guest@dotshare [~/groups] $ ls -R

  • That dot does not exist.

Moar dots!

Title Category User Date comments  
vimrc (vim/rc) Maran Aug 31, 2024   scrot
vimrc (vim/rc) Maran Aug 31, 2024   scrot
zshrc (misc/misc) Maran Aug 31, 2024   scrot
oldriceputin (terms/colors) pyratebeard Jan 22, 2024   scrot
Shortcuts - Nov 11 23 (misc/misc) Maran Nov 11, 2023   scrot
ooze (terms/colors) pyratebeard Aug 04, 2023   scrot
ncmpcpp configuration (mpd/ncmpcpp) sharpicx May 02, 2023   scrot
my new zsh configuration (shells/zsh) sharpicx Apr 28, 2023    
tmux configuration (terms/tmux) sharpicx Apr 28, 2023   scrot
acidwitch (terms/colors) pyratebeard Jan 31, 2023   scrot
ratpoisons sibling (wms/stumpwm) gksudo Sep 13, 2022   scrot
hellfire (terms/colors) pyratebeard Jul 14, 2022   scrot
otherideas (wms/herbstluft) pyratebeard Jul 05, 2022 1 scrot
otherideas (terms/colors) pyratebeard Jul 05, 2022   scrot
no rats were harmed (wms/ratpoison) gksudo May 30, 2022   scrot
my tmux config (terms/tmux) sharpicx Apr 28, 2022   scrot
archicx-zsh (shells/zsh) sharpicx Apr 28, 2022    
NekoCafe (wms/bspwm) shikikanneko08 Dec 21, 2021   scrot
Aqua Blue - BSPWM + Polybar (wms/bspwm) thepiguy Dec 20, 2021   scrot
Alias (shells/bash) Maran Dec 15, 2021    
Neovim (vim/rc) Maran Dec 15, 2021 1 scrot
maran's bashrc (shells/bash) Maran Dec 15, 2021   scrot
My xinitrc menu system (misc/misc) rabbit386 Nov 16, 2021    
i3status + xmobar (misc/misc) rabbit386 Oct 18, 2021   scrot
My .cwmrc (misc/misc) rabbit386 Oct 07, 2021   scrot
Useful .zshrc (shells/zsh) rabbit386 Oct 07, 2021    
Archlinux+i3 gaps+polybar+rofi_theme (wms/i3) simurgh Sep 20, 2021   scrot
i3wm raspberry minimalist blue (wms/i3) sasasa Aug 27, 2021   scrot
beakers i3-gaps (wms/i3) beaker106 Jul 19, 2021   scrot
Basics for shell customization (shells/bash) wwwgem May 18, 2021    
Basics for shell customization (shells/zsh) wwwgem May 18, 2021    
archicx | bspwm (wms/bspwm) sharpicx May 16, 2021   scrot
i3config (wms/i3) unixbhaskar May 14, 2021    
mutiny (terms/colors) pyratebeard Mar 11, 2021   scrot
Basic word processor in Vim (vim/rc) rabbit386 Mar 01, 2021    
Rabbit's .vtwmrc (VTWM) (misc/misc) rabbit386 Feb 17, 2021   scrot
my init.vim (vim/rc) idm Jan 30, 2021    
TN_Blue (terms/colors) themooleman Dec 28, 2020   scrot
Black Slack (info/conky) marav Dec 25, 2020 1 scrot
Simplified awesomewm (wms/awesome) linuxkitty Nov 29, 2020   scrot
My tmux-like workflow config (emacs/config) linuxkitty Nov 29, 2020    
bspwm (wms/bspwm) stbandera Nov 19, 2020    
darkmachine (terms/colors) pyratebeard Nov 06, 2020   scrot
Updated Larbs (wms/dwm) void00r Oct 30, 2020   scrot
ALauncher Dmenu Script to Launch AppImges (misc/misc) void00r Oct 30, 2020 1 scrot
омари (terms/colors) l0bster Oct 14, 2020 1 scrot
.bashrc (shells/bash) ice Oct 12, 2020    
i3 + i3blocks + rofi (wms/i3) ice Oct 12, 2020   scrot
Compton (misc/misc) ice Oct 12, 2020    
.Xdefaults (misc/misc) ice Oct 12, 2020   scrot
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