#!/bin/zsh ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES+=( default none unknown-token none suffix-alias fg=green,underline reserved-word fg=004 alias fg=green builtin fg=green function fg=green,underline command fg=green precommand fg=green,underline path fg=white path_prefix none path_approx fg=white # path_pathseparator # path_prefix_pathseparator hashed-command fg=green globbing fg=110 history-expansion fg=blue single-hyphen-option fg=244 double-hyphen-option fg=244 comment fg=221 arg0 fg=green rc-quote cyan # redirection none # commandseparator none back-quoted-argument fg=024,bold single-quoted-argument fg=024 double-quoted-argument fg=024 dollar-double-quoted-argument fg=004,bold back-double-quoted-argument fg=024,bold back-dollar-quoted-argument fg=024,bold assign fg=222,bold ) ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES+=($(< ${ZDOTDIR}/highlighters/ft_list.zsh)) # Whether the highlighter should be called or not. _zsh_highlight_highlighter_main_predicate() { # may need to remove path_prefix highlighting when the line ends [[ $WIDGET == zle-line-finish ]] || _zsh_highlight_buffer_modified } # Helper to deal with tokens crossing line boundaries. _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight() { integer start=$1 end=$2 shift 2 if (( $+argv[2] )); then # Caller specified inheritance explicitly. else # Automate inheritance. typeset -A fallback_of; fallback_of=( alias arg0 suffix-alias arg0 builtin arg0 function arg0 command arg0 precommand arg0 hashed-command arg0 path_prefix path # The path separator fallback won't ever be used, due to the optimisation # in _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_path_separators(). path_pathseparator path path_prefix_pathseparator path_prefix single-quoted-argument{-unclosed,} double-quoted-argument{-unclosed,} dollar-single-quoted-argument{-unclosed,} back-quoted-argument{-unclosed,} ) local needle=$1 value while [[ -n ${value::=$fallback_of[$needle]} ]]; do unset "fallback_of[$needle]" # paranoia against infinite loops argv+=($value) needle=$value done fi # The calculation was relative to $PREBUFFER$BUFFER, but region_highlight is # relative to $BUFFER. (( start -= $#PREBUFFER )) (( end -= $#PREBUFFER )) (( start >= end )) && { print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: BUG: _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight: start($start) >= end($end)"; return } (( end <= 0 )) && return (( start < 0 )) && start=0 # having start<0 is normal with e.g. multiline strings _zsh_highlight_add_highlight $start $end "$@" } _zsh_highlight_main_add_many_region_highlights() { for 1 2 3; do _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $1 $2 $3 done } # Get the type of a command. # # Uses the zsh/parameter module if available to avoid forks, and a # wrapper around 'type -w' as fallback. # # Takes a single argument. # # The result will be stored in REPLY. _zsh_highlight_main__type() { if (( $+_zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache )); then REPLY=$_zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache[(e)$1] if [[ -n "$REPLY" ]]; then return fi fi if (( $#options_to_set )); then setopt localoptions $options_to_set; fi unset REPLY if zmodload -e zsh/parameter; then if (( $+aliases[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=alias elif (( $+saliases[(e)${1##*.}] )); then REPLY='suffix alias' elif (( $reswords[(Ie)$1] )); then REPLY=reserved elif (( $+functions[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=function elif (( $+builtins[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=builtin elif (( $+commands[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=command # zsh 5.2 and older have a bug whereby running 'type -w ./sudo' implicitly # runs 'hash ./sudo=/usr/local/bin/./sudo' (assuming /usr/local/bin/sudo # exists and is in $PATH). Avoid triggering the bug, at the expense of # falling through to the $() below, incurring a fork. (Issue #354.) # # The first disjunct mimics the isrelative() C call from the zsh bug. elif { [[ $1 != */* ]] || is-at-least 5.3 } && ! builtin type -w -- $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then REPLY=none fi fi if ! (( $+REPLY )); then # Note that 'type -w' will run 'rehash' implicitly. REPLY="${$(LC_ALL=C builtin type -w -- $1 2>/dev/null)##*: }" fi if (( $+_zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache )); then _zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache[(e)$1]=$REPLY fi } # Check whether the first argument is a redirection operator token. # Report result via the exit code. _zsh_highlight_main__is_redirection() { # A redirection operator token: # - starts with an optional single-digit number; # - then, has a '<' or '>' character; # - is not a process substitution [<(...) or >(...)]. # - is not a numeric glob <-> [[ $1 == (<0-9>|)(\<|\>)* ]] && [[ $1 != (\<|\>)$'\x28'* ]] && [[ $1 != *'<'*'-'*'>'* ]] } # Resolve alias. # # Takes a single argument. # # The result will be stored in REPLY. _zsh_highlight_main__resolve_alias() { if zmodload -e zsh/parameter; then REPLY=${aliases[$arg]} else REPLY="${"$(alias -- $arg)"#*=}" fi } # Check that the top of $braces_stack has the expected value. If it does, set # the style according to $2; otherwise, set style=unknown-token. # # $1: character expected to be at the top of $braces_stack # $2: assignment to execute it if matches _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop() { if [[ $braces_stack[1] == $1 ]]; then braces_stack=${braces_stack:1} eval "$2" else style=unknown-token fi } # Main syntax highlighting function. _zsh_highlight_highlighter_main_paint() { setopt localoptions extendedglob # At the PS3 prompt and in vared, highlight nothing. # # (We can't check this in _zsh_highlight_highlighter_main_predicate because # if the predicate returns false, the previous value of region_highlight # would be reused.) if [[ $CONTEXT == (select|vared) ]]; then return fi ## Variable declarations and initializations local start_pos=0 end_pos highlight_glob=true arg style local in_array_assignment=false # true between 'a=(' and the matching ')' typeset -a ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR typeset -a ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS typeset -a ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_CONTROL_FLOW local -a options_to_set # used in callees local buf="$PREBUFFER$BUFFER" integer len="${#buf}" integer pure_buf_len=$(( len - ${#PREBUFFER} )) # == $#BUFFER, used e.g. in *_check_path # "R" for round # "Q" for square # "Y" for curly # "D" for do/done # "$" for 'end' (matches 'foreach' always; also used with cshjunkiequotes in repeat/while) # "?" for 'if'/'fi'; also checked by 'elif'/'else' # ":" for 'then' local braces_stack if [[ $zsyh_user_options[ignorebraces] == on || ${zsyh_user_options[ignoreclosebraces]:-off} == on ]]; then local right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere=false else local right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere=true fi if [[ $zsyh_user_options[pathdirs] == on ]]; then options_to_set+=( PATH_DIRS ) fi ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR=( '|' '||' ';' '&' '&&' '|&' '&!' '&|' # ### 'case' syntax, but followed by a pattern, not by a command ';;' ';&' ';|' ) ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS=( 'builtin' 'command' 'exec' 'nocorrect' 'noglob' 'sudo' 's' 'pkexec' # immune to #121 because it's usually not passed --option flags ) # Tokens that, at (naively-determined) "command position", are followed by # a de jure command position. All of these are reserved words. ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_CONTROL_FLOW=( $'\x7b' # block $'\x28' # subshell '()' # anonymous function 'while' 'until' 'if' 'then' 'elif' 'else' 'do' 'time' 'coproc' '!' # reserved word; unrelated to $histchars[1] ) local -a match mbegin mend # State machine # # The states are: # - :start: Command word # - :sudo_opt: A leading-dash option to sudo (such as "-u" or "-i") # - :sudo_arg: The argument to a sudo leading-dash option that takes one, # when given as a separate word; i.e., "foo" in "-u foo" (two # words) but not in "-ufoo" (one word). # - :regular: "Not a command word", and command delimiters are permitted. # Mainly used to detect premature termination of commands. # - :always: The word 'always' in the «{ foo } always { bar }» syntax. # # When the kind of a word is not yet known, $this_word / $next_word may contain # multiple states. For example, after "sudo -i", the next word may be either # another --flag or a command name, hence the state would include both :start: # and :sudo_opt:. # # The tokens are always added with both leading and trailing colons to serve as # word delimiters (an improvised array); [[ $x == *:foo:* ]] and x=${x//:foo:/} # will DTRT regardless of how many elements or repetitions $x has.. # # Handling of redirections: upon seeing a redirection token, we must stall # the current state --- that is, the value of $this_word --- for two iterations # (one for the redirection operator, one for the word following it representing # the redirection target). Therefore, we set $in_redirection to 2 upon seeing a # redirection operator, decrement it each iteration, and stall the current state # when it is non-zero. Thus, upon reaching the next word (the one that follows # the redirection operator and target), $this_word will still contain values # appropriate for the word immediately following the word that preceded the # redirection operator. # # The "the previous word was a redirection operator" state is not communicated # to the next iteration via $next_word/$this_word as usual, but via # $in_redirection. The value of $next_word from the iteration that processed # the operator is discarded. # local this_word=':start:' next_word integer in_redirection # Processing buffer local proc_buf="$buf" local -a args if [[ $zsyh_user_options[interactivecomments] == on ]]; then args=(${(zZ+c+)buf}) else args=(${(z)buf}) fi for arg in $args; do # Initialize $next_word. if (( in_redirection )); then (( --in_redirection )) fi if (( in_redirection == 0 )); then # Initialize $next_word to its default value. next_word=':regular:' else # Stall $next_word. fi # Initialize per-"simple command" [zshmisc(1)] variables: # # $already_added (see next paragraph) # $style how to highlight $arg # $in_array_assignment boolean flag for "between '(' and ')' of array assignment" # $highlight_glob boolean flag for "'noglob' is in effect" # # $already_added is set to 1 to disable adding an entry to region_highlight # for this iteration. Currently, that is done for "" and $'' strings, # which add the entry early so escape sequences within the string override # the string's color. integer already_added=0 style=unknown-token if [[ $this_word == *':start:'* ]]; then in_array_assignment=false if [[ $arg == 'noglob' ]]; then highlight_glob=false fi fi # Compute the new $start_pos and $end_pos, skipping over whitespace in $buf. if [[ $arg == ';' ]] ; then # We're looking for either a semicolon or a newline, whichever comes # first. Both of these are rendered as a ";" (SEPER) by the ${(z)..} # flag. # # We can't use the (Z+n+) flag because that elides the end-of-command # token altogether, so 'echo foo\necho bar' (two commands) becomes # indistinguishable from 'echo foo echo bar' (one command with three # words for arguments). local needle=$'[;\n]' integer offset=$(( ${proc_buf[(i)$needle]} - 1 )) (( start_pos += offset )) (( end_pos = start_pos + $#arg )) else # The line was: # # integer offset=$(((len-start_pos)-${#${proc_buf##([[:space:]]|\\[[:space:]])#}})) # # - len-start_pos is length of current proc_buf; basically: initial length minus where # we are, and proc_buf is chopped to the "where we are" (compare the "previous value # of start_pos" below, and the len-(start_pos-offset) = len-start_pos+offset) # - what's after main minus sign is: length of proc_buf without spaces at the beginning # - so what the line actually did, was computing length of the spaces! # - this can be done via (#b) flag, like below if [[ "$proc_buf" = (#b)(#s)(([[:space:]]|\\[[:space:]])##)* ]]; then # The first, outer parenthesis integer offset="${#match[1]}" else integer offset=0 fi ((start_pos+=offset)) ((end_pos=$start_pos+${#arg})) fi # Compute the new $proc_buf. We advance it # (chop off characters from the beginning) # beyond what end_pos points to, by skipping # as many characters as end_pos was advanced. # # end_pos was advanced by $offset (via start_pos) # and by $#arg. Note the `start_pos=$end_pos` # below. # # As for the [,len]. We could use [,len-start_pos+offset] # here, but to make it easier on eyes, we use len and # rely on the fact that Zsh simply handles that. The # length of proc_buf is len-start_pos+offset because # we're chopping it to match current start_pos, so its # length matches the previous value of start_pos. # # Why [,-1] is slower than [,length] isn't clear. proc_buf="${proc_buf[offset + $#arg + 1,len]}" # Handle the INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option. # # We use the (Z+c+) flag so the entire comment is presented as one token in $arg. if [[ $zsyh_user_options[interactivecomments] == on && $arg[1] == $histchars[3] ]]; then if [[ $this_word == *(':regular:'|':start:')* ]]; then style=comment else style=unknown-token # prematurely terminated fi _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $start_pos $end_pos $style already_added=1 start_pos=$end_pos continue fi # Analyse the current word. if _zsh_highlight_main__is_redirection $arg ; then if (( in_redirection )); then _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $start_pos $end_pos unknown-token already_added=1 else in_redirection=2 fi fi # Special-case the first word after 'sudo'. if (( ! in_redirection )); then if [[ $this_word == *':sudo_opt:'* ]] && [[ $arg != -* ]]; then this_word=${this_word//:sudo_opt:/} fi fi # Parse the sudo command line if (( ! in_redirection )); then if [[ $this_word == *':sudo_opt:'* ]]; then case "$arg" in # Flag that requires an argument '-'[Cgprtu]) this_word=${this_word//:start:/}; next_word=':sudo_arg:';; # This prevents misbehavior with sudo -u -otherargument '-'*) this_word=${this_word//:start:/}; next_word+=':start:'; next_word+=':sudo_opt:';; *) ;; esac elif [[ $this_word == *':sudo_arg:'* ]]; then next_word+=':sudo_opt:' next_word+=':start:' fi fi # The Great Fork: is this a command word? Is this a non-command word? if [[ $this_word == *':always:'* && $arg == 'always' ]]; then # try-always construct style=reserved-word # de facto a reserved word, although not de jure next_word=':start:' elif [[ $this_word == *':start:'* ]] && (( in_redirection == 0 )); then # $arg is the command word if [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS:#"$arg"} ]]; then style=precommand elif [[ "$arg" = "sudo" ]] && { _zsh_highlight_main__type sudo; [[ -n $REPLY && $REPLY != "none" ]] }; then style=precommand next_word=${next_word//:regular:/} next_word+=':sudo_opt:' next_word+=':start:' else _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_expand_path $arg local expanded_arg="$REPLY" _zsh_highlight_main__type ${expanded_arg} local res="$REPLY" () { # Special-case: command word is '$foo', like that, without braces or anything. # # That's not entirely correct --- if the parameter's value happens to be a reserved # word, the parameter expansion will be highlighted as a reserved word --- but that # incorrectness is outweighed by the usability improvement of permitting the use of # parameters that refer to commands, functions, and builtins. local -a match mbegin mend local MATCH; integer MBEGIN MEND if [[ $res == none ]] && (( ${+parameters} )) && [[ ${arg[1]} == \$ ]] && [[ ${arg:1} =~ ^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*|[0-9]+)$ ]] && (( ${+parameters[(e)${MATCH}]} )) && [[ ${parameters[(e)$MATCH]} != *special* ]] then _zsh_highlight_main__type ${(P)MATCH} res=$REPLY fi } case $res in reserved) # reserved word style=reserved-word # # Match braces. case $arg in ($'\x7b') braces_stack='Y'"$braces_stack" ;; ($'\x7d') # We're at command word, so no need to check $right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop 'Y' style=reserved-word if [[ $style == reserved-word ]]; then next_word+=':always:' fi ;; ('do') braces_stack='D'"$braces_stack" ;; ('done') _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop 'D' style=reserved-word ;; ('if') braces_stack=':?'"$braces_stack" ;; ('then') _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop ':' style=reserved-word ;; ('elif') if [[ ${braces_stack[1]} == '?' ]]; then braces_stack=':'"$braces_stack" else style=unknown-token fi ;; ('else') if [[ ${braces_stack[1]} == '?' ]]; then : else style=unknown-token fi ;; ('fi') _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop '?' "" ;; ('foreach') braces_stack='$'"$braces_stack" ;; ('end') _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop '$' style=reserved-word ;; esac ;; 'suffix alias') style=suffix-alias;; alias) () { integer insane_alias case $arg in # Issue #263: aliases with '=' on their LHS. # # There are three cases: # # - Unsupported, breaks 'alias -L' output, but invokable: ('='*) :;; # - Unsupported, not invokable: (*'='*) insane_alias=1;; # - The common case: (*) :;; esac if (( insane_alias )); then style=unknown-token else # The common case. style=alias _zsh_highlight_main__resolve_alias $arg local alias_target="$REPLY" [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS:#"$alias_target"} && -z ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS:#"$arg"} ]] && ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS+=($arg) fi } ;; builtin) style=builtin;; function) style=function;; command) style=command;; hashed) style=hashed-command;; none) if _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_assign; then style=assign if [[ $arg[-1] == '(' ]]; then in_array_assignment=true else # assignment to a scalar parameter. # (For array assignments, the command doesn't start until the ")" token.) next_word+=':start:' fi elif [[ $arg[0,1] = $histchars[0,1] ]] && (( $#arg[0,2] == 2 )); then style=history-expansion elif [[ $arg[0,1] == $histchars[2,2] ]]; then style=history-expansion elif [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR:#"$arg"} ]]; then if [[ $this_word == *':regular:'* ]]; then # This highlights empty commands (semicolon follows nothing) as an error. # Zsh accepts them, though. style=commandseparator else style=unknown-token fi elif (( in_redirection == 2 )); then style=redirection elif [[ $arg[1,2] == '((' ]]; then # Arithmetic evaluation. # # Note: prior to zsh-5.1.1-52-g4bed2cf (workers/36669), the ${(z)...} # splitter would only output the '((' token if the matching '))' had # been typed. Therefore, under those versions of zsh, BUFFER="(( 42" # would be highlighted as an error until the matching "))" are typed. # # We highlight just the opening parentheses, as a reserved word; this # is how [[ ... ]] is highlighted, too. style=reserved-word _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $start_pos $((start_pos + 2)) $style already_added=1 if [[ $arg[-2,-1] == '))' ]]; then _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $((end_pos - 2)) $end_pos $style already_added=1 fi elif [[ $arg == '()' ]]; then # anonymous function style=reserved-word elif [[ $arg == $'\x28' ]]; then # subshell style=reserved-word braces_stack='R'"$braces_stack" elif [[ $arg == $'\x29' ]]; then # end of subshell _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop 'R' style=reserved-word else if _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path; then style=$REPLY else style=unknown-token fi fi ;; *) _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $start_pos $end_pos arg0_$res arg0 already_added=1 ;; esac fi fi if (( ! already_added )) && [[ $style == unknown-token ]] && # not handled by the 'command word' codepath { (( in_redirection )) || [[ $this_word == *':regular:'* ]] || [[ $this_word == *':sudo_opt:'* ]] || [[ $this_word == *':sudo_arg:'* ]] } then # $arg is a non-command word case $arg in $'\x29') # subshell or end of array assignment if $in_array_assignment; then style=assign in_array_assignment=false next_word+=':start:' else _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop 'R' style=reserved-word fi;; $'\x28\x29') # possibly a function definition if [[ $zsyh_user_options[multifuncdef] == on ]] || false # TODO: or if the previous word was a command word then next_word+=':start:' fi style=reserved-word ;; #--[ Begining of ftype array ]------@@@@ *.old) style=ftype-old ;; *.in) style=ftype-in ;; *.am) style=ftype-am ;; *.pcap) style=ftype-pcap ;; *.dump) style=ftype-dump ;; *.dmp) style=ftype-dmp ;; *.cap) style=ftype-cap ;; *.old) style=ftype-old ;; *.in) style=ftype-in ;; *.am) style=ftype-am ;; *.tcc) style=ftype-tcc ;; *.sx) style=ftype-sx ;; *.S) style=ftype-S ;; *.s) style=ftype-s ;; *.hxx) style=ftype-hxx ;; *.hpp) style=ftype-hpp ;; *.hh) style=ftype-hh ;; *.H) style=ftype-H ;; *.h++) style=ftype-h++ ;; *.h) style=ftype-h ;; *.ftn) style=ftype-ftn ;; *.for) style=ftype-for ;; *.f) style=ftype-f ;; *.el) style=ftype-el ;; *.clj) style=ftype-clj ;; *.scala) style=ftype-scala ;; *.pas) style=ftype-pas ;; *.swift) style=ftype-swift ;; *.rst) style=ftype-rst ;; *.rs) style=ftype-rs ;; *.ml) style=ftype-ml ;; *.ii) style=ftype-ii ;; *.go) style=ftype-go ;; *.erl) style=ftype-erl ;; *.cxx) style=ftype-cxx ;; *.cs) style=ftype-cs ;; *.cpp) style=ftype-cpp ;; *.cp) style=ftype-cp ;; *.cc) style=ftype-cc ;; *.C) style=ftype-C ;; *.c++) style=ftype-c++ ;; *.c) style=ftype-c ;; *.timer) style=ftype-timer ;; *.target) style=ftype-target ;; *.swap) style=ftype-swap ;; *.socket) style=ftype-socket ;; *.snapshot) style=ftype-snapshot ;; *.service) style=ftype-service ;; *.path) style=ftype-path ;; *.mount) style=ftype-mount ;; *.device) style=ftype-device ;; *.automount) style=ftype-automount ;; *.desktop) style=ftype-desktop ;; *.sms) style=ftype-sms ;; *.sav) style=ftype-sav ;; *.rom) style=ftype-rom ;; *.nes) style=ftype-nes ;; *.nds) style=ftype-nds ;; *.j64) style=ftype-j64 ;; *.ggl) style=ftype-ggl ;; *.gg) style=ftype-gg ;; *.gel) style=ftype-gel ;; *.gbc) style=ftype-gbc ;; *.gba) style=ftype-gba ;; *.gb) style=ftype-gb ;; *.cdi) style=ftype-cdi ;; *.atr) style=ftype-atr ;; *.a78) style=ftype-a78 ;; *.A64) style=ftype-A64 ;; *.a64) style=ftype-a64 ;; *.a52) style=ftype-a52 ;; *.a00) style=ftype-a00 ;; *.32x) style=ftype-32x ;; *.fm2) style=ftype-fm2 ;; *.adf) style=ftype-adf ;; *.ttf) style=ftype-ttf ;; *.pfb) style=ftype-pfb ;; *.pfa) style=ftype-pfa ;; *.pcf) style=ftype-pcf ;; *.otf) style=ftype-otf ;; *.gsf) style=ftype-gsf ;; *.fon) style=ftype-fon ;; *.dfont) style=ftype-dfont ;; *.bdf) style=ftype-bdf ;; *.srt) style=ftype-srt ;; *.ass) style=ftype-ass ;; *.ogx) style=ftype-ogx ;; *.axv) style=ftype-axv ;; *.anx) style=ftype-anx ;; *.wmv) style=ftype-wmv ;; *.webm) style=ftype-webm ;; *.VOB) style=ftype-VOB ;; *.vob) style=ftype-vob ;; *.ts) style=ftype-ts ;; *.sample) style=ftype-sample ;; *.rmvb) style=ftype-rmvb ;; *.rm) style=ftype-rm ;; *.qt) style=ftype-qt ;; *.ogv) style=ftype-ogv ;; *.ogm) style=ftype-ogm ;; *.nuv) style=ftype-nuv ;; *.mpg) style=ftype-mpg ;; *.mpeg) style=ftype-mpeg ;; *.mp4v) style=ftype-mp4v ;; *.mp4) style=ftype-mp4 ;; *.MOV) style=ftype-MOV ;; *.mov) style=ftype-mov ;; *.mkv) style=ftype-mkv ;; *.m4v) style=ftype-m4v ;; *.m2v) style=ftype-m2v ;; *.m2ts) style=ftype-m2ts ;; *.gl) style=ftype-gl ;; *.flv) style=ftype-flv ;; *.fli) style=ftype-fli ;; *.flc) style=ftype-flc ;; *.divx) style=ftype-divx ;; *.AVI) style=ftype-AVI ;; *.avi) style=ftype-avi ;; *.asf) style=ftype-asf ;; *.wvc) style=ftype-wvc ;; *.wv) style=ftype-wv ;; *.spl) style=ftype-spl ;; *.sid) style=ftype-sid ;; *.S3M) style=ftype-S3M ;; *.s3m) style=ftype-s3m ;; *.oga) style=ftype-oga ;; *.mod) style=ftype-mod ;; *.m4) style=ftype-m4 ;; *.fcm) style=ftype-fcm ;; *.dat) style=ftype-dat ;; *.xspf) style=ftype-xspf ;; *.pls) style=ftype-pls ;; *.m3u8) style=ftype-m3u8 ;; *.m3u) style=ftype-m3u ;; *.cue) style=ftype-cue ;; *.wma) style=ftype-wma ;; *.wav) style=ftype-wav ;; *.spx) style=ftype-spx ;; *.ra) style=ftype-ra ;; *.ogg) style=ftype-ogg ;; *.oga) style=ftype-oga ;; *.mpc) style=ftype-mpc ;; *.mp3) style=ftype-mp3 ;; *.mp2) style=ftype-mp2 ;; *.mka) style=ftype-mka ;; *.midi) style=ftype-midi ;; *.mid) style=ftype-mid ;; *.m4r) style=ftype-m4r ;; *.m4b) style=ftype-m4b ;; *.m4a) style=ftype-m4a ;; *.axa) style=ftype-axa ;; *.au) style=ftype-au ;; *.aac) style=ftype-aac ;; *.ape) style=ftype-ape ;; *.aiff) style=ftype-aiff ;; *.dff) style=ftype-dff ;; *.dsf) style=ftype-dsf ;; *.flac) style=ftype-flac ;; *.alac) style=ftype-alac ;; *.st5) style=ftype-st5 ;; *.sha1) style=ftype-sha1 ;; *.sfv) style=ftype-sfv ;; *.par) style=ftype-par ;; *.md5) style=ftype-md5 ;; *.gpg) style=ftype-gpg ;; *.ffp) style=ftype-ffp ;; *.reg) style=ftype-reg ;; *.yml) style=ftype-yml ;; *.yml) style=ftype-yml ;; *.json) style=ftype-json ;; *.toml) style=ftype-toml ;; *.ini) style=ftype-ini ;; *.nix) style=ftype-nix ;; *.ovpn) style=ftype-ovpn ;; *.conf) style=ftype-conf ;; *.cfg) style=ftype-cfg ;; *.yaml) style=ftype-yaml ;; *.qml) style=ftype-qml ;; *.xml) style=ftype-xml ;; *.ttl) style=ftype-ttl ;; *.torrent) style=ftype-torrent ;; *.textile) style=ftype-textile ;; *.aux) style=ftype-aux ;; *.rdf) style=ftype-rdf ;; *.rc) style=ftype-rc ;; *.owl) style=ftype-owl ;; *.nt) style=ftype-nt ;; *.nfo) style=ftype-nfo ;; *.n3) style=ftype-n3 ;; *.latex) style=ftype-latex ;; *.tex) style=ftype-tex ;; *.jidgo) style=ftype-jidgo ;; *.icls) style=ftype-icls ;; *.deny) style=ftype-deny ;; *.allow) style=ftype-allow ;; *.vcd) style=ftype-vcd ;; *.nrg) style=ftype-nrg ;; *.mdf) style=ftype-mdf ;; *.ISO) style=ftype-ISO ;; *.iso) style=ftype-iso ;; *.img) style=ftype-img ;; *.dmg) style=ftype-dmg ;; *.snippets) style=ftype-snippets ;; *.Xresources) style=ftype-Xresources ;; *.Xmodmap) style=ftype-Xmodmap ;; *.xinitrc) style=ftype-xinitrc ;; *.Xauthority) style=ftype-Xauthority ;; *.urlview) style=ftype-urlview ;; *.ttytterrc) style=ftype-ttytterrc ;; *.profile) style=ftype-profile ;; *.bash_profile) style=ftype-bash_profile ;; *.bash_logout) style=ftype-bash_logout ;; *.zsh) style=ftype-zsh ;; *.tcsh) style=ftype-tcsh ;; *.sh*) style=ftype-sh* ;; *.sh) style=ftype-sh ;; *.ksh) style=ftype-ksh ;; *.fish) style=ftype-fish ;; *.dash) style=ftype-dash ;; *.csh) style=ftype-csh ;; *.bash_history) style=ftype-bash_history ;; *.bash) style=ftype-bash ;; *.rasi) style=ftype-rasi ;; *.vimrc) style=ftype-vimrc ;; *.vimp) style=ftype-vimp ;; *.viminfo) style=ftype-viminfo ;; *.vim) style=ftype-vim ;; *.attheme) style=ftype-attheme ;; *.tdesktop-pallete) style=ftype-tdesktop-pallete ;; *.tdesktop-theme) style=ftype-tdesktop-theme ;; *.theme) style=ftype-theme ;; *.tfnt) style=ftype-tfnt ;; *.tfm) style=ftype-tfm ;; *.tdy) style=ftype-tdy ;; *.tk) style=ftype-tk ;; *.tcl) style=ftype-tcl ;; *.t) style=ftype-t ;; *.sug) style=ftype-sug ;; *.sty) style=ftype-sty ;; *.signature) style=ftype-signature ;; *.sed) style=ftype-sed ;; *.ru) style=ftype-ru ;; *.rb) style=ftype-rb ;; *.irb) style=ftype-irb ;; *.erb) style=ftype-erb ;; *.rc) style=ftype-rc ;; *.py) style=ftype-py ;; *.pod) style=ftype-pod ;; *.pm) style=ftype-pm ;; *.PL) style=ftype-PL ;; *.pl) style=ftype-pl ;; *.pid) style=ftype-pid ;; *.php) style=ftype-php ;; *.pfa) style=ftype-pfa ;; *.pc) style=ftype-pc ;; *.diff) style=ftype-diff ;; *.patch) style=ftype-patch ;; *.pacnew) style=ftype-pacnew ;; *.offlineimaprc) style=ftype-offlineimaprc ;; *.nfo) style=ftype-nfo ;; *.netrc) style=ftype-netrc ;; *.muttrc) style=ftype-muttrc ;; *.mtx) style=ftype-mtx ;; *.msmtprc) style=ftype-msmtprc ;; *.mi) style=ftype-mi ;; *.mfasl) style=ftype-mfasl ;; *.mf) style=ftype-mf ;; *.map) style=ftype-map ;; *.lua) style=ftype-lua ;; *.log) style=ftype-log ;; *.lesshst) style=ftype-lesshst ;; *.lam) style=ftype-lam ;; *.scm) style=ftype-scm ;; *.lisp) style=ftype-lisp ;; *.jsp) style=ftype-jsp ;; *.jsm) style=ftype-jsm ;; *.js) style=ftype-js ;; *.e) style=ftype-e ;; *.java) style=ftype-java ;; *.info) style=ftype-info ;; *.htoprc) style=ftype-htoprc ;; *.agda) style=ftype-agda ;; *.hs) style=ftype-hs ;; *.hgignore) style=ftype-hgignore ;; *.hgrc) style=ftype-hgrc ;; *.jhtm) style=ftype-jhtm ;; *.html) style=ftype-html ;; *.htm) style=ftype-htm ;; *.gitignore) style=ftype-gitignore ;; *.git) style=ftype-git ;; *.fonts) style=ftype-fonts ;; *.fehbg) style=ftype-fehbg ;; *.example) style=ftype-example ;; *.ex) style=ftype-ex ;; *.etx) style=ftype-etx ;; *.ps) style=ftype-ps ;; *.epsi) style=ftype-epsi ;; *.epsf) style=ftype-epsf ;; *.eps3) style=ftype-eps3 ;; *.eps2) style=ftype-eps2 ;; *.eps) style=ftype-eps ;; *.enc) style=ftype-enc ;; *.dir_colors) style=ftype-dir_colors ;; *.csv) style=ftype-csv ;; *.less) style=ftype-less ;; *.scss) style=ftype-scss ;; *.sass) style=ftype-sass ;; *.css) style=ftype-css ;; *.cs) style=ftype-cs ;; *.coffee) style=ftype-coffee ;; *.awk) style=ftype-awk ;; *.mutt) style=ftype-mutt ;; *.asoundrc) style=ftype-asoundrc ;; *.asm) style=ftype-asm ;; *.sqlite) style=ftype-sqlite ;; *.sql) style=ftype-sql ;; *.odb) style=ftype-odb ;; *.mdf) style=ftype-mdf ;; *.mdb) style=ftype-mdb ;; *.ldf) style=ftype-ldf ;; *.db) style=ftype-db ;; *.ods) style=ftype-ods ;; *.odp) style=ftype-odp ;; *.odb) style=ftype-odb ;; *.pptx) style=ftype-pptx ;; *.ppt) style=ftype-ppt ;; *.chrt) style=ftype-chrt ;; *.xlsx) style=ftype-xlsx ;; *.xlsm) style=ftype-xlsm ;; *.xls) style=ftype-xls ;; *.xla) style=ftype-xla ;; *.gnumeric) style=ftype-gnumeric ;; *.rtf) style=ftype-rtf ;; *.pages) style=ftype-pages ;; *.odt) style=ftype-odt ;; *.odm) style=ftype-odm ;; *.dotm) style=ftype-dotm ;; *.dot) style=ftype-dot ;; *.docx) style=ftype-docx ;; *.docm) style=ftype-docm ;; *.doc) style=ftype-doc ;; *.txt) style=ftype-txt ;; *.mfasl) style=ftype-mfasl ;; *.mkd) style=ftype-mkd ;; *.mf) style=ftype-mf ;; *.org) style=ftype-org ;; *.md) style=ftype-md ;; *.markdown) style=ftype-markdown ;; *.cbz) style=ftype-cbz ;; *.pdf) style=ftype-pdf ;; *.mobi) style=ftype-mobi ;; *.lit) style=ftype-lit ;; *.fb2) style=ftype-fb2 ;; *.epub) style=ftype-epub ;; *.dvi) style=ftype-dvi ;; *.djvu) style=ftype-djvu ;; *.djv) style=ftype-djv ;; *.chm) style=ftype-chm ;; *.added) style=ftype-added ;; *.tmp) style=ftype-tmp ;; *.temp) style=ftype-temp ;; *.swp) style=ftype-swp ;; *.pyc) style=ftype-pyc ;; *.part) style=ftype-part ;; *.o) style=ftype-o ;; *.log) style=ftype-log ;; *.incomplete) style=ftype-incomplete ;; *.class) style=ftype-class ;; *.cache) style=ftype-cache ;; *.blg) style=ftype-blg ;; *.bbl) style=ftype-bbl ;; *.bck) style=ftype-bck ;; *.bak) style=ftype-bak ;; *.aux) style=ftype-aux ;; *.ico) style=ftype-ico ;; *.icns) style=ftype-icns ;; *.gif) style=ftype-gif ;; *.yuv) style=ftype-yuv ;; *.xwd) style=ftype-xwd ;; *.xcf) style=ftype-xcf ;; *.svgz) style=ftype-svgz ;; *.svg) style=ftype-svg ;; *.bpg) style=ftype-bpg ;; *.webp) style=ftype-webp ;; *.png) style=ftype-png ;; *.pcx) style=ftype-pcx ;; *.mng) style=ftype-mng ;; *.eps) style=ftype-eps ;; *.emf) style=ftype-emf ;; *.dl) style=ftype-dl ;; *.CR2) style=ftype-CR2 ;; *.cgm) style=ftype-cgm ;; *.tiff) style=ftype-tiff ;; *.tif) style=ftype-tif ;; *.xpm) style=ftype-xpm ;; *.xbm) style=ftype-xbm ;; *.tga) style=ftype-tga ;; *.indd) style=ftype-indd ;; *.psd) style=ftype-psd ;; *.ppm) style=ftype-ppm ;; *.pgm) style=ftype-pgm ;; *.pbm) style=ftype-pbm ;; *.bmp) style=ftype-bmp ;; *.JPG) style=ftype-JPG ;; *.jpg) style=ftype-jpg ;; *.jpeg) style=ftype-jpeg ;; *.vdi) style=ftype-vdi ;; *.vmdk) style=ftype-vmdk ;; *.qcow2) style=ftype-qcow2 ;; *.qcow) style=ftype-qcow ;; *.war) style=ftype-war ;; *.sar) style=ftype-sar ;; *.jar) style=ftype-jar ;; *.ear) style=ftype-ear ;; *.arj) style=ftype-arj ;; *.xpi) style=ftype-xpi ;; *.udeb) style=ftype-udeb ;; *.rpm) style=ftype-rpm ;; *.pkg) style=ftype-pkg ;; *.msi) style=ftype-msi ;; *.jad) style=ftype-jad ;; *.gem) style=ftype-gem ;; *.egg) style=ftype-egg ;; *.deb) style=ftype-deb ;; *.cab) style=ftype-cab ;; *.apk) style=ftype-apk ;; *.zoo) style=ftype-zoo ;; *.ZIP) style=ftype-ZIP ;; *.zip) style=ftype-zip ;; *.Z) style=ftype-Z ;; *.Z) style=ftype-Z ;; *.z) style=ftype-z ;; *.z) style=ftype-z ;; *.xz) style=ftype-xz ;; *.tzo) style=ftype-tzo ;; *.tz) style=ftype-tz ;; *.txz) style=ftype-txz ;; *.tlz) style=ftype-tlz ;; *.tgz) style=ftype-tgz ;; *.tbz2) style=ftype-tbz2 ;; *.tbz) style=ftype-tbz ;; *.taz) style=ftype-taz ;; *.tar) style=ftype-tar ;; *.t7z) style=ftype-t7z ;; *.rz) style=ftype-rz ;; *.rar) style=ftype-rar ;; *.lzma) style=ftype-lzma ;; *.lzh) style=ftype-lzh ;; *.lz4) style=ftype-lz4 ;; *.lz) style=ftype-lz ;; *.lrz) style=ftype-lrz ;; *.lha) style=ftype-lha ;; *.alp) style=ftype-alp ;; *.gz) style=ftype-gz ;; *.dz) style=ftype-dz ;; *.cpio) style=ftype-cpio ;; *.bz2) style=ftype-bz2 ;; *.bz) style=ftype-bz ;; *.arj) style=ftype-arj ;; *.arc) style=ftype-arc ;; *.alz) style=ftype-alz ;; *.ace) style=ftype-ace ;; *.7z) style=ftype-7z ;; *.cmd) style=ftype-cmd ;; *.bat) style=ftype-bat ;; *.bin) style=ftype-bin ;; *.btm) style=ftype-btm ;; *.com) style=ftype-com ;; *.exe) style=ftype-exe ;; #--[ End of ftype array ]------@@@@ *) if false; then elif [[ $arg = $'\x7d' ]] && $right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere; then # Parsing rule: } # # Additionally, `tt(})' is recognized in any position if neither the # tt(IGNORE_BRACES) option nor the tt(IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES) option is set. _zsh_highlight_main__stack_pop 'Y' style=reserved-word if [[ $style == reserved-word ]]; then next_word+=':always:' fi elif [[ $arg[0,1] = $histchars[0,1] ]] && (( $#arg[0,2] == 2 )); then style=history-expansion elif [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR:#"$arg"} ]]; then if [[ $this_word == *':regular:'* ]]; then style=commandseparator else style=unknown-token fi elif (( in_redirection == 2 )); then style=redirection else _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_argument