# $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/etc/csh.cshrc 50472 1999-08-27 23:37:10Z peter $ # $OpenBSD: csh.cshrc,v 1.2 1996/05/26 10:25:19 deraadt Exp $ # # tcsh configuration # Martin Tournoij # Should work on: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, OpenSolaris # $Config$ # # NetBSD if (-d /usr/pkg/bin) then set prefix = /usr/pkg # OpenSolaris else if (-d /opt/csw/bin) then set prefix = /opt/csw # FreeBSD, OpenBSD else if (-d /usr/local/bin) then set prefix = /usr/local else set prefix = 0 endif set uname = `uname` ################################################## # Environment ################################################# umask 022 setenv PATH ~/bin setenv PATH ${PATH}:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin if (-d /usr/X11R6/bin) then setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/X11R6/sbin endif if (-d /usr/local/bin) then setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin endif if ($prefix != 0) then setenv PATH ${PATH}:${prefix}/bin:/${prefix}/sbin endif setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/games # Some commonly installed packages on OpenSolaris if ($uname == SunOS) then setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/VirtualBox setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/csw/gcc4/bin endif # /var/ is a memory device on my laptop if ($uname == FreeBSD && -d /pkgdb) then setenv PKG_DBDIR /pkgdb/ setenv PKG_TMPDIR /tmp/ endif # Various applications settings setenv PAGER less # --squeeze-blank-lines # --chop-long-lines setenv LESS "--ignore-case --LONG-PROMPT --SILENT --tabs=2 --no-init" setenv BLOCKSIZE K setenv LS_COLORS "no=00:fi=00:di=34:ln=01;31:pi=34;43:so=31;43:bd=30;43:cd=30;43:or=01;35:ex=01;31:" setenv GREP_COLOR 31 setenv ACK_COLOR_FILENAME red if ($uname == OpenBSD) then # Seems to work better on OpenBSD ... setenv TERM xterm-xfree86 else if ($uname == FreeBSD) then if ($tty =~ ttyv*) then setenv TERM cons25 /usr/sbin/kbdcontrol -r fast else setenv TERM xterm-color endif else if ($uname == Linux) then setenv TERM xterm-color else setenv TERM vt220 endif # UTF-8 if (-X locale) then setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8 setenv LC_CTYPE en_US.UTF-8 endif if ($uname == FreeBSD) then setenv CVSROOT ":pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.fr.FreeBSD.org:/home/ncvs" else if ($uname == OpenBSD) then setenv PKG_PATH "ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`uname -m`/" setenv CVSROOT "anoncvs@anoncvs.fr.openbsd.org:/cvs" endif # Set editor if (-X vim) then setenv EDITOR vim alias vi "vim" else if (-X vi) then setenv EDITOR vi endif # Set browser if (-X opera) then setenv BROWSER opera else if (-X elinks) then setenv BROWSER elinks else if (-X links) then setenv BROWSER links else if (-X lynx) then setenv BROWSER lynx endif ################################################# # Settings ################################################# # Basic corrections when completing set autocorrect # Show options when autocompleting set autolist # Use history to aid expansion set autoexpand # Never autologout set autologout # Colorize stuff set color # set -n and set '\003' will both work set echo_style=both # file completion set filec # Keep n items in history set history = 8192 # Logout on ^D unset ignoreeof # Show '>' for symlink to dir, and '&' for symlink to nowhere set listlinks # List all jobs after ^Z set listjobs # Show current dir. set prompt = "[%~]%# " # Show date & hostname on right side set rprompt = "%B%U%m%b%u:%T" # Never print "DING!" as the time set noding # Use % for normal user and # for super set promptchars = "%#" # Don't beep set nobeep # Don't allow > redirection on existing files (only >>) set noclobber # Print exit value if >0 set printexitvalue # Ask for confirmation if we do rm * set rmstar # Save history set savehist = 8192 merge # Lists file name suffixes to be ignored by completion # TODO Doesn't seem to work ... ? set fignore = (.o .pyc) ################################################# # Aliases ################################################# # "Special" aliases # Update xterm title on directory change alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "\033]2;tcsh: $cwd\007"' # Modestly color my ls. But not christmas tree Linux colors! (See environment # variable $LS_COLOR above) if ($uname == FreeBSD) then alias ls "ls-F -I" alias la "ls-F -A" alias lc "ls-F -lThoI" alias lac "ls-F -lThoA" alias pdiff "diff -urN -x CVS -x .svn -I '^# .FreeBSD: '" # bsdgrep is FreeBSD >=9 if (-X bsdgrep) then alias grep "bsdgrep --color" else alias grep "grep --color" endif else if ($uname == OpenBSD) then if (-X colorls) then alias ls "colorls -FG" alias la "colorls -FGA" alias lc "colorls -FGlTho" alias lac "colorls -FGlThoA" else alias ls "ls -F" alias la "ls -FA" alias lc "ls -FlTho" alias lac "ls -FAlTho" endif alias pdiff "diff -urN -x CVS -x .svn -I '^# .OpenBSD: '" else if ($uname == SunOS) then alias ls "ls-F" alias la "/bin/ls -FA" alias lc "/bin/ls -Flho" alias lac "/bin/ls -FlAho" else if ($uname == Linux) then unalias ls alias ls ls-F alias lc ls -lh alias la ls -A alias lac ls -lhA alias sockstat "netstat -lnptu" else # These should work on almost any platform ... alias la "ls -a" alias lc "ls -l" alias lac "ls -la" endif # Override the tcsh builtins if (-x /usr/bin/nice) then alias nice "/usr/bin/nice" else if (-x /bin/nice) then alias nice "/bin/nice" endif if (-x /usr/bin/time) then alias time "/usr/bin/time -h" endif # A few move aliases... alias cp "cp -i" alias mv "mv -i" alias make "nice -n 20 make" alias lman "groff -man -Tascii" alias j "jobs -l" # Third-party stuff if (-X mplayer) then alias music "mplayer -cache-min 0 $* *.{mp3,flac}" endif # Some programs are hard coded to launch firefox ... :-/ if (-X opera) then alias opera "opera -nomail" alias firefox "opera" endif alias youtube-dl 'youtube-dl -t' alias turboturbofull 'xfreerdp -x lan -u carpetsmoker -f -o' alias turboturbo 'xfreerdp -x lan -u carpetsmoker -g 1024x768 -o' alias xangband "angband -mx11 -- -n3" alias xtome "tome -mx11 -- -n3" if (-X xtermset) then alias xt "xtermset -title" alias black "xtermset -fg white -bg black" alias white "xtermset -fg black -bg white" else if (-X xtermcontrol) then alias xt "xtermcontrol --title" alias black "xtermcontrol --fg=white --bg=black" alias white "xtermcontrol --fg=black --bg=white" endif # Typos alias sl "ls" alias l "ls" alias c "cd" alias vo "vi" # I know ci is already a command, but not used often and it mangles files! alias ci "vi" alias grpe "grep" alias Grep "grep" alias helpcommand man ################################################# # Keybinds ################################################# # Delete bindkey ^[[3~ delete-char # Home bindkey ^[[H beginning-of-line bindkey ^[[1~ beginning-of-line # End bindkey ^[[F end-of-line bindkey ^[[4~ end-of-line # F1 bindkey ^[[M run-help bindkey OP run-help bindkey ^[[11~ run-help # Putty # Arrow keys bindkey -k up history-search-backward bindkey -k down history-search-forward # Insert bindkey ^[[L yank bindkey ^[[2 yank ################################################# # Completion ################################################# # Show directories only complete cd 'C/*/d/' complete rmdir 'C/*/d/' complete alias 'p/1/a/' complete unalias 'p/1/a/' complete unset 'p/1/s/' complete set 'p/1/s/' complete unsetenv 'p/1/e/' complete setenv 'p/1/e/' complete limit 'p/1/l/' complete bindkey 'C/*/b/' complete chgrp 'p/1/g/' complete chown 'p/1/u/' # TODO Support user:group completion complete uncomplete 'p/*/X/' #complete kill 'c/-/S/' 'p/1/(-)//' complete kill 'c/-/S/' 'n/*/`ps -axco pid= | sort`/' complete pkill 'c/-/S/' 'n/*/`ps -axco command= | sort -u`/' # Use available commands as arguments complete which 'p/1/c/' complete where 'p/1/c/' complete man 'p/1/c/' complete apropos 'p/1/c/' complete find \ 'n/-name/f/' 'n/-newer/f/' 'n/-{,n}cpio/f/' \ 'n/-exec/c/' 'n/-ok/c/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-group/g/' \ 'n/-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' 'n/-type/(b c d f l p s)/' \ 'c/-/(name newer cpio ncpio exec ok user group fstype type atime \ ctime depth inum ls mtime nogroup nouser perm print prune \ size xdev and or)/' \ 'p/*/d/' complete hg 'p/1/(add annotate clone commit diff export forget init log \ merge phase pull push remove serve status summary update)/' complete svn 'p/1/(add blame cat changelist checkout cleanup commit copy \ delete diff export help import info list lock log merge mergeinfo \ mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist propset resolve \ resolved revert status switch unlock update)/' # Only list make targets complete make 'n@*@`make -pn | sed -n -E "/^[#_.\/[:blank:]]+/d; /=/d; s/[[:blank:]]*:.*//gp;"`@' # set up programs to complete only with files ending in certain extensions complete cc 'p/*/f:*.[cao]/' complete python 'p/*/f:*.py/' complete perl 'p/*/f:*.[pP][lL]/' #complete sh 'p/*/f:*.sh/' # set a list of hosts complete ssh 'p@1@`cut -d " " -f 1 ~/.ssh/known_hosts | sort -u`@' # complete [command [word/pattern/list[:select]/[[suffix]/] ...]] (+) if ($uname == FreeBSD) then complete sysctl 'n/*/`sysctl -Na`/' complete service 'n/*/`service -l`/' complete pkg_delete 'c/-/(i v D n p d f G x X r)/' 'n@*@`/bin/ls /var/db/pkg`@' else if ($uname == Linux) then # Use /bin/ls to prevent ls options interfering (i.e. adding a *) complete service 'n@*@`/bin/ls /etc/init.d`@' complete chkconfig 'c/--/(list add del)/' 'n@*@`/bin/ls /etc/init.d`@' endif