clear echo ARCH LINUX CUSTOM echo It is currently `date +"%H%M hours %Z, %A %B %d, 0%Y"`. echo User $USER on $TERM displaying `tty`, echo Running `uname -s -r`. echo alias cw="wmctrl -a" #Short for "change window;" type cw and a substring of a window name and if your window manager respects hints you will be transported there alias stick="wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,sticky" #This will make the terminal window sticky across all workspaces/segments of the virtual desktop, if your wm respects standard hints alias vi="vim" # Yeah, how could I not, right? Typing "vim" feels as unnatural as saying "vee aye em" like that bald guy on youtube does. alias sudo="doas" # That bald guy is right about this one thing, though: sudo is bloat. Doas is much superior for most use cases, though on occasion sudo is better. alias search="pacman -Ss" alias update="sudo pacman -Syu" alias install="sudo pacman -S" #replace these with your distro's corresponding package manager commands alias sl="iwctl station list" #This is to see the status of the wifi card. alias pg="ping -c 5" #This is my preferred way to check if the local network is being slow alias run="./a.out" #Should be self-explanatory autoload -U compinit export PS1="(%l) %~ %# " #Makes a prompt string of the form "(pts/[n]) [short path] % " export RPROMPT="%D{%k%M}" #makes the twenty-four hour time hover across from your prompt. wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -T `tty` 2> /dev/null #sets the name of your terminal to the path of the pseudo-terminal slave that it's connected to, allowing you to say, e.g. # "cw 1" and if there isn't some window with a 1 in its name (hasn't happened to me yet), the terminal connected to /dev/pts/1 will be raised and focused and you will be transported to it.