1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | urxvt.foreground: #E8DFD6
urxvt.background: #021B21
urxvt.cursorColor: #2E3340
urxvt.color0: #032C36
urxvt.color8: #065F73
urxvt.color1: #C2454E
urxvt.color9: #EF5847
urxvt.color2: #7CBF9E
urxvt.color10: #A2D9B1
urxvt.color3: #8A7A63
urxvt.color11: #BEB090
urxvt.color4: #2E3340
urxvt.color12: #61778D
urxvt.color5: #FF5879
urxvt.color13: #FF99A1
urxvt.color6: #44B5B1
urxvt.color14: #9ED9D8
urxvt.color7: #F2F1B9
urxvt.color15: #F6F6C9
A color scheme I made that uses a blue background. Pretty good if I do say so myself.
hal said about 11 years ago
edited about 11 years ago
comradeterry said about 11 years ago
Good stuff, hal. Keep it up!
Beastie said about 10 years ago
Great theme.
poony said about 10 years ago
too good
lvcrft said about 9 years ago
Hey, do you still have that ncmpcpp config?