1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 | /* see LICENSE for copyright and license */
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
/** modifiers **/
#define MOD1 Mod1Mask
#define MOD4 Mod4Mask
#define MOD5 Mod5Mask
#define CONTROL ControlMask
#define SHIFT ShiftMask
/** generic settings **/
#define MASTER_SIZE 0.76
#define SHOW_PANEL True
#define TOP_PANEL True
#define PANEL_HEIGHT 16
#define ATTACH_ASIDE True
#define FOLLOW_WINDOW False
#define FOLLOW_MOUSE False
#define CLICK_TO_FOCUS True
#define FOCUS_BUTTON Button3
#define BORDER_WIDTH 3
#define FOCUS "#181818"
#define UNFOCUS "#141414"
#define MINWSZ 50
#define DESKTOPS 3
* open applications to specified desktop with specified mode.
* if desktop is negative, then current is assumed
static const AppRule rules[] = { \
/* class desktop follow float */
{ "Pidgin", 1, False, True },
{ "Gimp", 2, False, True },
{ "dwb", -1, True, True },
{ "mplayer", -1, True, False },
{ "Thunar", -1, True, True },
{ "PSX", -1, True, True },
{ "nitrogen", -1, True, True },
{ "wine", -1, True, True },
{ "winecfg", -1, True, True },
{ "Steam", 2, False, True },
{ "hl2_linux", 2, False, True },
{ "scratchpad", -1, False, True },
/* helper for spawning shell commands */
#define SHCMD(cmd) {.com = (const char*[]){"/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL}}
* custom commands
* must always end with ', NULL };'
static const char *menucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", "terminus 9", NULL};
static const char *gtkmenucmd[] = { "mygtkmenu", "/home/shn/.menu", NULL };
static const char *filecmd[] = { "thunar", NULL };
static const char *termcmd[] = { "termite", NULL };
static const char *webcmd[] = { "dwb", NULL };
static const char *lolicmd[] = { "lolictrl", NULL };
static const char *mpdcmd[] = { "lolimpdnu", NULL };
static const char *voldowncmd[] = { "dvol", "-d", "2", NULL };
static const char *volupcmd[] = { "dvol", "-i", "2", NULL };
{ MOD1, K, change_desktop, {.i = N}}, \
{ MOD1|ShiftMask, K, client_to_desktop, {.i = N}},
* keyboard shortcuts
static Key keys[] = {
/* modifier key function argument */
{ CONTROL, XK_d, spawn, {.com = lolicmd}},
{ CONTROL, XK_l, spawn, {.com = mpdcmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_p, spawn, {.com = menucmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_1, spawn, {.com = webcmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_3, spawn, {.com = filecmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_dead_acute, spawn, {.com = volupcmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_plus, spawn, {.com = voldowncmd}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_Return, spawn, {.com = termcmd}},
{ MOD1, XK_b, togglepanel, {NULL}},
{ MOD1, XK_BackSpace, focusurgent, {NULL}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_c, killclient, {NULL}},
{ MOD1, XK_j, next_win, {NULL}},
{ MOD1, XK_k, prev_win, {NULL}},
{ MOD1, XK_h, resize_master, {.i = -10}}, /* decrease size in px */
{ MOD1, XK_l, resize_master, {.i = +10}}, /* increase size in px */
{ MOD1, XK_o, resize_stack, {.i = -10}}, /* shrink size in px */
{ MOD1, XK_i, resize_stack, {.i = +10}}, /* grow size in px */
{ MOD1|CONTROL, XK_h, rotate, {.i = -1}},
{ MOD1|CONTROL, XK_l, rotate, {.i = +1}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_h, rotate_filled, {.i = -1}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_l, rotate_filled, {.i = +1}},
{ MOD1, XK_Tab, last_desktop, {NULL}},
{ MOD1, XK_m, swap_master, {NULL}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_j, move_down, {NULL}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_k, move_up, {NULL}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_t, switch_mode, {.i = TILE}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_m, switch_mode, {.i = MONOCLE}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_b, switch_mode, {.i = BSTACK}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_g, switch_mode, {.i = GRID}},
{ MOD1|SHIFT, XK_f, switch_mode, {.i = FLOAT}},
{ MOD1|CONTROL, XK_r, quit, {.i = 0}}, /* quit with exit value 0 */
{ MOD1|CONTROL, XK_q, quit, {.i = 1}}, /* quit with exit value 1 */
{ CONTROL, XK_Down, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 40, 0, 0 }}}, /* move down*/
{ CONTROL, XK_Up, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, -40, 0, 0 }}}, /* move up */
{ CONTROL, XK_Right, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 40, 0, 0, 0 }}}, /* move right */
{ CONTROL, XK_Left, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ -40, 0, 0, 0 }}}, /* move left */
{ MOD5, XK_k, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 0, 40 }}}, /* height grow */
{ MOD5, XK_i, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 0, -40 }}}, /* height shrink */
{ MOD5, XK_l, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 40, 0 }}}, /* width grow */
{ MOD5, XK_j, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, -40, 0 }}}, /* width shrink */
* mouse shortcuts
static Button buttons[] = {
{ MOD1, Button1, mousemotion, {.i = MOVE}},
{ MOD1, Button3, mousemotion, {.i = RESIZE}},
{ CONTROL, Button3, spawn, {.com = gtkmenucmd}},
/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 : */
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | /* The height of the bar (in pixels) */
#define BAR_HEIGHT 16
/* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */
#define BAR_WIDTH -1
/* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */
#define BAR_OFFSET 0
/* Choose between an underline or an overline */
/* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */
/* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */
#define BAR_BOTTOM 0
/* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */
#define BAR_FONT "-*-stlarch-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*","-*-cure.se-medium-r-normal-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
/* Some fonts don't set the right width for some chars, pheex it */
/* Color palette */
#define COLOR0 0x111111 /* Background */
#define COLOR1 0xc4c4c4 /* Foreground */
#define COLOR2 0x283B5D /* Blue */
#define COLOR3 0x852a52 /* Red */
#define COLOR4 0xadbd00 /* Green */
#define COLOR5 0xec9d08 /* Orange */
#define COLOR6 0x6b0f38 /* Magenta */
#define COLOR7 0x212122 /* Black'n'Gray I */
#define COLOR8 0x333333 /* Black'n'Gray II */
#define COLOR9 0xdedede /* White */
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | #!/usr/bin/env sh
: "${wm:=monsterwm}"
: "${ff:="/tmp/${wm}.fifo"}"
[ -p "$ff" ] || mkfifo -m 600 "$ff"
# spawn a statusbar
while read -t 60 -r line || true; do
echo "$line" | grep -qEx "(([[:digit:]]+:){4,6}[[:digit:]]+ ?)+" && prev="$line" || line=
statusinfo.sh ${line:-$prev}
done < "$ff" | bar &
"$wm" > "$ff"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | #!/usr/bin/env sh
# expects a line from monsterwm's output as argument ("$1")
# prints formatted output to be used as input for bar
# reference: bar by LemonBoy -- https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar
# desktop status
for desk; do
d="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # desktop id
w="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # window count
l="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # layout mode
c="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # is current desktop
u="$desk" # has urgent hint
# desktop id
case "$d" in
0) d=" term" ;; 1) d=" web" ;;
2) d=" img" ;;
# current desktop
if [ $c -ne 0 ]
then bg="\b7" un="\u6" fg="\f9"
case "$l" in
0) s="" ;; 1) s="" ;; 2) s="" ;;
3) s="" ;; 4) s="" ;;
esac && s="\b8\u8 $s \br\ur"
# has urgent hint or no windows
[ $u -ne 0 ] && un="\u2"
[ $w -eq 0 ] && w="-"
in="$in$bg$fg$un $d \f8[$w] \ur\br\fr"
unset bg fg un
# music status
music="$(mpc current -f "%artist% - [%title%|%file%]")"
if [ -z "$music" ]; then music="nothing to see here" mstat=""
mstat="$(mpc | sed -rn '2s/\[([[:alpha:]]+)].*/\1/p')"
[ "$mstat" == "paused" ] && mstat="" || mstat=""
# volume status
if [ "$(amixer get Master | sed -nr '$ s:.*\[(.+)]$:\1:p')" == "off" ]
then vol="[m]" vstat=""
vol="$(amixer get PCM | sed -nr '$ s:.*\[(.+%)].*:\1:p')"
if [ "${vol%\%}" -le 10 ]; then vstat=""
elif [ "${vol%\%}" -le 20 ]; then vstat=""; else vstat=""; fi
# date and time
date="$(date +"%R")" dstat=""
# symbols
printf '%s %s %s' "$in" "$arrow " "$s" "\r"
printf ' \\b7\\u6\\f1 %s \\br\\ur\\fr %s' "$mstat" "$music" "$vstat" "$vol" "$dstat" "$date "
printf '\n'
I’ve been fiddling with my monsterwm setup for a while to get it to look more comfortable and darkish. I think this version looks a bit more “professional” vs. previous version. I changed my terminal from urxvt to termite a long time ago so here’s my termite.cfg as well (you can still copy colors to other terminals), http://ix.io/41a/ Here’s my wallpaper I made out from vector image as well, http://ompldr.org/vaDN4aA/yoko.png
acslater said about 12 years ago
What music player is this? It’s nice!
Shinryuu said about 12 years ago
Hey! It’s called DeadBeeF
Ghoul said about 12 years ago
Hey! I love it, I’m setting up my laptop to match (but writing everything in C to save battery life on idle).
How’d you get DeadBeeF to look like that, and can you share? :)
Shinryuu said about 12 years ago
I use my own personal mod of Clearlooks called “Clearlooks_penis” to get that dark layout (it breaks gimp color choosing at the moment), if you want to show album art - right click some of the column headers and add “Album art” column. My columns goes like this “Album Art” “Artist” “Title” “Duration” and “Track”. When you right click any of the columns you’ll see “Group by” option, go there and click “custom” section and type “%b” which stands for album. You can easily grap my colors with “zenity –color-selection” command, just be sure to install zenity package first :)
Ghoul said about 12 years ago
Thanks :)
bluepedro said about 11 years ago
Can I get a copy of your Yoko wallpaper? Ompldr is dead, thus your second link doesn’t work. :/
candidate said about 11 years ago
hey, would you be able to share your gtk theme? i attempted to mod a gtk to get a good looking deadbeef but i can’t get it right - yours is awesome! thanks in advance