import os import shutil import commands import urllib # Path where the images are saved imgpath = "/home/hokage/.config/ario/covers/" # Path where 'artist-only' images can be found artistimgpath = "/home/hokage/.config/ario/covers/" # Image displayed when no image found noimg = "/home/hokage/.config/airo/nocover.jpg" # Cover displayed by conky cover = "/tmp/cover.jpg" def copycover(currentalbum, src, artistsrc, dest, defaultfile): searchstring = currentalbum.replace(" ", "+") if not os.path.exists(src): url = "" + searchstring + "&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music" cover = urllib.urlopen(url).read() image = "" for line in cover.split("\n"): if "" in line: image = line.partition('src="')[2].partition('"')[0] break if image: urllib.urlretrieve(image, src) if os.path.exists(src): shutil.copy(src, dest) elif os.path.exists(artistsrc): shutil.copy(artistsrc, dest) elif os.path.exists(defaultfile): shutil.copy(defaultfile, dest) else: print "" # Name of current album album = commands.getoutput("mpc --format %artist%-%album% | head -n 1") artist = commands.getoutput("mpc --format %artist% | head -n 1") # If tags are empty, use noimg. # Hieronder stond steeds conkycover ipv cover, heb ik gewijzigd. if album == "": if os.path.exists(cover): os.remove(cover) if os.path.exists(noimg): shutil.copy(noimg, cover) else: print "" else: filename = imgpath + album + ".jpg" artistfilename = artistimgpath + artist + ".jpg" if os.path.exists("/tmp/nowplaying") and os.path.exists("/tmp/cover.jpg"): nowplaying = open("/tmp/nowplaying").read() if nowplaying == album: pass else: copycover(album, filename, artistfilename, cover, noimg) open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album) else: copycover(album, filename, artistfilename, cover, noimg) open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album)