# Author::  Dipilibupap dipilibupap@gmail.com / Christoph Kappel <unexist@dorfelite.net>
# Version:: $Id$
# License:: GNU GPL
# = Subtle default configuration
# This file will be installed as default and can also be used as a starter for
# an own custom configuration file. The system wide config usually resides in
# +/etc/xdg/subtle+ and the user config in +HOME/.config/subtle+, both locations
# are dependent on the locations specified by +XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+ and

# == Options
# Following options change behaviour and sizes of the window manager:
# Border size in pixel of the windows

# Window move/resize steps in pixel per keypress
set :step, 2

# Window screen border snapping
set :snap, 10

# Default starting gravity for windows (0 = gravity of last client)
set :gravity, :center

# Make transient windows urgent
set :urgent, false

# Honor resize size hints globally
set :resize, false

# Screen strut for e.g. other panels (left, right, top, bottom)

# Font string either take from e.g. xfontsel or use xft
#set :font, "-*-*-medium-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
set :font, "xft:Pragmata TT:pixelsize=9"

# Space around windows
set :space, 0

# Panel size padding (left, right, top, bottom)

# Separator between sublets
set :separator, "• "

# Outline border size in pixel of panel items
set :outline, 1

# Set the WM_NAME of subtle (Java quirk)
# set :wmname, "LG3D"

# == Screen
# Generally subtle comes with two panels per screen, one on the top and one at
# the bottom. Each panel can be configured with different panel items and
# sublets screen wise. The default config uses top panel on the first screen
# only, it's up to the user to enable the bottom panel or disable either one
# or both.

# === Properties
# [*stipple*]    This property adds a stipple pattern to both screen panels.
#                Example: stipple "~/stipple.xbm"
#                         stipple Subtlext::Icon.new("~/stipple.xbm")
# [*top*]        This property adds a top panel to the screen.
#                Example: top [ :views, :title ]
# [*bottom*]     This property adds a bottom panel to the screen.
#                Example: bottom [ :views, :title ]

# Following items are available for the panels:
# [*:views*]     List of views with buttons
# [*:title*]     Title of the current active window
# [*:tray*]      Systray icons (Can be used only once)
# [*:keychain*]  Display current chain (Can be used only once)
# [*:sublets*]   Catch-all for installed sublets
# [*:sublet*]    Name of a sublet for direct placement
# [*:spacer*]    Variable spacer (free width / count of spacers)
# [*:center*]    Enclose items with :center to center them on the panel
# [*:separator*] Insert separator
# Empty panels are hidden.
# === Links
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Multihead
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Panel

screen 1 do
  top    [:views, :separator, :title, :center,  :clock, :separator, :battery, :separator, :cpu, :separator, :temp, :separator, :wifi, :separator, :volume, :center, :spacer, :keychain, :spacer, :spacer, :tray, :smpd]
#  bottom [:center, :smpd, :center, :spacer, :clock, :separator, :volume, :tray]

# == Color:
# Colors directly define the look of subtle, valid values are:
# [*hexadecimal*] #0000ff
# [*decimal*]     (0, 0, 255)
# [*names*]       blue
# Whenever there is no valid value for a color set - subtle will use a default
# one. There is only one exception to this: If no background color is given no
# color will be set. This will ensure a custom background pixmap won't be
# overwritten.
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Themes

# == Colors

style :title do
  padding     1, 1, 1, 1 
#  border_left      "#FFFFFF", 4
  foreground  "#F9A519"
  background  "#222222"

style :focus do
  padding     1, 3, 0, 3
#  border      "#333333", 2
 foreground  "#757575"
  background  "#222222"
  border_top "#F9A519", 2

style :urgent do
  padding     1, 3, 0, 3
#  border      "#4682B4", 2
  foreground  "#DBDCDC"
  background  "#ffffff"

style :occupied do
  padding     1, 3, 0, 3
#  border      "#222222", 2
 foreground  "#737373"
  background  "#222222"
  border_bottom  "#D78787", 2
#  border_right  "#EA5B56", 2

style :views do
  padding     1, 3, 0, 3
#  border      "#222222", 2
  foreground  "#737373"
  background  "#222222"

style :sublets do
  padding     1, 1, 1, 1
  border      "#222222", 2
  foreground  "#757575"
  background  "#222222"

style :separator do
  padding     1, 1, 1, 1
#  border      2
  background  "#222222"
  foreground  "#757575"

style :clients do
  active      "#495B6F", 2
  inactive    "#C5C5C5", 2
  margin      3

style :subtle do
  padding     0, 0, 0, 0
  panel       "#222222"
  stipple     "#222222"

#color :background,      "#000000"

# == Gravities
# Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways
# to set a certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or
# change them during runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify
# gravities.
# A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen
# size. The first two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen
# and he last two values are the width and height.
# === Example
# Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height:
#   gravity :example, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Gravity

# Center
gravity :center,         [   0,   0, 100, 100 ]
gravity :center66,       [  17,  17,  66,  66 ]
gravity :center33,       [  33,  33,  33,  33 ]

  # Top left
gravity :top_left66,     [   0,   0,  66,  67 ]
gravity :top_left50,     [   0,   0,  50,  67 ]

  # Top
gravity :top,            [  50,   0, 100,  67 ]

# Top right
gravity :top_right,      [  50,   0,  50,  50 ]
gravity :top_right66,    [  50,   0,  50,  66 ]
gravity :top_right33,    [  50,   0,  50,  33 ]

  # Left
gravity :left,           [   0,   0,  50, 100 ]
gravity :left66,         [   0,   0,  66, 100 ]

# Right
gravity :right,          [  50,   0,  50, 100 ]
gravity :right66,        [  34,   0,  66, 100 ]
gravity :right33,        [  67,  50,  33, 100 ]

# Bottom left
gravity :bottom_left,    [   0,  50,  50,  50 ]
gravity :bottom_left66,  [   0,  34,  50,  66 ]
gravity :bottom_left33,  [   0,  67,  50,  33 ]

  # Bottom
gravity :bottom,         [  50,  67, 100,  33 ]
gravity :bottom33,       [  49,  67,  33,  33 ]

  # Bottom right
gravity :bottom_right,   [  50,  67,  50,  33 ]
gravity :bottom_right33, [  66,  67,  34,  33 ]

  # Gimp
gravity :gimp_image,     [   0,   0,  83, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_toolbox,   [  83,   0,  17,  30 ]
gravity :gimp_dock,      [  83,  30,  17,  70 ]
# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be
# assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab
# consists of a chain and an action.
# === Finding keys
# The best resource for getting the correct key names is
# */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints
# about it:
# * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0*
# * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad
# * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in
#   /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
# * Keys usually have meaningful english names
# * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M),
#   Shift (S), Super (W))
# === Chaining
# Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys
# and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are
# two ways to define chains for grabs:
#   1. *Default*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab
#      *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
#   2. *Chain*: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed in order
#      *Example*: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt"
# ==== Mouse buttons
# [*B1*] = Button1 (Left mouse button)
# [*B2*] = Button2 (Middle mouse button)
# [*B3*] = Button3 (Right mouse button)
# [*B4*] = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)
# [*B5*] = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)
# ==== Modifiers
# [*A*] = Alt key
# [*C*] = Control key
# [*M*] = Meta key
# [*S*] = Shift key
# [*W*] = Super (Windows) key
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one
# of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*]  Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed:
#   grab "A-Return", "urxvt"
#   grab "C-a c",    "urxvt"
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Grabs

# Jump to view1, view2, ...
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2
grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3
grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4
grab "W-S-5", :ViewJump5
grab "W-S-6", :ViewJump6

# Switch current view
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1
grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2
grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3
grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4
grab "W-5", :ViewSwitch5
grab "W-6", :ViewSwitch6

# Select next and prev view */
grab "KP_Add",      :ViewNext
grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev

# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2
grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3
grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4
grab "W-A-5", :ScreenJump5

# Multimedia Keys
 grab "XF86AudioPlay", "ncmpcpp toggle" 
 grab "XF86AudioNext", "ncmpcpp next" 
 grab "XF86AudioPrev", "ncmpcpp prev" 
 grab "XF86AudioStop", "ncmpcpp stop" 

# volume

# Force reload of config and sublets
grab "W-S-r", :SubtleReload
# Force restart of subtle
grab "W-S-C-r", :SubtleRestart