already_added=1 fi ;; esac fi if ! (( already_added )); then _zsh_highlight_main_add_region_highlight $start_pos $end_pos $style fi if [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR:#"$arg"} ]]; then if [[ $arg == ';' ]] && $in_array_assignment; then # literal newline inside an array assignment next_word=':regular:' else next_word=':start:' highlight_glob=true fi elif [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_CONTROL_FLOW:#"$arg"} && $this_word == *':start:'* ]] || [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS:#"$arg"} && $this_word == *':start:'* ]]; then next_word=':start:' elif [[ $arg == "repeat" && $this_word == *':start:'* ]]; then # skip the repeat-count word in_redirection=2 # The redirection mechanism assumes $this_word describes the word # following the redirection. Make it so. # # That word can be a command word with shortloops (`repeat 2 ls`) # or a command separator (`repeat 2; ls` or `repeat 2; do ls; done`). # # The repeat-count word will be handled like a redirection target. this_word=':start::regular:' fi start_pos=$end_pos if (( in_redirection == 0 )); then # This is the default/common codepath. this_word=$next_word else # Stall $this_word. fi done } # Check if $arg is variable assignment _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_assign() { setopt localoptions extended_glob [[ $arg == [[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]#(|\[*\])(|[+])=* ]] || [[ $arg == [0-9]##(|[+])=* ]] } _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_path_separators() { local pos style_pathsep style_pathsep=$1_pathseparator reply=() [[ -z "$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style_pathsep]" || "$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$1]" == "$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style_pathsep]" ]] && return 0 for (( pos = start_pos; $pos <= end_pos; pos++ )) ; do if [[ $BUFFER[pos] == / ]]; then reply+=($((pos - 1)) $pos $style_pathsep) fi done } # Check if $arg is a path. # If yes, return 0 and in $REPLY the style to use. # Else, return non-zero (and the contents of $REPLY is undefined). _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path() { _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_expand_path $arg; local expanded_path="$REPLY" tmp_path REPLY=path # [[ -d $expanded_path ]] && return 0 [[ -z $expanded_path ]] && return 1 [[ -L $expanded_path ]] && return 0 [[ -e $expanded_path ]] && return 0 # Check if this is a blacklisted path if [[ $expanded_path[1] == / ]]; then tmp_path=$expanded_path else tmp_path=$PWD/$expanded_path fi tmp_path=$tmp_path:a while [[ $tmp_path != / ]]; do [[ -n "${(M)X_ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_DIRS_BLACKLIST:#$tmp_path}" ]] && return 1 tmp_path=$tmp_path:h done # Search the path in CDPATH local cdpath_dir for cdpath_dir in $cdpath ; do # [[ -d "$cdpath_dir/$expanded_path" ]] && return 0 [[ -e "$cdpath_dir/$expanded_path" ]] && return 0 done # If dirname($arg) doesn't exist, neither does $arg. [[ ! -d ${expanded_path:h} ]] && return 1 # If this word ends the buffer, check if it's the prefix of a valid path. if [[ ${BUFFER[1]} != "-" && $pure_buf_len == $end_pos ]] && [[ $WIDGET != zle-line-finish ]]; then local -a tmp tmp=( ${expanded_path}*(N) ) (( $#tmp > 0 )) && REPLY=path_prefix && return 0 fi # It's not a path. return 1 } # Highlight an argument and possibly special chars in quotes # This command will at least highlight start_pos to end_pos with the default style _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_argument() { local base_style=default i path_eligible=1 style local -a highlights reply local -a match mbegin mend local MATCH; integer MBEGIN MEND if [[ $arg[1] == - ]]; then if [[ $arg[2] == - ]]; then base_style=double-hyphen-option else base_style=single-hyphen-option fi path_eligible=0 fi for (( i = 1 ; i <= end_pos - start_pos ; i += 1 )); do case "$arg[$i]" in "\\") (( i += 1 )); continue;; "'") _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_single_quote $i (( i = REPLY )) highlights+=($reply) ;; '"') _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_double_quote $i (( i = REPLY )) highlights+=($reply) ;; '`') _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_backtick $i (( i = REPLY )) highlights+=($reply) ;; '$') path_eligible=0 if [[ $arg[i+1] == "'" ]]; then path_eligible=1 _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_dollar_quote $i (( i = REPLY )) highlights+=($reply) continue fi while [[ $arg[i+1] == [\^=~#+] ]]; do (( i += 1 )) done if [[ $arg[i+1] == [*@#?$!-] ]]; then (( i += 1 )) fi;; *) if $highlight_glob && [[ ${arg[$i]} =~ ^[*?] || ${arg:$i-1} =~ ^\<[0-9]*-[0-9]*\> ]]; then highlights+=($(( start_pos + i - 1 )) $(( start_pos + i + $#MATCH - 1)) globbing) (( i += $#MATCH - 1 )) path_eligible=0 else continue fi ;; esac done if (( path_eligible )) && _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path; then base_style=$REPLY _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_path_separators $base_style highlights+=($reply) fi highlights=($start_pos $end_pos $base_style $highlights) _zsh_highlight_main_add_many_region_highlights $highlights } # Quote Helper Functions # # $arg is expected to be set to the current argument # $start_pos is expected to be set to the start of $arg in $BUFFER # $1 is the index in $arg which starts the quote # $REPLY is returned as the end of quote index in $arg # $reply is returned as an array of region_highlight additions # Highlight single-quoted strings _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_single_quote() { local arg1=$1 i q=\' style i=$arg[(ib:arg1+1:)$q] reply=() if [[ $zsyh_user_options[rcquotes] == on ]]; then while [[ $arg[i+1] == "'" ]]; do reply+=($(( start_pos + i - 1 )) $(( start_pos + i + 1 )) rc-quote) (( i++ )) i=$arg[(ib:i+1:)$q] done fi if [[ $arg[i] == "'" ]]; then style=single-quoted-argument else # If unclosed, i points past the end (( i-- )) style=single-quoted-argument-unclosed fi reply=($(( start_pos + arg1 - 1 )) $(( start_pos + i )) $style $reply) REPLY=$i } # Highlight special chars inside double-quoted strings _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_double_quote() { local -a match mbegin mend saved_reply local MATCH; integer MBEGIN MEND local i j k style reply=() for (( i = $1 + 1 ; i <= end_pos - start_pos ; i += 1 )) ; do (( j = i + start_pos - 1 )) (( k = j + 1 )) case "$arg[$i]" in '"') break;; '`') saved_reply=($reply) _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_backtick $i (( i = REPLY )) reply=($saved_reply $reply) continue ;; '$' ) style=dollar-double-quoted-argument # Look for an alphanumeric parameter name. if [[ ${arg:$i} =~ ^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*|[0-9]+) ]] ; then (( k += $#MATCH )) # highlight the parameter name (( i += $#MATCH )) # skip past it elif [[ ${arg:$i} =~ ^[{]([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*|[0-9]+)[}] ]] ; then (( k += $#MATCH )) # highlight the parameter name and braces (( i += $#MATCH )) # skip past it elif [[ $arg[i+1] == '$' ]]; then # $$ - pid (( k += 1 )) # highlight both dollar signs (( i += 1 )) # don't consider the second one as introducing another parameter expansion elif [[ $arg[i+1] == [-#*@?] ]]; then # $#, $*, $@, $?, $- - like $$ above (( k += 1 )) # highlight both dollar signs (( i += 1 )) # don't consider the second one as introducing another parameter expansion elif [[ $arg[i+1] == $'\x28' ]]; then # Highlight just the '$'. else continue fi ;; "\\") style=back-double-quoted-argument if [[ \\\`\"\$${histchars[1]} == *$arg[$i+1]* ]]; then (( k += 1 )) # Color following char too. (( i += 1 )) # Skip parsing the escaped char. else continue fi ;; ($histchars[1]) # ! - may be a history expansion if [[ $arg[i+1] != ('='|$'\x28'|$'\x7b'|[[:blank:]]) ]]; then style=history-expansion else continue fi ;; *) continue ;; esac reply+=($j $k $style) done if [[ $arg[i] == '"' ]]; then style=double-quoted-argument else # If unclosed, i points past the end (( i-- )) style=double-quoted-argument-unclosed fi reply=($(( start_pos + $1 - 1)) $(( start_pos + i )) $style $reply) REPLY=$i } # Highlight special chars inside dollar-quoted strings _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_dollar_quote() { local -a match mbegin mend local MATCH; integer MBEGIN MEND local i j k style local AA integer c reply=() for (( i = $1 + 2 ; i <= end_pos - start_pos ; i += 1 )) ; do (( j = i + start_pos - 1 )) (( k = j + 1 )) case "$arg[$i]" in "'") break;; "\\") style=back-dollar-quoted-argument for (( c = i + 1 ; c <= end_pos - start_pos ; c += 1 )); do [[ "$arg[$c]" != ([0-9xXuUa-fA-F]) ]] && break done AA=$arg[$i+1,$c-1] # Matching for HEX and OCT values like \0xA6, \xA6 or \012 if [[ "$AA" =~ "^(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}" || "$AA" =~ "^[0-7]{1,3}" || "$AA" =~ "^u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}" || "$AA" =~ "^U[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}" ]]; then (( k += $#MATCH )) (( i += $#MATCH )) else if (( $#arg > $i+1 )) && [[ $arg[$i+1] == [xXuU] ]]; then # \x not followed by hex digits is probably an error style=unknown-token fi (( k += 1 )) # Color following char too. (( i += 1 )) # Skip parsing the escaped char. fi ;; *) continue ;; esac reply+=($j $k $style) done if [[ $arg[i] == "'" ]]; then style=dollar-quoted-argument else # If unclosed, i points past the end (( i-- )) style=dollar-quoted-argument-unclosed fi reply=($(( start_pos + $1 - 1 )) $(( start_pos + i )) $style $reply) REPLY=$i } # Highlight backtick subshells _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_backtick() { local arg1=$1 i=$1 q=\` style reply=() while i=$arg[(ib:i+1:)$q]; [[ $arg[i-1] == '\' && $i -lt $(( end_pos - start_pos )) ]]; do done if [[ $arg[i] == '`' ]]; then style=back-quoted-argument else # If unclosed, i points past the end (( i-- )) style=back-quoted-argument-unclosed fi reply=($(( start_pos + arg1 - 1 )) $(( start_pos + i )) $style) REPLY=$i } # Called with a single positional argument. # Perform filename expansion (tilde expansion) on the argument and set $REPLY to the expanded value. # # Does not perform filename generation (globbing). _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_expand_path() { (( $# == 1 )) || print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: BUG: _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_expand_path: called without argument" # The $~1 syntax normally performs filename generation, but not when it's on the right-hand side of ${x:=y}. setopt localoptions nonomatch unset REPLY : ${REPLY:=${(Q)${~1}}} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main highlighter initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _zsh_highlight_main__precmd_hook() { _zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache=() } autoload -U add-zsh-hook if add-zsh-hook precmd _zsh_highlight_main__precmd_hook 2>/dev/null; then # Initialize command type cache typeset -gA _zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache else print -r -- >&2 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: Failed to load add-zsh-hook. Some speed optimizations will not be used.' # Make sure the cache is unset unset _zsh_highlight_main__command_type_cache fi typeset -ga X_ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_DIRS_BLACKLIST