own_window yes own_window_type override own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,sticky # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone) double_buffer yes text_buffer_size 1500 # fiddle with window use_spacer yes use_xft yes # Update interval in seconds update_interval 2.0 # Minimum size of text area minimum_size 230 1500 maximum_width 250 override_utf8_locale yes # Draw shades? draw_shades yes default_shade_color black # Text stuff draw_outline yes # amplifies text if yes draw_borders no #font freesans -12 xftfont Source Sans Pro Regular:size=10 xftalpha 0.8 uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase # Stippled borders? stippled_borders 3 # border margins border_margin 9 # border width border_width 10 # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5 default_color d7d7d7 #cbcbcb own_window_colour brown own_window_transparent yes # Text alignment, other possible values are commented #alignment top_left alignment top_left #alignment bottom_left #alignment bottom_right # Gap between borders of screen and text gap_x 2290 #gap_y 30 gap_y 25 default_bar_size 120 8 # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen #blue #3465A4 #slightly lighter blue #729FCF TEXT ${offset 20}${font OpenLogos:size=256}J${font} ${voffset -50} ${cpubar cpu9 0,77} SYSTEM INFO ${cpubar cpu9 0,77} ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Kernel:$font$color$alignr ${font Source Sans Pro Regular:size=10}${kernel}$font ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Host:$font$color$alignr$nodename ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Uptime:$font$color$alignr$uptime ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}RAM:$font$color$alignr$mem/$memmax $alignr${membar 8,100} ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Swap usage:$font$color$alignr$swap/$swapmax ${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Disk usage:$font$color$alignr${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${voffset 4}${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}CPU:$font$color${goto 56}${cpugraph 0 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu0}%$color ${goto 90}${cpugraph 1 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu1}%$color ${goto 126}${cpugraph 2 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu2}%$color ${goto 160}${cpugraph 3 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu3}%$color ${goto 194}${cpugraph 4 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu4}%$color ${goto 228}${cpugraph 5 13,31 000000 000000}${offset -28}${color indigo}${cpu cpu5}%$color ${voffset 4}${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Net:$font$color${goto 55}Addr ${goto 150}Down ${goto 205}Up ${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}eth0 ${goto 55}${addr eth0} ${goto 150}${downspeed eth0} ${goto 205}${upspeed eth0}${else}${voffset -15}${endif} ${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}wlan0 ${goto 55}${addr wlan0} ${goto 150}${downspeed wlan0} ${goto 205}${upspeed wlan0}${else}${voffset -15}${endif} ${cpubar cpu9 0,89} WEATHER ${cpubar cpu9 0,89} ${execpi 900 $HOME/weather.py} ${cpubar cpu9 0,66} FOLDING@HOME ${cpubar cpu9 0,65} ${voffset 3}${color 729FCF}${font Source Sans Pro Regular:bold:size=10}Work Unit:$font$color ${execi 15 cat $HOME/.FAHClient/log.txt | tr '(' '\n' |tr ')' '\n' | grep -E "(%|percent)"|tail -n 1 | tr -d 'percent' | tr -d '%'} % ${alignr}${execibar 15 cat $HOME/.FAHClient/log.txt | tr '(' '\n' |tr ')' '\n' | grep -E "(%|percent)"|tail -n 1 | tr -d 'percent' | tr -d '%'} ${cpubar cpu9 0,102} MUSIC ${cpubar cpu9 0,102} $mpd_smart ${voffset 3}$alignc${mpd_bar 8,225} ${voffset 3}$mpd_status: $mpd_elapsed/$mpd_length - ${mpd_bitrate}kbps ${cpubar cpu9 0,64} SHORTCUT KEYS ${cpubar cpu9 0,64} ${if_running awesome}awesome - wm Mod+Ctrl+R${goto 140} Restart awesome ${voffset 5}awesome - clients Mod+M ${goto 140} Maximize Mod+F ${goto 140} Set fullscreen Mod+Shift+C ${goto 140} Kill Mod+Ctrl+1-9 ${goto 140} Toggle tag view Mod+T ${goto 140} Mark a client Mod+Shift+1-9 ${goto 140} Tag marked clients with tag Mod+Shift+Ctrl+1-9 ${goto 140} Toggle tag on client ${voffset 5}awesome - nav Mod+J ${goto 140} Focus next client Mod+K ${goto 140} Focus previous client Mod+1-9 ${goto 140} Switch to tag 1-9 Mod+Ctrl+J/K ${goto 140} Next/prev screen ${voffset 5}awesome - layout modification Mod+Shift+J/K ${goto 140} Rotate clients around Mod+h/l ${goto 140} Size master 5% Mod+Shift+H/L ${goto 140} Masters amount Mod+Ctrl+H/L${goto 140} Non-master cols Mod+Ctrl+Space ${goto 140} Float master Mod+Ctrl+Enter ${goto 140} Swap w/ master ${else}Alt+F3 ${goto 140} Alt Menu Super+Space ${goto 140} Main Menu Super+Tab ${goto 140} Client Menu Super+R ${goto 140} Run Dialog Super+T ${goto 140} Terminal Super+F ${goto 140} File Manager Super+E ${goto 140} Editor Super+M ${goto 140} Media Player Super+W ${goto 140} Web Browser Super+L ${goto 140} Lock Screen Super+V ${goto 140} Volume Control Super+X ${goto 140} Logout Super+Alt+R ${goto 140} Toggle Redshift Super+Alt+D ${goto 140} Toggle Decoration PrtSc ${goto 140} Screenshot$endif