10 20 yes no yes no 200 no UnderMouse
Active 1
BC WM CR NLIMC yes yes Overlock 8 Normal Normal Overlock 8 Normal Normal Overlock 9 Normal Normal Overlock 9 Normal Normal Overlock 8 Normal Normal Overlock 8 Normal Normal 2 1 875 yes Nonpixel Center 10 10 2 0 0 0 TopLeft 0 0 no Below Vertical no 300 300 Middle C-g no exit-menu no no no no no no no 2 3 4 gmrun yes gmrun ~/.config/dmenu/dmenu-bind.sh yes dmenu client-menu yes yes pcmanfm %U yes File Manager chromium %U --ignore-gpu-blacklist yes Chromium Web Browser gucharmap yes gucharmap urxvt yes urxvt xkill yes Kill an application urxvt -e packer -Syyuf yes System Upgrade leafpad yes leafpad smplayer yes SMPlayer firefox-aurora /usr/share/ab/DOC.html yes DOC conkyswitcher yes Switches conky root-menu /home/john/.scripts/VolumeNotify.sh up /home/john/.scripts/VolumeNotify.sh down /home/john/.scripts/VolumeNotify.sh toggle slimlock sudo pm-suspend 8 200 400 client-menu top left client-menu right client-menu bottom client-menu client-menu client-menu client-list-combined-menu root-menu menu.xml200no100400 if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the submenu will not be hidden until a different submenu is opened --> yes yes yes 1 yes no