/* The height of the bar (in pixels) */ #define BAR_HEIGHT 16 /* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */ #define BAR_WIDTH -1 /* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */ #define BAR_OFFSET 0 /* Choose between an underline or an overline */ #define BAR_UNDERLINE 1 /* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */ #define BAR_UNDERLINE_HEIGHT 2 /* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */ #define BAR_BOTTOM 0 /* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */ #define BAR_FONT "-Misc-Stlarch-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-C-80-ISO10646-1","-*-termsyn-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" /* Color palette */ #define COLOR0 0x151515 /* Background */ #define COLOR1 0xddeedd /* Foreground */ #define COLOR2 0x282830 /* Black'n'Gray */ #define COLOR3 0xcc0f16 /* Red */ #define COLOR4 0x92b03e /* Green */ #define COLOR5 0xdc7802 /* Orange */ #define COLOR6 0x007799 /* Blue */ #define COLOR7 0x7d1b66 /* Magenta */ #define COLOR8 0x426870 /* Cyan */ #define COLOR9 0xeeeeee /* White */