.instance_eval do lower end clients.first.instance_eval do focus end end # Reload/restart grab modkey + "-C-q", :SubtleQuit grab modkey + "-C-r", :SubtleReload grab modkey + "-C-A-r", :SubtleRestart # Multimedia keys grab "XF86AudioMute", :VolumeToggle grab "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", :VolumeRaise grab "XF86AudioLowerVolume", :VolumeLower grab "XF86AudioPlay", :MpdToggle grab "XF86AudioStop", :MpdStop grab "XF86AudioNext", :MpdNext grab "XF86AudioPrev", :MpdPrevious # Programs grab modkey + "-Return", "urxvtc" grab modkey + "-c", "chromium" grab modkey + "-f", "firefox" grab modkey + "-t", "thunar" grab modkey + "-p", "/home/paul/scripts/launcher" grab modkey + "-S-d", "/home/paul/scripts/todo1" grab modkey + "-S-r", "urxvtc -name ranger -e ranger" grab modkey + "-S-n", "urxvtc -name ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp" # Contrib grab "W-x" do Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.run end grab "W-z" do Subtle::Contrib::Selector.run end # Scratchpad grab "W-S-s" do if (c = Subtlext::Client.first("scratchpad")) c.toggle_stick c.focus elsif (c = Subtlext::Subtle.spawn("urxvtc -name scratchpad")) c.tags = [] c.flags = [ :stick ] end end # Tags {{{ tag "terms" do match instance: "xterm|urxvtc|urxvt|terminal" # exclude instance: "scratchpad" gravity :center resize true end tag "net" do match "navigator|(google\-)?chrom[e|ium]" gravity :center end tag "edit" do match "[g]?vim|gedit" resize true end tag "file" do match "thunar|ranger" end tag "im" do match "pidgin" gravity :pidgin end tag "media" do match "mplayer|ncmpcpp|vlc" float true #stick true #urgent true end tag "stuff" do match "calibre" gravity :center end tag "float" do match :name => "Copying*"; match :name => "Moving*"; match :name => "File*"; float true end tag "scratchpad" do match :instance => "scratchpad" gravity :scratchpad urgent false stick true end tag "stick" do match "dialog|subtly|python|gtk.rb|display|pychrom|skype|xev|evince|exe||plugin-container" stick true float true end tag "urgent" do stick true urgent true float true end tag "dialogs" do match "sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer" match type: [ :dialog, :splash ] stick true end tag "terms" do match "terms" gravity :center end tag "gimp_image" do match role: "gimp-image-window" gravity :gimp_image end tag "gimp_toolbox" do match role: "gimp-toolbox$" gravity :gimp_toolbox end tag "gimp_dock" do match role: "gimp-dock" gravity :gimp_dock end tag "gimp_scum" do match role: "gimp-.*|screenshot" end # }}} # Views {{{ net = "net" terms = "term" file = "file" im = "im" media = "media" edit = "edit" stuff = "stuff" gimp = "gimp" libre = "libre" icons = true iconpath = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.icons/subtle" space = { :net => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader1.xbm"), :terms => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader2.xbm"), :file => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader3.xbm"), :im => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/balloon.xbm"), :media => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/movie.xbm"), :edit => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/binder.xbm"), :stuff => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/ghost.xbm"), :gimp => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/pencil.xbm"), :libre => Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/mouse.xbm") } view "net" do match net #icon "#{iconpath}/world.xbm" icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader1.xbm") icon_only icons end view "terms" do match terms #icon "#{iconpath}/terminal.xbm" icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader2.xbm") icon_only icons end view "file" do match file #icon "#{iconpath}/quote.xbm" icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/invader3.xbm") icon_only icons end view "im" do match im icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/balloon.xbm") icon_only icons end view "media" do match media icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/movie.xbm") icon_only icons end view "edit" do match edit icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/binder.xbm") icon_only icons end view "stuff" do match stuff icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/ghost.xbm") icon_only icons end view "gimp" do match "gimp_.*" #icon "#{iconpath}/paint.xbm" icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/pencil.xbm") icon_only icons end view "libre" do match libre #icon "#{iconpath}/bug.xbm" icon Subtlext::Icon.new("#{iconpath}/mouse.xbm") icon_only icons end #on :view_jump do |v| # views = Hash[*Subtlext::Screen.all.map { |s| # [ s.view.name.to_sym, space[space.keys[s.id]] ] }.flatten # ] # # Subtlext::View.all.each do |va| # sym = va.name.to_sym # # if(views.keys.include?(sym)) # va.icon.copy_area(views[sym]) # else # va.icon.copy_area(space[va.name.to_sym]) # end # end # Subtlext::Subtle.render #end # }}} on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "setxkbmap gb" end on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "xfsettingsd" end on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "nm-applet" end on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" end on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "gnome-sound-applet" end on :start do Subtlext::Subtle.spawn "pidgin" end # Sublets {{{ #Sublet Colours #col1 = Subtlext::Color.new("#52d017") #col2 = Subtlext::Color.new("#e67373") #col3 = Subtlext::Color.new("#ffffff") #col3 = Subtlext::Color.new("#080808") #col4 = Subtlext::Color.new("#d16587") #col5 = Subtlext::Color.new("#0D25FD") #col6 = Subtlext::Color.new("#6699ff") #col6 = Subtlext::Color.new("#505050") #col7 = Subtlext::Color.new("#3bb9ff") sublet :clock do format_string "%a %b %d, %X" end sublet :weather_mod do interval 7200 locale "en" units "c" location "Swansea" day_color "#3f3f3f" temp_color "#ff006a" sep "-" temp_suffix 'c' end sublet :mpd do interval 30 show_colors true foreground "#6699FF" background "snow1" show_icons false show_pause true def_action "toggle" format_string "%artist% - %title%" pause_text "mpd paused :(" artist_color "#52d017" title_color "#0D25FD" not_running_text "mpd stopped :(" album_color "#0D25FD" stop_color "#3f3f3f" pause_color "red" end sublet :battery do colors 10 => "#FF0000", 20 => "#399bff", 100 => "#33cc00" path "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1" end # }}}