chpwd() { if [[ -x ${BIN_HOME}/Z ]]; then [[ "${PWD}" -ef "${HOME}" ]] || Z -a "${PWD}" fi hash setup_prompt 2> /dev/null && setup_prompt } local readonly use_cope_path=false if [[ ${use_cope_path} == true ]]; then if [[ -x $(which cope_path 2> /dev/null) ]]; then # to prevent slow cope_path evaluation local copepath=$(cope_path) for i in "${copepath}"/*; alias $(basename ${i})=\"$i\" alias df="${copepath}/df -hT" else alias df="df -hT" fi else local copepath=${SCRIPT_HOME}/Cope for i in "${copepath}"/*; alias $(basename ${i})=\"$i\" alias df="${copepath}/df -hT" fi unset copepath zc(){ autoload -U zrecompile for z in ${ZDOTDIR}/*.zsh ${ZDOTDIR}/.zshrc; do zrecompile -p ${z} print $(zpref) $(zfwrap "${z}") rm -fv "${z}.zwc.old" done for f in ${zcompdumpfile}; zrecompile -p "${f}" && \ rm -f "${f}.zwc.old" source ${ZDOTDIR}/.zshrc } # grep for running process, like: 'any vime any() { emulate -L zsh unsetopt KSH_ARRAYS if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then if [[ -x $(which fzf-tmux) ]]; then ps xauwww | fzf-tmux fi else ps xauwww | grep --color=auto -i "[${1[1]}]${1[2,-1]}" fi } imv() { local src dst for src; do [[ -e ${src} ]] || { print -u2 "${src} does not exist"; continue } dst=${src} vared dst [[ ${src} != ${dst} ]] && mkdir -p ${dst:h} && mv -n ${src} ${dst} done } fasd_cache="${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/fasd-init-cache" if [ "$(command -v fasd)" -nt "${fasd_cache}" -o ! -s "${fasd_cache}" ]; then fasd --init auto >| "${fasd_cache}" fi source "${fasd_cache}" unset fasd_cache dropcache() { sync && command sudo /bin/zsh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' } lastfm_scrobbler_toggle(){ local is_run="active (running)" local use_mpdscribble=false if [[ use_mpdscribble == true ]]; then if [[ "$(systemctl --user status mpdscribble.service|grep -o "${is_run}")" != "" ]]; then systemctl --user stop mpdscribble =mpdscribble --conf ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mpdscribble/hextrick.conf --no-daemon &! else pkill mpdscribble systemctl --user start mpdscribble.service fi builtin printf "$(zpref) $(zfwrap "$(any mpdscribble | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$11))}'| sed "s|${HOME}|$fg[green]~|;s|/|$fg[blue]&$fg[white]|g")")\n" else if [[ "$(systemctl --user status mpdas.service|grep -o "${is_run}")" != "" ]]; then systemctl --user stop mpdas.service =mpdas -c ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mpdas/hextrick.rc 2&> /dev/null &! else pkill mpdas systemctl --user start mpdas.service fi builtin printf "$(zpref) $(zfwrap "$(any mpdas | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$11))}'| sed "s|${HOME}|$fg[green]~|;s|/|$fg[blue]&$fg[white]|g")")\n" fi unset is_run use_mpdscribble } pid2xid(){ wmctrl -lp | awk "\$3 == $(pgrep $1) {print \$1}" } ql(){ if [[ $1 != "" ]]; then local file=$(resolve_file "$1") local upload_dir=${HOME}/1st_level/upload/ cp "${file}" "${upload_dir}" && \ builtin printf "$(zfwrap ${file})\n" xsel -o <<< "${upload_dir}/$(basename ${file})" fi } which() { if [[ $# > 0 ]]; then if [[ -x /usr/bin/ccat ]]; then builtin which "$@" | ccat else builtin which "$@" fi fi } py23switch(){ python_path="$(which python)" if [[ $(basename $(readlink /usr/sbin/python)) == python3 ]]; then echo ':: set python (3 to 2) ::' sudo ln -fs /usr/sbin/python2 /usr/sbin/python && \ l ${python_path} elif [[ $(basename $(readlink /usr/sbin/python)) == python2 ]]; then echo ':: set python (2 to 3) ::' sudo ln -fs /usr/sbin/python3 /usr/sbin/python && \ l ${python_path} fi } local noglob_list=( fc find {,s,l}ftp history locate rake rsync scp eix {z,m}mv wget clive{,scan} youtube-{dl,viewer} translate links{,2} lynx you-get bower pip task ) local rlwrap_list=( bigloo clisp irb guile bb ) local sudo_list=({u,}mount ch{mod,own} modprobe i7z aircrack-ng) local user_commands=( list-units is-active status show help list-unit-files is-enabled list-jobs show-environment cat ) local systemctl_sudo_commands=( start stop reload restart try-restart isolate kill reset-failed enable disable reenable preset mask unmask link load cancel set-environment unset-environment edit ) local logind_sudo_list=( reboot halt poweroff ) local nocorrect_commands=( ebuild gist heroku hpodder man mkdir mv mysql sudo ) for c in ${user_commands}; do; alias sc-${c}="systemctl ${c}"; done for c in ${systemctl_sudo_commands}; do; alias sc-${c}="sudo systemctl ${c}"; done for i in ${sudo_list[@]}; alias "${i}=sudo ${i}"; for i in ${noglob_list[@]}; alias "${i}=noglob ${i}"; for i in ${rlwrap_list[@]}; alias "${i}=rlwrap ${i}"; for i in ${nocorrect_list[@]}; alias "${i}=nocorrect ${i}"; [[ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]] && sysctl_pref="systemctl" for i in ${logind_sudo_list[@]}; alias "${i}=sudo ${sysctl_pref} ${i}" unset noglob_list rlwrap_list sudo_list sys_sudo_list if [[ ! -x "${BIN_HOME}/l" ]] && [[ ! -x $(which l) ]]; then alias l="ls -aChkopl --group-directories-first --color=auto" else alias l='l -g' fi alias ls="ls --color=auto" # do we have GNU ls with color-support? alias s="sudo" alias x='xargs' alias e="mimeo" alias u='umount' alias magnet2torrent="aria2c -q --bt-metadata-only --bt-save-metadata" mp(){ for i; vid_fancy_print "${i}" mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --vo=gpu "$@" > ${HOME}/tmp/mpv.log } alias mpa="mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --vo=gpu "$@" -mute > ${HOME}/tmp/mpv.log" alias mpA="mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --vo=gpu "$@" -fs -ao null > ${HOME}/tmp/mpv.log" alias mpi="mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --vo=gpu --interpolation=yes --tscale='oversample' --video-sync='display-resample' "$@" > ${HOME}/tmp/mpv.log" alias love="mpc sendmessage mpdas love" alias unlove="mpc sendmessage mpdas unlove" alias grep="grep --color=auto" alias rg="rg --colors 'match:fg:magenta' --colors 'line:fg:cyan'" alias mutt="dtach -A ${HOME}/1st_level/mutt.session neomutt" alias pstop='ps -eo cmd,fname,pid,pcpu,time --sort=-pcpu | head -n 11 && echo && ps -eo cmd,fname,pid,pmem,rss --sort=-rss | head -n 9' alias '?=bc -l <<<' ??() { curl -s$@ } alias {z,m}mv="noglob zmv -Wn" alias mv="mv -i" alias mk="mkdir -p" alias rd="rmdir" alias acpi="acpi -V" alias se="patool extract" alias pk="patool create" alias url-quote='autoload -U url-quote-magic ; zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic' if hash git 2>/dev/null; then alias gs='git status --short -b' alias gp='git push' alias gdd='git diff' alias gc='git commit' # intra_line_diff='--word-diff-regex="[^[:space:]]|([[:alnum:]]|UTF_8_GUARD)+"' intra_line_less='LESS="-R +/-\]|\{\+"' # jump directly to changes in diffs alias gdiff="${intra_line_less} git diff ${intra_line_diff}" alias gdiff2="git diff -w -U0 --word-diff-regex=[^[:space:]]" # commit staged changes with the given message alias gcm='git commit -m' git_confclicts() { # list all conflicted files alias gkl='git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | uniq' # add changes from all conflicted files alias gka='git add $(gkl)' # edit conflicted files alias gke='vim +"set hlsearch" +"/^[<=>]\{7\}/\( \|$\)" $(gkl)' # use local version of the given files alias gko='git checkout --$(test -f .git/MERGE_HEAD && echo ours || echo theirs) --' # use local version of all conflicted files alias gkO='gko $(gkl)' # use upstream version of the given files alias gkt='git checkout --$(test -f .git/MERGE_HEAD && echo theirs || echo ours) --' # use upstream version of all conflicted files alias gkT='gkt $(gkl)' } eval "$(hub alias -s)" [[ -x ${SCRIPT_HOME}/git-cal ]] && alias git-cal=${SCRIPT_HOME}/git-cal fi for i in x q Q; eval alias :${i}=\' exit\' alias iostat='iostat -mtx' alias yt="youtube-dl" alias ytt='you-get' yr(){ ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/i3/send bscratch toggle youtube sleep 1s echo "$@" | xsel -i xdotool key shift+Insert } alias qe='cd *(/om[1])' if hash ccat > /dev/null; then alias {cat,hi}='ccat -G String="_default_" -G Plaintext="white" -G Punctuation="blue" -G Literal="fuscia" -G Keyword="fuscia" 2>/dev/null' fi alias history='history 0' alias objdump='objdump -M intel -d' alias memgrind='valgrind --tool=memcheck "$@" --leak-check=full' alias cal="task calendar" if [[ $(whence python) != "" ]]; then urlencode() { python -c "import sys, urllib; print(urllib.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]))" } urldecode() { python -c "import sys, urllib; print(urllib.unquote_plus(sys.argv[1]))" } elif [[ $(whence xxd) != "" ]]; then urlencode() { echo $@ | tr -d "\n" | xxd -plain | sed "s/\(..\)/%\1/g" } urldecode() { printf $(echo -n $@ | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\(%\)\([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\)/\\x\2/g')"\n" } fi zleiab() { declare -A abk abk=( 'G' '|& rg -i ' 'C' '| wc -l' 'H' '| head' 'T' '| tail' 'N' '&>/dev/null' 'S' '| sort -h ' 'V' '|& nvim -' "jk" "!-2$" "j2" "!-3$" "j3" "!-4$" ) emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local MATCH matched_chars='[.-|_a-zA-Z0-9]#' LBUFFER=${LBUFFER%%(#m)[.-|_a-zA-Z0-9]#} LBUFFER+=${abk[$MATCH]:-$MATCH} } zle -N zleiab hash journalctl > /dev/null && { alias log='journalctl -f | ccze -A' #follow log } hash iotop > /dev/null && { alias iotop='sudo iotop -oPa' alias diskact="sudo iotop -Po" } hash nc > /dev/null && alias nyan='nc -v 23' alias twitch="streamlink -p mpv$1 720p60" alias recordmydesktop="recordmydesktop --no-frame" alias up="rtv -s unixporn" alias taco='curl -L' alias starwars='telnet' alias -s Dockerfile="docker build - < " pacnews() { sudo find /etc -name '*.pacnew' | sed -e 's|^/etc/||' -e 's/.pacnew$//' } alias pkglist="comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq | sort) <(pacman -Qgq base base-devel | sort)" # upload to imgur with modified zmwangx/imgur if [[ ${USE_IMGUR_QT} ]]; then alias img="imgur-upload $@" else alias img="imgur-screenshot $@" fi alias @r=${SCRIPT_HOME}/music_rename v(){ ~/bin/v --remote-silent "$@" } gv(){ ~/bin/v --remote-silent ./ ~/bin/v --remote-send ":ProjectRootCD" ~/bin/v --remote-send ":Gitv" } [[ -x =nvim ]] && alias vim=nvim [[ ${DISPLAY} ]] && alias nvim=v alias ip='ip -c' alias fd='fd -H' alias куищще='reboot' alias учше='exit' alias :й=':q' mimemap() { default=${1}; shift for i in $@; do alias -s ${i}=${default}; done } alias sp='cdu -idh -s -r -c "#"' allip(){ netstat -lantp \ | grep ESTABLISHED \ | awk '{print }' \ | awk -F: '{print }' \ | sort -u } flac2mp3(){ for infile in "$@"; do [[ "${infile}" != *.flac ]] && continue album="$(metaflac --show-tag=album "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" artist="$(metaflac --show-tag=artist "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" date="$(metaflac --show-tag=date "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" title="$(metaflac --show-tag=title "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" year="$(metaflac --show-tag=date "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" genre="$(metaflac --show-tag=genre "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" tracknumber="$(metaflac --show-tag=tracknumber "${infile}" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')" flac --decode --stdout "${infile}" | lame -b 320 --add-id3v2 \ --tt "${title}" \ --ta "${artist}" \ --tl "${album}" \ --ty "${year}" \ --tn "${tracknumber}" \ --tg "${genre}" - "${infile%.flac}.mp3" done } fun::fonts(){ alias 2023='toilet -f future' alias gaym='toilet --gay -f mono9 -t' alias gayf='toilet --gay -f future -t' alias gayt='toilet --gay -f term -t' alias gayp='toilet --gay -f pagga -t' alias metm='toilet --metal -f mono9 -t' alias metf='toilet --metal -f future -t' alias mett='toilet --metal -f term -t' alias metp='toilet --metal -f pagga -t' alias 3d='figlet -f 3d' } +strip_trailing_workspaces(){ sed ${1:+-i} 's/\s\+$//' "$@" } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # ZLE-related stuff inplace_mk_dirs() { # Press ctrl-xM to create the directory under the cursor or the selected area. # To select an area press ctrl-@ or ctrl-space and use the cursor. # Use case: you type "mv abc ~/testa/testb/testc/" and remember that the # directory does not exist yet -> press ctrl-XM and problem solved local PATHTOMKDIR if ((REGION_ACTIVE==1)); then local F=$MARK T=$CURSOR if [[ $F -gt $T ]]; then F=${CURSOR} T=${MARK} fi # get marked area from buffer and eliminate whitespace PATHTOMKDIR=${BUFFER[F+1,T]%%[[:space:]]##} PATHTOMKDIR=${PATHTOMKDIR##[[:space:]]##} else local bufwords iword bufwords=(${(z)LBUFFER}) iword=${#bufwords} bufwords=(${(z)BUFFER}) PATHTOMKDIR="${(Q)bufwords[iword]}" fi [[ -z "${PATHTOMKDIR}" ]] && return 1 PATHTOMKDIR=${~PATHTOMKDIR} if [[ -e "${PATHTOMKDIR}" ]]; then zle -M " path already exists, doing nothing" else zle -M "$(mkdir -p -v "${PATHTOMKDIR}")" zle end-of-line fi } # thx to 75%() { mogrify -resize '75%X75%' "$@" ; } 50%() { mogrify -resize '50%X50%' "$@" ; } 25%() { mogrify -resize '25%X25%' "$@" ; } # just type '...' to get '../..' rationalise-dot() { local MATCH if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^|/| | |'$'\n''|\||;|&)\.\.$' ]]; then LBUFFER+=/ zle self-insert zle self-insert else zle self-insert fi } zle -N rationalise-dot # run command line as user root via sudo: sudo-command-line () { [[ -z $BUFFER ]] && zle up-history if [[ ${BUFFER} != sudo\ * ]]; then BUFFER="sudo ${BUFFER}" CURSOR=$(( CURSOR+5 )) fi } zle -N sudo-command-line fg-widget() { stty icanon echo -inlcr < /dev/tty stty lnext '^V' quit '^\' susp '^Z' < /dev/tty zle reset-prompt if jobs %- >/dev/null 2>&1; then fg %- else fg fi } zle -N fg-widget __expand-alias() { zle _expand_alias zle self-insert } expand_aliases() { zle -N __expand-alias bindkey -M main ' ' __expand-alias } up-one-dir() { pushd .. 2> /dev/null; zle redisplay; zle -M $(pwd); } back-one-dir() { popd 2> /dev/null; zle redisplay; zle -M $(pwd); } zle -N up-one-dir zle -N back-one-dir magic-abbrev-expand() { local MATCH LBUFFER=${LBUFFER%%(#m)[_a-zA-Z0-9]#} LBUFFER+=${abbreviations[$MATCH]:-$MATCH} zle self-insert } no-magic-abbrev-expand() { LBUFFER+=' ' } slash-backward-kill-word () { local WORDCHARS="${WORDCHARS:s@/@}" zle backward-kill-word } zle -N slash-backward-kill-word