# Quit subtle
grab "W-S-q", :SubtleQuit

# Move current window
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove

# Resize current window
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize

# Toggle floating mode of window
grab "W-f", :WindowFloat

# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
grab "W-space", :WindowFull

# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
grab "W-s", :WindowStick

# Raise window
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise

# Lower window
grab "W-l", :WindowLower

# Select next windows
grab "W-j",  :WindowLeft
grab "W-k",  :WindowDown
grab "W-i",    :WindowUp
grab "W-l", :WindowRight

# Kill current window
grab "W-x", :WindowKill

# Cycle between given gravities
grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left,     :top_left66,     :top_left33     ]
grab "W-KP_8", [ :top,          :top66,          :top33          ]
grab "W-KP_9", [ :top_right,    :top_right66,    :top_right33    ]
grab "W-KP_4", [ :left,         :left66,         :left33         ]
grab "W-KP_5", [ :center,       :center66,       :center33       ]
grab "W-KP_6", [ :right,        :right66,        :right33        ]
grab "W-KP_1", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
grab "W-KP_2", [ :bottom,       :bottom66,       :bottom33       ]
grab "W-KP_3", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]

# In case no numpad is available e.g. on notebooks
#grab "W-q", [ :top_left,     :top_left66,     :top_left33     ]
#grab "W-w", [ :top,          :top66,          :top33          ]
#grab "W-e", [ :top_right,    :top_right66,    :top_right33    ]
#grab "W-a", [ :left,         :left66,         :left33         ]
#grab "W-s", [ :center,       :center66,       :center33       ]
#grab "W-d", [ :right,        :right66,        :right33        ]
#grab "W-y", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
#grab "W-z", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
#grab "W-x", [ :bottom,       :bottom66,       :bottom33       ]
#grab "W-c", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]

# Exec programs
grab "W-Return", "urxvt" 
grab "W-b", "firefox"
grab "W-c", "pcmanfm"
grab "W-e", "emesene"
grab "W-d", "dmenu"
grab "W-S-n", "urxvt -e ncmpcpp"
grab "W-S-w", "urxvt -e weechat-curses"

# layouts

grab "A-j", :LayoutNext
grab "A-k", :LayoutPrev
grab "A-g", :LayoutSetGravity
grab "A-space", :LayoutSetNone

# Run Ruby lambdas
grab "S-F2" do |c|
  puts c.name

grab "S-F3" do
  puts Subtlext::VERSION


  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/subtle-contrib/ruby/launcher.rb"
  # Set fonts
   Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.fonts = [

Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.paths = [
  rescue LoadError => error
    puts error
  grab "W-p" do


   require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb" 
   # Set font
   Subtle::Contrib::Selector.font = "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=40:antialias=true" 
 rescue LoadError => error
   puts error

grab "W-t" do

## Scratchpad

# Scratchpad
 grab "W-y" do
 if((c = Subtlext::Client["scratch"]))
 elsif((c = Subtlext::Subtle.spawn("urxvt -name scratch")))
 c.tags = []
 c.flags = [ :stick ]

