require("shifty") layouts = { awful.layout.suit.floating, awful.layout.suit.tile, awful.layout.suit.tile.left, awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom,, awful.layout.suit.fair, awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, awful.layout.suit.magnifier } mytags = { "☉", "⌨", "☐", "☷", "♪", "⚈", "⌘", "⌥" } -- All have init = true, because trying to move a client to a not-yet-created -- tag seems to be problematic, i.e. takes two attempts shifty.config.tags = { [mytags[1]] = { position = 1, init = true, layout = "floating", }, [mytags[2]] = { position = 2, init = true, layout = "floating", }, [mytags[3]] = { position = 3, init = true, layout = "tilebottom", mwfact = 0.7, }, [mytags[4]] = { position = 4, init = true, layout = "tiletop", }, [mytags[5]] = { position = 5, }, [mytags[6]] = { position = 6, }, [mytags[7]] = { position = 7, mwfact = 0.1943359375, layout = "tileleft", }, [mytags[8]] = { position = 8, }, } local tags = shifty.config.tags shifty.config.apps = { { match = { "Firefox.*", "xchat", "liferea", }, tag = mytags[1], }, { match = { "geany" }, tag = mytags[2], }, { match = { "gimp%-toolbox" }, float = false, tag = mytags[7], slave = false, }, { match = { "gimp%-image%-window" }, tag = mytags[7], slave = true, }, { match = { "color%-dialog" }, float = true, }, -- Heck, if it has dialog in the name, safe to assume it should float { match = { ".*dialog.*" }, float = true, }, { match = { "inkscape", "Blender" }, tag = mytags[7], maximized_horizontal = true, maximized_vertical = true, }, { match = { "devhelp", "evince" }, tag = mytags[4], maximized_horizontal = true, maximized_vertical = true, }, { match = { "banshee", "totem", "gmpc", "vlc", }, tag = mytags[5], }, { match = { "sakura", }, tag = mytags[3], }, { match = { "Pidgin", "File Operation Progress", "pinentry", "Thunderbird", }, float = true, }, { match = { "" }, buttons = awful.util.table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end), awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move), awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)), border_width = beautiful.border_width, border_color = beautiful.border_color, focus = true, }, } shifty.config.defaults = { layout = "floating", run = function(tag) naughty.notify({ text = "Created " .. }) end, } shifty.config.layouts = layouts shifty.config.guess_name = false shifty.config.guess_position = false