I liked gutterslob’s visibone and I wanted to make a theme based on triads.
I also liked the homogeneity of the solarized suite.
So, I wrote a little python script to generate triads from a given html color. The scripts output six colors, therefore I generated the whole theme (excluding the monotones) from two colors taken from the visibone theme. All the bright colors are supposed to have the same luminance in the Lab space (idem for the dark ones).
Anomareh said about 13 years ago
This is pretty awesome!
baskerville said about 13 years ago
Glad you liked.
Him said about 13 years ago
I love this!
crshd said about 13 years ago
Nice colors. I’ve been in need for something new, gonna give these a shot.
Also, can I haz script plz? I was thinking of writing one myself, but I’m lazy :D
baskerville said about 13 years ago
Here’s the original script:
Meanwhile, I extended my idea into a more general approach, and gave birth to color_sieve:
defer said about 13 years ago
Great theme with well balanced colors. Its just bit too dark for me. I wish you could make another theme with brighter colors. :)
baskerville said about 13 years ago
You can try the ‘cold grey’ and ‘fuscous grey’ versions here: