1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | color0: 2e404e
color1: 537592
color2: dbc36e
color3: e6b179
color4: 98b2a7
color5: c17b82
color6: bcbd82
color7: dcc8a1
color8: 3d4e5b
color9: 657e94
color10: c8be96
color11: ccac8a
color12: a1b5b4
color13: a9808a
color14: b5bb9d
color15: cfc6af
colorfg: a2a9af
colorbg: 1a2937
An extra-gentle colorschme for sentient computers.
I created this in response to my last set of terminal colors which had great contrast, but I found them pretty fatigueing after an hour or two of coding. These colors preserve some of that contrast while significantly improving on the long-term usability. I have yet to install chunkwm, but I’m confident that these colors could work very nicely on a minimal tiling desktop environment. Feel free to move some of the colors around in a way that makes sense to you.
Heres an example in weechat: