# startup_message off escape C-i bind Escape abort #rudeness is a bitwise or of the following values: # 1 Transient windows may raise. # 2 Normal windows may raise. # 4 New transient windows end up in the foreground. # 8 New normal windows end up in the foreground. rudeness 13 warp off set winname title set wingravity center set transgravity center set border 3 set barborder 3 #fails hard on multi-monitor. Do this manually #set padding 0 20 0 0 set barpadding 1 1 set inputwidth 800 set bargravity center set font sans-9 set font "ohsnap:size=10" set bgcolor #2f2f2f set fgcolor #418CDD set fwcolor #418CDD set bwcolor #2f2f2f # Display formats set infofmt %c: %t [%n] set framefmt %t [%n] # Blank Monitor #bind grave exec xset dpms force off bind l exec xlock bind M-l exec xlock bind w exec /usr/local/share/ratpoison/allwindows.sh bind C-w exec /usr/local/share/ratpoison/allwindows.sh # Stuff # Applications bind f exec firefox bind C-f exec firefox bind c exec urxvt bind C-c exec urxvt #set font "-ypn-envypnd-medium-r-normal--13-130-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1" bind i exec gmrun bind M-i exec gmrun alias dunst exec dunst bind C-1 dunst # Sticky Windows bind d dedicate bind C-d dedicate # Undo bind u undo bind C-u undo bind e exec emacs definekey top M-h hsplit definekey top M-v vsplit definekey top M-. colon # Printscreen! #definekey top Print exec mkdir ~/snapshots/; import -window root ~/snapshots/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.png # make a screenshot alias sshot exec scrot ~/screenshot-ratpoison-`date +%F`.png bind Print sshot # Date/Time bind C-a exec ratpoison -c "echo `date +'%r - %A %n %D - %B'` `cal | tail -n +2 | sed -e 's/^Su/\n\n Su/' -e 's/.*/ & /' -e \"s/\ $(date +%e) /\<$(date +%e)\>/\"`" bind C-s exec ratpoison -c "echo $(date +'%a %b %d %I:%M%p')" # ncmpcpp Control alias mpdpause exec ncmpcpp toggle bind M-z mpdpause alias mpdprev exec ncmpcpp prev bind M-x mpdprev alias mpdnext exec ncmpcpp next bind M-c mpdnext # Volume definekey top S-XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec ratvolume Master 3%+ definekey top S-XF86AudioMute exec ratvolume Master 0 definekey top S-XF86AudioLowerVolume exec ratvolume Master 3%- definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec ratvolume PCM 3%+ definekey top XF86AudioMute exec ratvolume PCM 0 definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume exec ratvolume PCM 3%- definekey top s-Up exec ratvolume PCM 3%+ definekey top s-Down exec ratvolume PCM 3%- definekey top s-S-Up exec ratvolume Master 3%+ definekey top s-S-Down exec ratvolume Master 3%- # Focus definekey top M-Tab next definekey top M-ISO_Left_Tab prev # Navigation definekey top C-S-Up focusup definekey top C-S-Left focusleft definekey top C-S-Down focusdown definekey top C-S-Right focusright definekey top s-Left prevscreen definekey top s-Right nextscreen # Workspaces exec rpws init 4 -a definekey top C-M-1 rpws1 definekey top C-M-2 rpws2 definekey top C-M-3 rpws3 definekey top C-M-4 rpws4 definekey top C-M-Left rpwsp definekey top C-M-Right rpwsn # Startup crap sselect 1 set padding 0 20 0 0 exec killall xfce4-notifyd #exec dunst exec conky -c $HOME/.conkyrc-rat |dzen2 -h 20 -ta l -e -p # tmpwm stumpwm