# == Tags
# Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is
# strict, that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows
# must have a matching tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that
# windows that are started on a certain view will not automatically be placed
# there.
# There are to ways to define a tag:
# === Simple
# The simple way just needs a name and a regular expression to just handle the
# placement:
# Example:
#  tag "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they
# also have properties than can define and control some aspects of a window
# like the default gravity or the default screen per view.
# Example:
#  tag "terms" do
#    match   "xterm|[u]?rxvt"
#    gravity :center
#  end
# === Default
# Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the
# default view. The default view can either be set by the user with adding the
# default tag to a view by choice or otherwise the first defined view will be
# chosen automatically.
# === Properties
# [*float*]     This property either sets the tagged client floating or prevents
#               it from being floating depending on the value.
#               Example: float true
# [*full*]      This property either sets the tagged client to fullscreen or
#               prevents it from being set to fullscreen depending on the value.
#               Example: full true
# [*geometry*]  This property sets a certain geometry as well as floating mode
#               to the tagged client, but only on views that have this tag too.
#               It expects an array with x, y, width and height values whereas
#               width and height must be >0.
#               Example: geometry [100, 100, 50, 50]
# [*gravity*]   This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client,
#               but only on views that have this tag too.
#              Example: gravity :center
# [*match*]    This property adds matching patterns to a tag, a tag can have
#              more than one. Matching works either via plaintext, regex
#              (see man regex(7)) or window id. Per default tags will only
#              match the WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client, this
#              can be changed with following possible values:
#              [*:name*]      Match the WM_NAME
#              [*:instance*]  Match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS
#              [*:class*]     Match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS
#              [*:role*]      Match the window role
#              Example: match :instance => "urxvt"
#                       match [:role, :class] => "test"
#                       match "[xa]+term"
# [*exclude*]  This property works exactly the same way as *match*, but it
#              excludes clients that match from this tag. That can be helpful
#              with catch-all tags e.g. for console apps.
#              Example: exclude :instance => "irssi"
# [*resize*]   This property either enables or disables honoring of client
#              resize hints and is independent of the global option.
#              Example: resize true
# [*stick*]    This property either sets the tagged client to stick or prevents
#              it from being set to stick depending on the value. Stick clients
#              are visible on every view.
#              Example: stick true
# [*type*]     This property sets the [[Tagging|tagged]] client to be treated
#              as a specific window type though as the window sets the type
#              itself. Following types are possible:
#              [*:desktop*]  Treat as desktop window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP)
#              [*:dock*]     Treat as dock window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)
#              [*:toolbar*]  Treat as toolbar windows (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR)
#              [*:splash*]   Treat as splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH)
#              [*:dialog*]   Treat as dialog window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG)
#              Example: type :desktop
# [*urgent*]   This property either sets the tagged client to be urgent or
#              prevents it from being urgent depending on the value. Urgent
#              clients will get keyboard and mouse focus automatically.
#              Example: urgent true
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging

# Simple tags
#tag "terms",   "xterm|[u]?rxvt|cmus"
tag "flash", "<unknown>|exe|operapluginwrapper|npviewer.bin"
tag "browser", "firefox|arora"
#tag "fooz", "pcmanfm"

# Placement
tag "terms" do
  match "xterm|[u]?rxvt"
  gravity :center66

tag "vim" do
  match "gvim"
  gravity :center

tag "leafpad" do
  match  "leafpad"
  gravity :left
  resize true

tag "gpicview" do
  match  "gpicview"
  gravity :center
  resize true

tag "inkscape" do
  match  "inkscape"
  gravity :center
  resize true

tag "skype" do
  match  "skype"
  gravity :right66
  resize true

tag "pcmanfm" do
  match  "pcmanfm"
  gravity :right
  resize true

tag "fixed" do
  geometry [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ]
  stick    true

tag "resize" do
  match  "sakura|gvim"
  resize true

tag "gravity" do
  gravity :center

# Modes
tag "stick" do
  match "mplayer"
  float true
  stick true

tag "float" do
  match "display"
  float true


# Gimp
tag "gimp_image" do
  match :role => "gimp-image-window"
  gravity :gimp_image

tag "gimp_toolbox" do
  match :role => "gimp-toolbox$"
  gravity :gimp_toolbox

tag "gimp_dock" do
  match :role => "gimp-dock"
  gravity :gimp_dock

# == Views
# Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a
# tag with them. Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view
# which is the view with the default tag or the first defined view when this
# tag isn't set.
# Like tags views can be defined in two ways:
# === Simple
# The simple way is exactly the same as for tags:
# Example:
#   view "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# The extended way for views is also similar to the tags, but with fewer
# properties.
# Example:
#  view "terms" do
#    match "terms"
#    icon  "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#  end
# === Properties
# [*match*]      This property adds a matching pattern to a view. Matching
#                works either via plaintext or regex (see man regex(7)) and
#                applies to names of tags.
#                Example: match "terms"
# [*dynamic*]    This property hides unoccupied views, views that display no
#                windows.
#                Example: dynamic true
# [*icon*]       This property adds an icon in front of the view name. The
#                icon can either be path to an icon or an instance of
#                Subtlext::Icon.
#                Example: icon "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#                         icon Subtlext::Icon.new("/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm")
# [*icon_only*]  This property hides the view name from the view buttons, just
#                the icon will be visible.
#                Example: icon_only true
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging

