# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1). # It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like. # # # i3 config file (v4) # # Please see http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html for a complete reference! set $mod Mod4 #default, floating, tabbed #new container floating # new window default border new_window 1pixel new_float 1pixel # Hiding vertical borders #hide_edge_borders #hide_edge_borders horizontal # font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode font -misc-fixed-medium-c-normal--12-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 # Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position floating_modifier $mod # start a terminal #bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal #Back and Forth workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes # kill focused window bindsym $mod+Shift+Q kill # start dmenu (a program launcher) bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run -b -fn 'xft:Terminus:pixelsize=8' -nb '#191919' -nf '#9ac0cd' -sb '#191919' -sf '#bf3f34' -p 'picklist >> ' #CHANGING BORDER STYLE bindsym $mod+t border normal bindsym $mod+y border 1pixel bindsym $mod+u border none # BORDERLESS CONTAINER #i3-msg border none # WHICH WORKSPACE # #assign [class="Iceweasel"] 2 # WINDOW CONTROL for_window [class="*"] floating enable assign [class="sublime-text-2"] 3 for_window [class="sublime-text-2"] border 1pixel for_window [class="Gnome-mplayer"] floating enable assign [class="Chromium"] 2 for_window [class="Chromium"] border 1pixel assign [class="Iceweasel"] 2 for_window [class="Iceweasel"] border 1pixel for_window [title="Browser"] floating enable for_window [title="Download"] floating enable assign [class="Iceape"] 2 for_window [class="Iceape"] border 1pixel for_window [class="Nitrogen"] floating enable for_window [class="Lxappearance"] floating enable for_window [title="Xfce-notifyd"] floating enable for_window [class="Sakura"] floating enable for_window [class="Sakara"] border normal #for_window [class="URxvt"] floating enable for_window [class="URxvt"] border 1pixel #none for_window [class="Thunar"] floating enable for_window [class="Leafpad"] floating enable for_window [class="Mousepad"] floating enable for_window [class="Gmrun"] floating enable for_window [class="Gmrun"] border 1pixel for_window [class="Grun"] floating enable for_window [class="Grun"] border 1pixel for_window [class="Pidgin"] floating enable # NAME WORKSPACES #set $WORKSPACE_1 1:term #set $WORKSPACE_2 2:web #set $WORKSPACE_3 3:code # HANDLE POPUPS #popup_during_fullscreen smart # change focus bindsym $mod+j focus left bindsym $mod+k focus down bindsym $mod+l focus up bindsym $mod+semicolon focus right # move focused window bindsym $mod+Shift+J move left bindsym $mod+Shift+K move down bindsym $mod+Shift+L move up bindsym $mod+Shift+colon move right # split in horizontal orientation bindsym $mod+h split h # split in vertical orientation bindsym $mod+v split v # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container bindsym $mod+f fullscreen # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, default) bindsym $mod+s layout stacking bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed bindsym $mod+e layout default # toggle tiling / floating bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle # change focus between tiling / floating windows bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle # focus the parent container bindsym $mod+a focus parent # focus the child container bindcode $mod+d focus child # switch to workspace bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1 bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2 bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3 bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4 bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5 bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6 bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7 bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8 bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9 bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10:sample name # move focused container to workspace bindsym $mod+Shift+exclam move container to workspace 1 bindsym $mod+Shift+at move container to workspace 2 bindsym $mod+Shift+numbersign move container to workspace 3 bindsym $mod+Shift+dollar move container to workspace 4 bindsym $mod+Shift+percent move container to workspace 5 bindsym $mod+Shift+asciicircum move container to workspace 6 bindsym $mod+Shift+ampersand move container to workspace 7 bindsym $mod+Shift+asterisk move container to workspace 8 bindsym $mod+Shift+parenleft move container to workspace 9 bindsym $mod+Shift+parenright move container to workspace 10 # reload the configuration file bindsym $mod+Shift+C reload # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) bindsym $mod+Shift+R restart # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym $mod+Shift+E exit # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" { bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt # same bindings, but for the arrow keys # back to normal: Enter or Escape bindsym Return mode "default" bindsym Escape mode "default" } bindsym $mod+r mode "resize" # take screenshot # bindsym Print exec scrot '%Y-%m-%d-%t_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $ $f ~/images/' bindsym Print exec scrot 'Screenshot - %Y-%m-%d--%_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/images/' # colors # class border backgr. text client.focused #315858 #315858 #111111 #client.focused #bf3f34 #bf3f34 #bf3f34 client.unfocused #2c2e2f #2c2e2f #315858 client.focused_inactive #2c2e2f #2c2e2f #2c2e2f client.urgent #383a3b #383a3b #ee0000 ### ADDED KEY BINDINGS ### bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+f exec thunar bindsym $MOD+Return exec urxvt bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+Return exec sakura bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+w exec iceweasel #bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+x exec i3lock -c 424242 -n bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+x exec i3lock -d -i /home/xxx/.i3/i3lock_back.png -n bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+s exec xfce4-screenshooter bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+z exec sublime-text-2 bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+b exec iceape bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+m exec mousepad # VOLUME ADJUSTMENT bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+Up exec amixer set Master 5.0%+ bindsym $MOD+SHIFT+Down exec amixer set Master 5.0%- # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status # finds out, if available) bar { # status_command i3status status_command conky -c /home/xxx/.i3/.conkyrc # tray_output none # position top # mode hide mode dock colors { statusline #76c2d6 background #191919 # class border backgrd text focused_workspace #191919 #191919 #bf3f34 active_workspace #191919 #191919 #696f89 inactive_workspace #191919 #191919 #696f89 urgent_workspace #191919 #191919 #c7a551 } } # AUTOSTART exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'workspace 1; exec urxvt;' #exec ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd #exec nitrogen --restore #exec xscreensaver -no-splash exec --no-startup-id xfce4-volumed exec feh --bg-scale /home/xxx/images/wallpapers/bmw_vision.png