guest@dotshare [~/news] $ cat

-rw-rw-r-- Anomareh dotshare Jun 28 10:13

Multi-File Support

Not sure which file of your awesome config to post?

Not sure whether or not you should combine your organized config into one monster file to submit it?

DotShare now allows multi-file dots! With this, some dots can be made up of quite a few files. We tried to strike a balance between making the information available while not cramming it all in your face at once. We’d love to know what you think and if you run into any issues please let us know.

What’s to come? We plan to enhance multi-file support with file independent syntax highlighting and group downloading of multi-file dots.

Multi-File Support

Lightbox Gallery Improvements

Also with this update, we’ve improved the lightbox galleries on the site. The titles now display (and link to) more.

Lightbox Gallery Title


Also, we are now on Twitter! Follow us to get updates (e.g. new categories) and tweet us your feedback and category requests.


crshd said about 13 years ago

Yay, I’m famous!

chimpy said about 13 years ago

You were already famous! :o

edited about 13 years ago

randalltux said about 11 years ago

lol :D