view " net" do
  match "browser"
  dynamic false
 icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/world.xbm"
  icon_only true

view " terms" do
  match "terms"
  dynamic false
  icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/terminal.xbm"
  icon_only true

view " home" do 
  match  "leafpad|pcmanfm"
  dynamic false
  icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/house.xbm"
  icon_only true

view " prog" do
  match "skype|vim"
  dynamic false
  icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/ruby.xbm"
  icon_only true

view " art" do
  match "inkscape|gpicview"
  dynamic false
 icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/paint.xbm"
  icon_only true

view " +" do
  match "default"
  dynamic false
  icon "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/icons/box_plus.xbm"
  icon_only true	

# == Sublets
# Sublets are Ruby scripts that provide data for the panel and can be managed
# with the sur script that comes with subtle.
# === Example
#  sur install clock
#  sur uninstall clock
#  sur list
# === Configuration
# All sublets have a set of configuration values that can be changed directly
# from the config of subtle.
# There are three default properties, that can be be changed for every sublet:
# [*interval*]    Update interval of the sublet
# [*foreground*]  Default foreground color
# [*background*]  Default background color
# sur can also give a brief overview about properties:
# === Example
#   sur config clock
# The syntax of the sublet configuration is similar to other configuration
# options in subtle:
# === Example
#  sublet :clock do
#    interval      30
#    foreground    "#eeeeee"
#    background    "#000000"
#    format_string "%H:%M:%S"
#  end
#  === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Sublets

set :separator, ">>"

sublet :wifi do
 icon_fg "#FFFFFF"

sublet :cpu do
 icon_fg "#A6E22E"

sublet :battery do
 icon_fg "#F92672"

sublet :temp do 
 icon_fg "#FD971F"

sublet :volume do
  foreground "#93d44f"

sublet :clock do
 format_string "%a %b %d , %H:%M"
 icon_fg "#777777"
 foreground "#ff6565"

col1 = Subtlext::Color.new("#4682B4")                         
col2 = Subtlext::Color.new("#DBDCDC")                       
col3 = Subtlext::Color.new("#FA3939")                       
col4 = Subtlext::Color.new("#00ffff")                       
col5 = Subtlext::Color.new("#0000ff")                       

sublet :mpd do
  foreground "#DBDCDC"
  icon_fg "#757575"
  format_string "%note% #{col1}%artist% - #{col2}%album% - #{col3}%title%"

# == Hooks
# And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event.
# Following hooks exist so far:
# [*:client_create*]    Called whenever a window is created
# [*:client_configure*] Called whenever a window is configured
# [*:client_focus*]     Called whenever a window gets focus
# [*:client_kill*]      Called whenever a window is killed
# [*:tag_create*]       Called whenever a tag is created
# [*:tag_kill*]         Called whenever a tag is killed
# [*:view_create*]      Called whenever a view is created
# [*:view_configure*]   Called whenever a view is configured
# [*:view_jump*]        Called whenever the view is switched
# [*:view_kill*]        Called whenever a view is killed
# [*:tile*]             Called on whenever tiling would be needed
# [*:reload*]           Called on reload
# [*:start*]            Called on start
# [*:exit*]             Called on exit
# === Example
# This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus:
#   on :client_focus do |c|
#     puts c.name
#   end
# === Link
# http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Hooks

# vim:ts=2:bs=2:sw=2:et:fdm=marker


# abc to cba 

on :start do
  # Some autostart stuff
#Subtlext::Subtle.spawn  '/home/robin/.scripts/dzen2.sh'

# Create missing tags
    views = Subtlext::View.all.map { |v| v.name }
    tags  = Subtlext::Tag.all.map { |t| t.name }

    views.each do |v|
        t = Subtlext::Tag.new(v)
 # Add nine C-< number> grabs
 (1..9).each do |i|
  grab "C-%d" % [ i ] do |c|
    views = Subtlext::View.all
    names = views.map { |v| v.name }
    # Sanity check
    if(i <= views.size)
      # Tag client
      tags = c.tags.reject { |t| names.include?(t.name) or "default" == t.name }
      tags << names[i - 1]
      c.tags = tags
      # Tag view
      views[i - 1].tag(names[i - 1])