# Swap Usage:$color $swapperc%${color lightgrey} # the ${template x x x} command uses /sys/bus/platform/devices # for this to work you need both lm-sensors and hddtemp get both from main repos # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background background no own_window yes #own_window_type override own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager out_to_console no use_xft yes xftfont DroidSans:bold:size=8 update_interval 2 # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus) # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone) double_buffer yes #maximum_width 500 #minimum_size 1050 text_buffer_size 35000 draw_shades no # Draw outlines? draw_outline yes # Draw borders around text draw_borders no # Stippled borders? #stippled_borders 10 # border margins border_margin 4 # border width border_width 1 # Default colors and also border colors default_shade_color white default_outline_color black # Text alignment, other possible values are commented #alignment top_left #minimum_size 10 10 alignment top_right #alignment bottom_left #alignment bottom_right #alignment middle_right # Gap between borders of screen and text gap_x 12 gap_y 37 # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects. use_spacer left # Subtract file system buffers from used memory? no_buffers yes # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase uppercase no mpd_host mpd_password mcphee mpd_port 6600 default_color lightblue color1 white #FFFFFF color2 red #FF0000 color3 purple #A020F0 #seperator color color4 black #bar color color5 gray #stats color6 yellow TEXT ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}${color}$nodename$color - ${color}$sysname $kernel ${color}on ${color}$machine ${color}Uptime: ${color}$uptime ${color}- ${color}Load: ${color}$loadavg $color4${hr 2} ################# ####CPU ################# ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}CPU: ${font}${color}Intel i5 @ ${color6}${freq_g} GHz ${color}${alignr}BAT:${color6}${battery_percent BAT0} #${color #6495ed}CPU Fan: $color${platform it87.656 fan 1}${color grey} RPM @ $color${execi 8 cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm1} ${color5}${cpugraph cpu0 35,200 5000a0 6495ed}${color5} ${cpugauge 35} ${color}Core0:$color6 ${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}${color5}${cpubar cpu1 6,170} ${color}Core1:$color6 ${cpu cpu2}% ${alignr}${color5}${cpubar cpu2 6,170} ${color}Core2:$color6 ${cpu cpu3}% ${alignr}${color5}${cpubar cpu3 6,170} ${color}Core3:$color6 ${cpu cpu4}% ${alignr}${color5}${cpubar cpu4 6,170} #${color #6495ed}CPU:$color${platform coretemp.0 temp 2} °C ${color #6495ed}M/B:$color${platform coretemp.0 temp 1} °C ${color #6495ed}sda:$color ${execi 300 sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | cut -c34-35} °C #${color #6495ed}GPU:${color lightgrey}$color${nvidia temp} °C $color4${hr 2} ################# ####Ram ################# ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}RAM:${font} ${color6}$mem (${color6}$memperc%)${color5} ${membar} ${font}${color}${top_mem name 1} ${alignr}${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1} ${font}${color}${top_mem name 2} ${alignr}${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2} # ${color #6495ed}/dev/shm:${color}${fs_used /dev/shm} (${fs_used_perc /dev/shm}%) ${fs_bar /dev/shm} # ${color #6495ed}/tmp: ${color}${fs_used /tmp} (${fs_used_perc /tmp}%) ${fs_bar /tmp} $color4${hr 2} ################# ####Processes ################# ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}Processes:${font}${color1} $processes ${color}Running:$color1$running_processes #${color}Name ${alignr}PID CPU ${font DroidSans:bold:size=8}${color} ${top name 1} ${alignr}${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${color} ${top name 2} ${alignr}${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${color} ${top name 3} ${alignr}${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}${font} #${color}Mem usage #${color #cc66ff} ${top_mem name 1} ${alignr}${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1}${font DroidSans:bold:size=8} #${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2} #${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem mem 3} $color4${hr 2} #################### ####DISKS ################### ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}DISK${font} > ${color6}${alignc}Read:$diskio_read ${alignr}Write:$diskio_write ${color}/${color6} ${fs_free /} / ${fs_free_perc /}% ${color5}${fs_bar 6 /} ${color}WIN-7${color6} ${fs_free /media/sda2} / ${fs_free_perc /media/sda2}% ${color5}${fs_bar 6 /media/sda2} ${if_empty ${execi 10 cat /media/EXTRA}}${color}EXTRA ${color6}${fs_free /media/EXTRA} / ${fs_free_perc /media/EXTRA}% ${color5}${fs_bar 6 /media/EXTRA}${if_existing /media/EXTRA} ${endif} #/usr (vg02-lv01): ${fs_free /usr} / ${fs_free_perc /usr}% ${fs_bar 6 /usr} #/opt (vg02-lv02): ${fs_free /opt} / ${fs_free_perc /opt}% ${fs_bar 6 /opt} #/var (vg02-lv03): ${fs_free /var} / ${fs_free_perc /var}% ${fs_bar 6 /var} #/store ( sdc14): ${fs_free /home/user/zzStore} / ${fs_free_perc /home/user/zzStore}% ${fs_bar 6 /home/user/zzStore} $color4${hr 2} ################## ###NETWORK ################## ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}NETWORK${font} ${color}IP:${color6}${addr wlan0}${color} > $alignr${color6}${texeci 3600 wget http://checkip.dyndns.org -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \< -f 1} ${color}SSID: ${color6}${wireless_essid wlan0} $alignr${color}Signal${color6}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% $color5${downspeedgraph wlan0 15,120 ffffff 00A2FF} ${upspeedgraph wlan0 15,120 ffffff 00A2FF} ${voffset -21}${color}Down:${color6}${downspeed wlan0}/s ${color}Up:${color6}${upspeed wlan0}/s #D/U Bytes:${totaldown wlan0} ${totalup wlan0} #In/ Out/ Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} / ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count} / ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count} $color4${hr 2} ################################## ## TIME ## ################################## ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}TIME${font} ${voffset -4}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color #FFA500}${if_match ${time %l}<=9}${alignc 7}${time %l:%M%p}${else}${if_match ${time %l}>=10}${alignc -1}${time %l:%M%p}${endif}${endif}${font} #${voffset 0}${font DroidSansFallback:bold:size=6.85}${color4}${alignc 2}Sunrise${offset 1}${execi 1800 conkyForecast -d SR}${color3}${offset 2}|${offset 2}${color4}Sunset${offset 1}${execi 1800 conkyForecast -d SS}${font} ${alignc}${color}${time %a, } ${time %e %B %G} $color4${hr 2} ###################### ##MPD ######################## ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=14}${color3}MPD:${font} ${color}${mpd_status}${alignr}${color}Arist: ${color}${mpd_artist} #${mpd_smart} #${mpd_elapsed} / ${mpd_length} - Rnd:${mpd_random} Rpt:${mpd_repeat} #${mpd_bar} ${alignr}${color}Title: ${color}${mpd_title} ${alignr}${color5}${mpd_bar 11,135} ${voffset -13}${alignr}${color6}${mpd_elapsed} / ${mpd_length}