So I’m not a BSD girl (I had a bad experience once, but I think it’s mostly because I installed a 32-bit ISO back when I was a newb so it was a legacy version. I thought my old HP Notebook 2000 was 32-bit for some reason. W/ever.) but the OpenBSD people hit the nail on the head with this one. I like VTWM in some regards but it’s very old and doesn’t behave right a lot of the time.
CWM does a lot of what I liked about my VTWM setup out of the box: titleless windows, UWM-like mouse+mod controls, multiple workspaces, et cetera, but without the infinite configurability that made VTWM a real time sink for a compulsive hacker like me.
My ONLY ONLY complaint is that it does not play nice enough with Picom to allow transparency, shadows, et cet. I have a legacy AUR compton package installed, which I’m sure isn’t good to do, but it does what Picom'nt.
I use it with i3status + Xmobar.
Some notes:
I use st, pcmanfm and rofi. You may want to replace these with your preferred term, file browser and launcher.