require("awful") require("beautiful") beautiful.init("/home/sunny/.config/awesome/theme.lua") --/// Volume Config and widget volumecfg = {} volumecfg.cardid = 0 = "Master" volumetext = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "volumetext" }) volumetext.align = "left" -- command must start with a space! volumecfg.mixercommand = function (command) local fd = io.popen("amixer -c " .. volumecfg.cardid .. command) local status = fd:read("*all") fd:close() local volume = string.match(status, "(%d?%d?%d)%%") volume = string.format("% 3d", volume) status = string.match(status, "%[(o[^%]]*)%]") if string.find(status, "on", 1, true) then volume = volume else volume = "MUTE" end volumetext.text = ''..volume..'' end volumecfg.update = function () volumecfg.mixercommand(" sget " .. end volumecfg.up = function () volumecfg.mixercommand(" sset " .. .. " 1+") end volumecfg.down = function () volumecfg.mixercommand(" sset " .. .. " 1-") end volumecfg.toggle = function () volumecfg.mixercommand(" sset " .. .. " toggle") end volumetext:buttons(awful.util.table.join( awful.button({ }, 4, function () volumecfg.up() end), awful.button({ }, 5, function () volumecfg.down() end), awful.button({ }, 1, function () volumecfg.toggle() end), awful.button({ }, 3, function () exec(terminal .. " -e alsamixer") end))) volumecfg.update() volumetimer = timer({ timeout = 30 }) volumetimer:add_signal( "timeout", function() volumecfg.update() end) volumetimer:start() --///