poor (scrot, raw, dl)
SevenChord Feb 23, 2015 (mpd/ncmpcpp)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | ##### connection settings #####
mpd_host = "localhost"
mpd_port = "6600"
mpd_music_dir = "/mnt/data//Music/"
##### timeouts and delays #####
mpd_crossfade_time = "2"
playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "3"
message_delay_time = "2"
##### visualizer settins #####
visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
visualizer_output_name = "visualizer"
visualizer_sync_interval = "1"
visualizer_type = "wave" (spectrum/wave)
visualizer_color = "red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,red"
song_status_format = "$2%a $7• $4%t $7• $3%b {}$7• $5%y$7"
now_playing_prefix = "$b$8»$2»$4»$3» "
now_playing_suffix = "$/b"
playlist_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
autocenter_mode = "yes"
progressbar_look = "─╼·"
header_visibility = "no"
statusbar_visibility = "yes"
titles_visibility = "no"
cyclic_scrolling = "yes"
jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes"
display_bitrate = "yes"
ignore_leading_the = "yes"
mouse_support = "yes"
enable_window_title = "no"
external_editor = "vim"
use_console_editor = "yes"
##### colors definitions #####
empty_tag_color = "red"
header_window_color = "cyan"
volume_color = "red"
state_line_color = "cyan"
color1 = "default"
color2 = "green"
progressbar_color = "cyan"
statusbar_color = "cyan"
alternative_ui_separator_color = "cyan"
5ud0 said about 7 years ago
How did you get the controls in menu bar?