1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 | # $scrotwm: scrotwm.conf,v 1.29 2011/06/14 15:47:57 marco Exp $
# colors for focussed and unfocussed window borders
color_focus = rgb:84/b8/d0
color_unfocus = rgb:2e/2e/2e
# bar settings
bar_enabled = 1
bar_border_width = 1
bar_border[1] = rgb:18/22/31
bar_color[1] = rgb:fb/fb/fb
bar_font_color[1] = rgb:22/22/22
bar_font = -artwiz-anorexia-medium-r-normal--11-110-75-75-p-90-iso8859-1
bar_at_bottom = 1
stack_enabled = 1
clock_enabled = 0
title_name_enabled = 1
title_class_enabled = 0
window_name_enabled = 1
focus_mode = default
disable_border = 1
border_width = 1
program[menu] = dmenu_run -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf $bar_font_color -sb $bar_border -sf $bar_color
modkey = Mod4
# dialog box size ratio .3 >= r < 1
dialog_ratio = 0.6
# Split a non-Xrandr dual head setup into one region per monitor
# (non-standard driver-based multihead is not seen by scrotwm)
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+0+0
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+1280+0
# key bindings
bind[cycle_layout] = MOD+space
bind[stack_reset] = MOD+Shift+space
bind[master_shrink] = MOD+h
bind[master_grow] = MOD+l
bind[master_add] = MOD+comma
bind[master_del] = MOD+period
bind[stack_inc] = MOD+Shift+comma
bind[stack_dec] = MOD+Shift+period
bind[swap_main] = MOD+Return
bind[focus_next] = MOD+j
bind[focus_prev] = MOD+k
bind[swap_next] = MOD+Shift+j
bind[swap_prev] = MOD+Shift+k
bind[menu] = MOD+p
bind[quit] = MOD+Shift+q
bind[restart] = MOD+q
bind[focus_main] = MOD+m
bind[ws_1] = MOD+1
bind[ws_2] = MOD+2
bind[ws_3] = MOD+3
bind[ws_4] = MOD+4
bind[ws_5] = MOD+5
bind[ws_6] = MOD+6
bind[ws_7] = MOD+7
bind[ws_8] = MOD+8
bind[ws_9] = MOD+9
bind[ws_10] = MOD+0
bind[ws_next] = MOD+Right
bind[ws_prev] = MOD+Left
bind[screen_next] = MOD+Shift+Right
bind[screen_prev] = MOD+Shift+Left
bind[mvws_1] = MOD+Shift+1
bind[mvws_2] = MOD+Shift+2
bind[mvws_3] = MOD+Shift+3
bind[mvws_4] = MOD+Shift+4
bind[mvws_5] = MOD+Shift+5
bind[mvws_6] = MOD+Shift+6
bind[mvws_7] = MOD+Shift+7
bind[mvws_8] = MOD+Shift+8
bind[mvws_9] = MOD+Shift+9
bind[mvws_10] = MOD+Shift+0
bind[bar_toggle] = MOD+b
bind[focus_next] = MOD+Tab
bind[focus_prev] = MOD+Shift+Tab
bind[wind_kill] = MOD+Shift+x
bind[wind_del] = MOD+x
bind[float_toggle] = MOD+t
bind[version] = MOD+Shift+v
bind[lock] = MOD+Shift+Delete
bind[initscr] = MOD+Shift+i
# Quirks
quirk[MPlayer:xv] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
quirk[Gimp:gimp] = FLOAT + ANYWHERE
# Define binds
program[opera] = o.sh
bind[opera] = MOD+Shift+o
program[term] = /usr/bin/urxvtc -uc
bind[term] = Control+Return
program[volu] = amixer -c0 -q set Master 4+ unmute
bind[volu] = 0x1008ff13
program[vold] = amixer -c0 -q set Master 4- unmute
bind[vold] = 0x1008ff11
program[mute] = amixer -c0 -q set Master toggle
bind[mute] = 0x1008ff12
program[play] = ncmpcpp toggle
bind[play] = 0x1008ff14
program[next] = ncmpcpp next
bind[next] = 0x1008ff17
program[prev] = ncmpcpp prev
bind[prev] = 0x1008ff16
program[stop] = ncmpcpp stop
bind[stop] = 0x1008ff15
program[halt] = sudo /sbin/poweroff
bind[halt] = MOD+Shift+h
program[reboot] = sudo /sbin/reboot
bind[reboot] = MOD+Shift+r
program[scrnf] = screenshot.sh full
bind[scrnf] = 0xff61
program[scrnw] = screenshot.sh window
bind[scrnw] = MOD+0xff61
Statusbar: dzen2 @ ~/groups/info/dzen2
ncmpcpp @ ~/groups/mpd/ncmpcpp
Full resolution screenshot @ http://ramonovski.deviantart.com/#/d3jnx3p
gutterslob said about 13 years ago
Great to see another Scrotumizer on Linux. Not many of us outside BSD-land.
Some fonts details, please? I know you’ve got Anorexia in your bar/dzen2, but what about the terms? They remind me of the old SGI-Iris collection. Looks great. :)
ramonovski said about 13 years ago
@gutterslob, Yep, the term (rxvt-unicode) font is iris of the SGI fonts package.