1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
# (As the name implies) Based on the visual style of vim-powerline.
# Original prompt based on falconindy's, but that's been mostly replaced.
# Generates a prompt that looks roughly like
# >>> ~/path/to/src
# Where the first > (blue) represents a local tty, the second > (green)
# represents a non-su'd non-root tty, while the third > (magenta)
# represents a git repo, branch "master", untouched.
# These > expand and change color as desrcribed by the conditionals below.
# The xterm/rxvt window title is set as if it were a colorless console.
prompt_powerline() {
local _none="\[\e[0m\]"
local _k="\[\e[0;30;40m\]" _r="\[\e[0;31;40m\]" _g="\[\e[0;32;40m\]" _y="\[\e[0;33;40m\]" \
_b="\[\e[0;34;40m\]" _m="\[\e[0;35;40m\]" _c="\[\e[0;36;40m\]" _w="\[\e[0;37;40m\]"
# Switches the fancy powerline symbols for simple > and a flat cap for the console
if [[ $TERM == 'linux' ]]; then
_div='>' _cap="";
_div='⮁' _cap="\[\e[0;30m\]⮀"
# Switches the default blue ">" for a yellow " hostname >" if remote
if [[ $SSH_TTY ]]; then
local _host="$_y \h $_div" _title_host="\h>";
local _host="$_b$_div" _title_host=">";
# Replaces the default green ">" for a green " username >" if other non-root or
# a red " root >" if root
if (( UID == 1000 )); then # I can generalize this later ...
local _user="$_g$_div" _title_user=">"
elif (( UID == 0 )); then
local _user="$_r root $_div" _title_user="root>";
local _user="$_g \u $_div" _title_user="\u";
# Inserts a bold red " 1 >" between the username and git segments if $? != 0
local _ret='$((( _ret_value )) && printf " \[\e[1;31;40m\]$_ret_value $_div")'
# If not in a git repo, removes the magenta ">". If in a git repo but not in an
# unmodified "master" branch, prints magenta " branch *+ >".
# This is so ugly and I DON'T CARE IT WORKS
local _git='$(if [[ "$_git_branch_ps1" == "master" ]]; then printf "\[\e[0;35;40m\]$_div"; elif [[ "$_git_branch_ps1" ]]; then printf "\[\e[0;35;40m\] $_git_branch_ps1 $_div"; fi)'
local _title_git='$(if [[ "$_git_branch_ps1" == "master" ]]; then printf ">"; elif [[ "$_git_branch_ps1" ]]; then printf "${_git_branch_ps1}>"; fi)'
# Ugly Hack of the Day: determines if PWD is a subdir in ~/src via array. If so, displays the top
# subdir in white, then checks if PWD is in a subdir of that topdir. If so, it then prints the
# rest like a normal directory. If none of this is true, print the regular pwd.
local _cwd='$(IFS=/; read -a _pwdparts <<< "$PWD"; if [[ ${_pwdparts[3]} == "src" ]] && [[ ${_pwdparts[4]} ]]; then printf " \[\e[0;37;40m\]${_pwdparts[4]}\[\e[0;36;40m\]" && [[ ${_pwdparts[5]} ]] && printf "/${_pwdparts[*]:5}"; else printf "\[\e[0;36;40m\] \w"; fi)'
# Assembles and implements the xterm/rxvt title
case $TERM in
local _title="\[\e]2;$_title_host$_title_user$_title_git \w\007\]" ;;
local _title="" ;;
# The part we've all been waiting for!
PS1="$_title$_host$_user$_ret$_git$_cwd$_cap$_none "
export PS2='cont >'
export PS4='+$BASH_SOURCE[$LINENO]: '
# Told you it was ugly.
get_git_branch() { _git_branch_ps1="$(__git_ps1 %s)"; } # sobad
PROMPT_COMMAND='_ret_value=$?; _git_branch_ps1="$(__git_ps1 %s)"'
unset prompt_powerline
unset _git_branch_ps1
What’s actually going on is in comments in the prompt file, but the demonstration should make it fairly obvious ;) Just source it in your bashrc!
Requires a font patched for use with vim-powerline, unless you get rid of the fancy unicode as is done if TERM=linux. This uses the git-prompt file from git’s bash_completion as well.
chuim said about 10 years ago
Hey there. Cool promtp! :)
A suggestion on how to make your git branch gatherer maybe a bit nicer:
get_git_branch() { _git_branch_ps1=
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
; } # notsobadchuim said about 10 years ago
And also: what’s the specific patched font you are using in the scrot?