1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | if [[ "$LOGNAME" == "rabbit" ]]
if [[ "`tty`" == "/dev/tty1" ]]
echo ls -1 /home/rabbit/.sessions | /bin/sh | termenu | read sessionpath
if [[ "$sessionpath" == "5 Console" ]]
startx /home/rabbit/.sessions/"$sessionpath"/init
I wrote this while dead drunk and revised it later; this is a pure xorg-xinit-based display management system that displays a menu (using termenu) and launches a WM or falls through to the console
If you dislike the footprint and lack of hackability of a display manager/session manager, this is an easy solution that allows you to run your favorite window manager with a single keystroke after logging in, but also gives you the option to run something else instead. As each entry in the menu is a folder containing a xinitrc script, setting up a window manager is as easy as creating a folder and writing or dropping in a script.
To install:
Install termenu (
pip install termenu
)Create the directory ~/.sessions
For each window manager you have installed, create a subdirectory in .sessions of the format “1 Calm Window Manager”, “2 dwm”, “3 some other Window Manager” and so on. Strictly speaking they don’t have to be numbered but I like being able to control the sorting order
Create an empty folder called something like “[N] Console” where N is wherever you want a console session to fall in the list. Or don’t, if you don’t need the option to fall through to a console. A nice alternative is just invoking your favorite terminal without a window manager, while specifying geometry to fill the screen.
Make a xinitrc file called “init” for each wm and place it in the corresponding folder
Edit the following file replacing “rabbit” with your username and “5 Console” with whatever you named the empty folder
With root privileges place it in /etc/profile.d, where it will be the last profile script run on login.
I suggest having a .commonrc script that is sourced in each init file which does the configuration common to each WM
May need to edit /dev/tty1 to /dev/tty7 or something on a lot of mainline distros that use systemd-logind; I use Arch, which has logind configured to put the first session on /dev/tty1