#Only edit this in a UTF-8 environment yada yada, funny German S symbol yada yada yada general { colors = true interval = 2 output_format = "xmobar" separator = " " } order += "wireless _first_" order += "battery all" order += "disk /" order += "disk /home" order += "volume master" wireless _first_ { format_up = " Wireless: (%quality at %essid) at address %ip" format_down = " !! Wireless: down" } battery all { format = "Battery: %status at %percentage, %remaining hours remain" status_chr = "Charging" status_bat = "Discharging" status_unk = "????" low_threshold = 20 } #status_unk is acpi "unknown" status flag. I see this more than I care to admit but my laptop is brand new so it probably doesn't mean anything disk "/" { format = "Root partition %free free;" } disk "/home" { format = "home partition %free free" } #Delete the preceeding section if you don't have separate / and /home partitions. #But sweetie you should. volume master { format = " Volume: %volume " format_muted = " MUTE " device = "default" mixer = "Master" mixer_idx = 0 }